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  NordicBots Documentation

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NordicBots Documentation


Welcome to the Nordicbots Documentation page! This page should contain all information you will need when using/requesting a NordicBots bot. Below is a list of contents, click on the name of a section to jump there:

General information - Shows general information about our bots. Goes into detail on subjects as requesting, identification, userlevels, etc.

Global commands - Lists all commands that aren't related to channels.

Channel-related commands - Lists all commands you can use on/for a channel.

Channel settings - Lists all the available settings for a channel.

Miscellaneous commands - Lists all the available public commands and some important information about votes, quotes, triggers, commandchar etc.

General information

Getting a bot

If you don't have a bot in your channel yet, and you want one, then you can request one. Requests can be made through the Web request page. However, before you request a bot, please read our Rules carefully! You can use IRC request too by joining #NordicBots and using /msg NB-Request request <#channel> <botnick> <email>. You have to be authed to request a bot.

Channel banned?

If your channel is banned from our service you can get the following replies from our bot when you try to request:
- #yourchannel has been blocked from requesting! - It will automatically expires after 7 days.
- #yourchannel has been badchanneled in our botservice! - This is the worse case. This ban can be very long.
If you do not have any idea why your channel is banned from our service, please join #NordicBots and contact a staff member for more information.

Moving your bot to a different channel

If you want to move your bot from one of your channels to another, you will need to join #NordicBots and type: !move #oldchan #newchan. Only owners can move the bot. When you move your bot it will keep the userlist and the channel settings (including stats). If you don't want to keep the stats you can ask any staff member to reset them.

Changing your bot

If you get tired of your bot's nick then you can change it to another available bot easily by using /msg <bot> CHANGEBOT <#channel> <newbot> Before you try to change your bot please check the list of available bots here. All settings will stay the same.

Removing your bot

When the channel for some reason is being closed or not used anymore or you just don't need your bot, please join #NordicBots and type: !remove <#channel> <reason> to remove your bot. Only owners can remove the bot.
If you don't remove your bot properly (using the !remove command) your channel will be suspended.

Channel suspended?

If you break our rules or somebody else in your channel does, we might suspend your channel. That means the bot will part your channel for usually 7 days, but keeps your settings/users. If not unsuspended within that period of time, it will automatically be removed. Owners of the channel will get an email about the suspend. You can check if your channel is suspended here. If your channel is suspended and you want to get your bot back, please join #NordicBots and ask any staff member to unsuspend your channel.


Our bots recognize you by your Q-AUTH (your AUTH for the QuakeNet Q bot). To use commands on our bots, you will need to be authed with Q first. After you have done that, you should be able to use the commands listed on this page. If the bot says that it doesn't know who you are, says that you aren't authed, or that you don't have access, try the following command:

/msg <bot> IDENT

Note: Bots will not reply after you issued this command (you will only receive a notice saying that the bot will check if you are authed), try using the commands again a few seconds after that, and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, feel free to ask for help in #NordicBots.

Bugs and features

If you have found a bug or you just have a good idea about a new feature, please post it in our Forum or join #NordicBots and contact a staff member.

User levels

The level of a user tells how much a user can do on a channel. The following levels are available:

FriendWill not be punished for doing 'bad things' (like flooding or advertising).
VoiceCan use the VOICE command to get voice (+v) on the channel and will automatically be voiced if CHANSET 'autovoice' is active.
OpCan use the OP command to get ops (+o) on the channel and will automatically be opped if CHANSET 'autoop' is active.
MasterCan change various channel settings through the CHANSET command. Can add users with the Friend, Voice or Op level.
OwnerHas full control over the channel. Can add users with the Master and Owner level.

Note: Most permissions are inherited, which means that someone with the Op level, will also not be kicked for doing 'bad things' and can use the VOICE command to get voice (+v) on a channel.


Global Commands

The following commands can be used through /msg <bot> <command>, for example: /msg <bot> help

Commands available to everyone

HELPGives full help on a particular bot command.
IDENTIdentifies you as a particular user on the bot (useful i.e if you have authed with Q after joining).
SHOWCOMMANDSLists all the commands that are available to you - WARNING: Big list!
VERSIONShows the current version of our botservice.
WHOAMIGives the bots' opinion on who you are.

Commands only available to users authed with Q (and recognized as such by our bots)

ACCESSTells anyone's access level on a channel.
ADDNOTEAdds a reminder for a specific date and time (currently only in Central European timezone).
EMAILSets your email-address, we will only send important messages to this email-address.
LISTNOTESLists all the notes you added with ADDNOTE.
WHOISGives the bots' opinion on who someone is.

Note: That's about it for the commands that are unrelated to channels. For a list of channel-related commands, check below.


