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Apparent Orbs Captured on Video

The background information to the apparent orbs that we captured on video in this paranormal investigation

Unfortunately the video clips have been removed from YouTube - we have kept this page open as Perception9 Paranormal will re-add the links here when we have the new codes to them.

In some clips we are using the EMF meter and even though there's no audio, we were asking question all the time to see if spirits were there at the time and who they were. We now believe that there are at least a couple of spirits there because the EMF meter was responding as we were asking the questions. We are not certain if they are ghosts actively haunting the house or a form of background but aware spirit phemomena. One candidate for the activity is a man called Paul whose death was caused by choking on his own vomit after a drinking contest! He was a very good friend of the owners of the house and even stayed there for quite a while, maybe cause enough for him still being there. We did get several responses on the EMF metre when asked certain questions, aimed at him in particular, which would lead us to believe this.

The other likely spirits are the parents of both the owners of the house. Again, the EMF meter gave us responses to questions when asked to find that out or not. I do firmly believe that they have spirits after this, the second parnormal investigation within this home. I'm pleased to also say that the overall feeling is that they are of a good and a very pleasant nature.

The apparent Orbs could be the result of meditations that took place prior to the investigation, charging latent energies. We think this, as their activity was brief and it did not happen again in the footage after the events shown despite continued questioning.

Jonathan Moss - Jon's Paranormal Arcana, on behalf of O.R.B.S. UK.

©O.R.B.S. UK 2010

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