


Posted in Portland at 8:26 am by Bridget Zinn

Hello Everyone,

Barrett here. I can’t believe it has been two months since Bridget’s passing. I wanted to share with all of you a draft blog post Bridget had in cue. She started this when we first moved to Portland. She kept all her thoughts and drafts handy and would repurpose them as needed and as she saw fit. There are more, but I’ll release them slowly. Here it is:


I love meandering. It is my new top pasttime.

This weekend we meandered and found:

-Alberta St., one of the cute streets with shops and coffee and restaurants that Portland is so famous for.

-Laurelhurst Neighborhood which we ended up in accidentally because of a no left turn issue. This neighborhood is full of big old houses and big old crooked trees. So cool.

-Laurelhurst Park. This has such a city park feel to it, not at all like Forest Park near are house which is all wild and wooly. Laurelhurst even has lampposts! I loved it. Also, a little pond and lots of nice sunshine napping spots and picnicing spots.


-Hollywood Theatre. We didn’t go in, but we drove by and it looks really cool with the old fashioned marquee and everything. It’s been added to the never ending list of places we need to check out.spacer

-Comic Shop on Hawthorne St. I don’t remember what this was called, but it’s the third one we’ve been to in Portland and they are all totally different. The one on Mississippi is very chi-chi with a bookstore feel and a diverse crowd (even women and teens girls shop here). The one downtown is more alternative-y and makes you feel like you should know the titles on display but are sad to find that you don’t. The one on Hawthorne was much more old school comic shop populated with, um, well I hate to say nerds, but maybe “enthusiasts” would sound less snotty? There were all guys shopping there with superhero tees on and boxes and boxes full of back issues.

-Cool produce stand/store called David’s Produce. It has a roof and some walls but it has a very open market sort of feel. Most of the produce is local and it was GORGEOUS.

-Some new paths in Forest Park. We decided to just take a new one having no idea where it went as we haven’t bought a map yet and we ended up getting home again that day so it didn’t go too badly. It took us a long, long time and involved lots of fork in the middle of the woods type decisions. Beautiful, beautiful woods with lots of high ridges looking down at the forest below and sunshine through the leaves and mossy bits clinging here and there.  I’m glad we went out early. Getting lost in the woods at night is, sadly, not an unfamiliar situation for me to be in, but I don’t try to put myself there on purpose. Especially since that time with the wolves way back when (I know they have a bad rap and are not man eating, but there is no excuse for howling at me when I’m lost in the forest in the middle of nowhere. That’s just plain mean.) Or that time when it was like twenty below zero or something and my group got lost on a moonlight ski trip and were going to freeze to death. Or…Maybe I should save these for a near death experience entry?

Photo Credits

Laurelhurst Park By dolanh

Hollywood Theater By travelfox





  1. Dad said,

    July 25, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Thanks for posting this Barrett. I remember Bridgie’s Lost in the Woods at Night episodes quite well.
    The winter soltice moonlit ski trip episode where she actually saved the group she was with, after the Adults in the group finally believed her (the Kid) and let her show them the right way back.

  2. Cailin said,

    July 25, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    I can’t believe it’s been two months. Thanks for posting this, Barrett. It is a rare gift to get to hear a friend’s “voice” again after she’s gone. I look forward to the rest of the posts she had been working on. Thank you.

  3. Julie said,

    July 27, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    What a treasure! I am so glad to hear that we will be entertained with more adventures by Bridgie! Thank you for sharing her stories with us!

  4. Rachel said,

    July 28, 2011 at 9:29 am

    I just found out about Bridget’s passing a few days ago. I’m sorry to hear the sad news. We only met once, at a Kid Lit Blog conference, but she was such a friendly spark. I lived in Laurelhurst from 1996-2003, so this was a fun post to stumble upon. My Mom passed away from ovarian cancer on June 3rd. I know how though this is. Thoughs to you, Barrett.

  5. shelley said,

    July 28, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    What a refrreshing voice. My thoughts are with you Barrett and her father. I didn’t get to meet her, but she touched my life as a writer. Make each day count. Every day.

  6. Amy Baskin said,

    July 29, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    In my head, she’s ‘Bridget Zen’. Each time I read her posts, I feel myself start to breathe mindfully, smile, and think that I want to be awake like Bridget. Thanks for sharing these, Barrett.

  7. Sue said,

    August 5, 2011 at 5:18 pm


    I’m late here, but I am so sorry to hear of Bridget’s passing. Didn’t know her personally, but followed her blog regularly. She was a ray of sunshine! May her constant light shine on in her work (I will definitely buy her book in 2012) and in your memories. Sending you warm, peaceful, wishes.
    No doubt, you now have a guardian angel.

    Take care,
    Los Angeles

  8. Linda said,

    September 28, 2011 at 6:36 am

    Hi Barrett,
    I’m a blog reader…just wanted to tell you that Bridget has been in my thoughts lately and her cheery voice is very much missed. I hope you are doing ok…please know that there are people out in the world who will not forget your lovely wife.
    all the best to you,
    Linda in MA

  9. shelley said,

    October 9, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Hi Barrett,
    I feel the same as the previous writer. I’ve been thinking of you and Bridget lately and wondering how you are doing. She’s not forgotten. Hopefully you’ll be able to post more of her blog when you are comfortable doing so. Thinking of you.
    Shelley Wash.state

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