Channel-related commands

The following commands can be used through /msg <bot> <command>, for example: /msg <bot> help

Commands only available to users with the 'Friend' level and higher

INVITEInvites you to the channel.
SETTOPICShows (or sets if you have the Master level or higher) the topic for the channel.

Commands only available to users with the 'Voice' level and higher

DEVOICERemoves your (or some other users' if you have the Op level or higher) voice (-v) on the channel.
VOICEGives you (or some other user if you have the Op level or higher) voice (+v) on the channel.

Commands only available to users with the 'Op' level and higher

BANSets a ban on the channel.
DEOPRemoves your (or some other users' if you have the Master level or higher) op (-o) on the channel.
KICKKicks someone from the channel.
OPGives you (or some other user if you have the Master level or higher) ops (+o) on the channel.
SAYMakes the bot say something on the channel.
UNBANRemoves a ban from the channel (and database).
UNBANALLRemoves ALL non-sticky bans from the channel.
UNBANMEUnbans you on the channel.

Commands only available to users with the 'Master' level and higher

ADDBADWORDAdds a badword, read below for information about badwords.
ADDTRIGGERAdds/updates a public trigger, read below for information about triggers.
CHANLEVThis is an alias to USERLEV and works/behaves the same way
CHANSETSets various channel settings, read below for a list of available settings.
CYCLEMakes the bot rejoin (part and join) the channel
DELALLBANSRemoves ALL bans from the channel
DELBADWORDRemoves a badword that was added with ADDBADWORD.
DELTRIGGERRemoves a public trigger that was added with ADDTRIGGER.
GREETSets someone's greet on the channel.
MODTRIGGERModifies a previously added trigger. Read below for information about triggers.
USERLEVSets someone's level on a channel, read above for a list of available levels.

Commands only available to users with the 'Owner' level

CHANGEBOTAllows you to replace the bot in your channel with another NordicBots bot. All settings will stay the same.


Channel Settings

The following settings can be set with the CHANSET command (which requires the Master or Owner level).
To activate a setting use: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> +<setting> [extra]
To deactivate a setting use: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> -<setting>

Available Settings

advertiseEnables anti-advertising which will warn/kick/ban users if they advertise. Read more about the warn/kick/ban settings here.
autoopAutomatically ops everyone with the 'Op' level or higher when they join the channel. Note: This will NOT op everyone, that's not possible with our bots and forbidden by our rules.
autovoiceAutomatically voices everyone with the 'Voice' level when they join the channel. Note: If you want to voice everyone, use the 'massvoice' setting.
badwordsEnables bad words functionality which will warn/kick/ban users if they use any added badword. Read more about the badwords system below.
bitchStops unauthorised people from getting ops on your channel by deoping them when someone ops them.
commandcharThis feature simplifies the use of certain commands by allowing you to use triggers like "!" and "?" for those commands (like !op, and ?kick). Read more about commandchar below.
dynamicbansRemove non-sticky bans [minutes] minute(s) after setting them on the channel (default: disabled, 5m). Read more about ban system below.
enforcebansKick users that match bans set by other users (default: enabled). Read more about ban system below.
floodEnables anti-flood which will warn/kick/ban users if they say more than <x> lines in <y> seconds. Read more about the warn/kick/ban settings here.
greetIf activated, the bot will greet users that have a greet-message stored for them (using the GREET command).
hidelogsEnable this feature if you want to activate the stats on your channel but rather not have people looking in your logs. This will make your logs hidden, deactivate it to make them visible again.
infobotEnables various commands such as !date and chaninfo?.
massvoiceAutomatically voices everyone matching the specified mask (by default this is everybody) when they join the channel.
modesMakes the bot set the given modes on the channel.
onjoinSets the onjoin notice that is sent to every user when they join (%n is replaced with the joiners nick, %p shows channel peak).
peakMakes the bot record the peak in your channel and activates the !peak command.
quotesWill enable the usage of quotes on the channel. Read more about the quote system below.
showbanbyIf set, shows the auth/nick of the user that set the ban when kicking. (default: enabled). Read more about ban system below.
statsIf activated, the bot will store logs for your channel and stats will be generated about every 3 hours. Read more below.
statslangAllows you to change the language in which stats are generated. Read below for a list of available languages.
timedquotesEnable this feature if you want the bot to show a random quote every few minutes.
timezoneSets the current timezone for your channel (for use with the !date command). Due to the Daylight Saving Time (DST) it probably will not show the correct time because there are countries which are not using DST.
topicIf activated, the bot will only allow masters/owners to change the topic.
tvEnables the !tv command which shows what's currently on Swedish TV.
userbansAllow (ALL) users to set bans by hand (else bans will need to be made through bot) (default: enabled). Read more about ban system below.
voteEnables the !vote command which allows users to start votes in your channel. Read more about the vote system below.

Statistics (stats)

Our bots can create statistics for your channel if you activate the 'stats' CHANSET (as explained above). For an example of how such a page looks, check here, these are the stats of our channel. There will also be a page displaying a log of activities in your channel, like shown here. If you want to hide the logs on your channel use the 'hidelogs' CHANSET (as explained above). This will make your logs hidden. If you deactivate it your logs will be visible again.

As explained above, you can use the 'statslang' CHANSET to change the language in which stats are generated, here's a list of the languages that are currently supported:

Albanian - al
Bulgarian - bg
Catalan - ca
Czech - cz
Danish - dk
Dutch - nl
Dutch (Flemish) - be
English - en
Estonian - ee
Finnish - fi
French - fr
German - de
Greek - gr
Hebrew - he
Hungarian - hu
Icelandic - is
Italian - it
Norwegian - no
Polish - pl
Portuguese - pt
Portuguese (Brazil) - br
Romanian - ro
Russian - ru
Serbian - yu
Slovak - sk
Slovenian - si
Spanish - es
Swedish - se
Turkish - tr

Note: If your language is not added and you want to translate it for us, feel free to contact an admin in #NordicBots.

Miscellaneous commands

Badwords/advertise/flood settings

You can enable the badwords mode with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> +badwords [type] [duration]
You can enable the advertise mode with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> +advertise [type] [duration]
You can enable the flood mode with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> +flood [lines:sec] [type] [duration]
As you can see, these settings have a few parameters which can be used, below is a list of the modes you can use:

warnWarns users.
warn+kickWarns users and second time kicks them.
warn+banWarns users and second time bans them. *
kickKicks users without warning them.
banBans users withouth warning them. *

Note: Functions marked with '*' use bans to get rid of the user. You can set the ban duration by filling the 'duration' parameter with the number of minutes you want to ban the user for, if you don't set a duration the default of 5 minutes is used.

Adding bad words

Once you have activated the channel setting, you can start adding badwords. Badwords can be added through:
/msg <bot> ADDBADWORD <#channel> <badword>
Badwords can be removed with the 'DELBADWORD' command.


Ban system

Ban methods (target types):

/msg <bot> ban <#chan> nick 7d <reason>Will ban a user by host and if the user is authed their auth will be banned too.
/msg <bot> ban <#chan> #auth 7d <reason>Will ban the user by auth.
/msg <bot> ban <#chan> *!*@host 7d <reason>Will ban the host.

Ban methods (duration and reason):

/msg <bot> ban <#chan> <target>Will ban the target for 1 hour (= default) with reason 'Requested' (= default).
/msg <bot> ban <#chan> <target> 7dWill ban the target for 7 days with reason 'Requested' (= default).
/msg <bot> ban <#chan> <target> perm <reason>Will ban the target permanently with reason.

Ban methods (special):

/msg <bot> ban <#chan> <target> 7d *<reason>Will ban the target the normal way but will also make the ban sticky (see [1]).

Unban methods:

/msg <bot> unban <#chan> nickWill remove all bans matching the user (if possible).
/msg <bot> unban <#chan> #authWill remove all bans matching the auth (if possible).
/msg <bot> unban <#chan> *!*@*Will remove the specific ban (if found).
/msg <bot> unbanall <#chan>Will remove all non-sticky bans from the channel.
/msg <bot> unbanme <#chan>Will unban you on the channel.
/msg <bot> delallbans <#chan>Will remove ALL bans from the channel.

Note: [1] Sticky means the bot will always try to set the ban on the channel (and reset it when it gets removed)


Commandchar/Public commands

This feature allows you to use bot commands with triggers like "!" and "?" for certain commands. See the list below for the commands.
You can enable it with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <#channel> +commandchar <character>
For example, using +commandchar !, would enable commands like !kick. Using +commandchar . would enable .kick

The following commands can be used with commandchar:
!accessShows someone's access on a channel.
!addtriggerAdds a trigger on a channel.
!banBans someone from the channel.
!chansetSets/removes the given setting on the channel.
!delallbansRemoves ALL bans from the channel.
!deltriggerRemoves the given trigger on a channel.
!deopRemoves your (or some other users' if you have the Master level or higher) op (-o) on the channel.
!devoiceRemoves your (or some other users' if you have the Op level or higher) voice (-v) on the channel.
!greetSets a greet for the given user on the channel.
!kickKicks someone from the channel.
!opGives you (or some other user if you have the Master level or higher) ops (+o) on the channel.
!unbanRemoves a ban from the channel.
!unbanallRemoves all non-sticky bans from the channel.
!userlevSets someone's access on a channel.
!voiceGives you (or some other user if you have the Op level or higher) voice (+v) on the channel.

Note: The '!' depends on whatever you have set for the +commandchar setting, this is ! by default.

Quote system

You can enable the quote system with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <chan> +quotes
The following commands are available:

!quoteUse it to see a random quote.
!quote add <text>Use it to add a new quote.
!quote info <id>Use it to get information about a quote with the given ID.
!quote find <text>Use it to find a quote with the given text.
!quote del <id>Use it to delete a quote with the given ID.

Note: You need to have Friend (or higher) level to be able to add/del quotes.

Trigger system

It is possible for masters or owners of a channel to add public triggers like !ip, !help, ?info, .status etc. that will show a customized line of text. You must start your trigger with one of the following characters: !, ? and . (dot).
To add/update triggers use: /msg <bot> ADDTRIGGER <#channel> <trigger> <text>
To delete triggers use: /msg <bot> DELTRIGGER <#channel> <trigger>
To modify an existing trigger use: /msg <bot> MODTRIGGER <#channel> <trigger> <add/edit/del> [linenumber] [line]

Trigger types

Triggers can be of 3 different types: Public (-public, the default), Private (-private, sends response as a private message) and Notice (-notice, sends the response as a notice). For examples check below.


Triggers can be limited to certain user levels. You can for example, only make a trigger available to masters and up. You can check the available user levels here. For examples check below.

Argument support

You can use the %1 %2 ... %9 identifiers to refer to individual parameters in a line. You can also use %N- to refer to parameters N and onwards (to get the argument + any arguments behind it). For examples check below.

Examples for triggers

Here you can find examples for every trigger type with explanation. The first line will be the command, the second line the explanation.

Public trigger

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots !commands You can use the following commands here: !help, !server
If a user types !commands on the channel the bot will reply (on the channel) the 'You can use the following commands...' text.

Private (query) trigger

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots -private !commands You can use the following commands here: !help, !server
If a user types !commands on the channel the bot will tell him in query the 'You can use the following commands...' text.

Notice trigger

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots -notice !commands You can use the following commands here: !help, !server
If a user types !commands on the channel the bot will tell him in notice the 'You can use the following commands...' text.

Trigger with level

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots -level voice !commands You can use the following commands here: !help, !server
If a user with at least 'Voice' level types !commands on the channel the bot will reply him (on the channel) the 'You can use the following commands...' text.
If the user has lower level (Friend or No) he won't get any reply from the bot.
These triggers will be invisible on the 'chaninfo?' page. This also means that if you want to make a trigger for only those users who have 'Voice' or higher access then you have to set the trigger as a 'private' or 'notice' trigger.

Notice trigger with level

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots -notice -level voice !commands You can use the following commands here: !help, !server
If a user with at least 'Voice' level types !commands on the channel the bot will tell him in notice the 'You can use the following commands...' text.
If the user has lower level (Friend or No) he won't get any reply from the bot.
In this case the bot doesn't reply on the channel when someone (with 'voice' or higher level) types !commands. Only the authorised people can see the reply.

Triggers with arguments

/msg |NordicBots| ADDTRIGGER #NordicBots !slap /me slaps %1 around a bit with %2-
And then if you type: !slap a large trout
It will show in action: |NordicBots| slaps around a bit with a large trout


Vote system

You can enable the vote system with: /msg <bot> CHANSET <chan> +vote
The following commands are available:

!vote startUse it to start a new vote on your channel: !vote start <duration> <question>
!vote noUse it to vote 'No'.
!vote yesUse it to vote 'Yes'.
!vote statusUse it to check the status of the pending vote.
!vote stopUse it to stop the pending vote.

Note: You need to have Friend level (or higher) to be able to start a vote.
Only the person who started or any Master/Owner can stop a vote.

Channel information and stats

Here you can see a list about the public commands.

chaninfo?Displays a link to the channel info page of the channel. Thispage shows channel settings, users, quotes, bans and triggers. Note that this page is also available through this page.
!dateDisplay the current date and time in your channel. If the time looks wrong, try adjusting the 'timezone' setting
!google <keyword>If you activated CHANSET +infobot, you can use your bot to search for the given keyword on It will return the 2 first results (if any) found.
!image <keyword>If you activated CHANSET +infobot, you can use your bot to search for the given image on It will return the 2 first results (if any) found.
logs?Displays a link to the channel statistics and logs page. Also available here.
!peakWhen CHANSET +peak is activated, this command shows the highest number of users on the channel.
stats?Displays a link to the channel statistics and logs page. Also available here.

If you have any question or you need help while using our service please join #NordicBots.


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