Meet Gene Aasen


Gene Aasen – B.C. (Before Computers)

My name is Gene Aasen. I was born in Chicago, IL and grew up in the southwest suburbs.

I always loved sports, especially baseball and football. When it came time for college I chose the University of Arizona because of their great baseball program. I fell in love with Tucson and stayed there a couple years after graduation.

Unfortunately, finding adequate work in Tucson was difficult for me. So I moved back to Chicago to take a driving position with a courier company that specialized in time-critical printed matter. Over a twenty year career. I moved up the ladder and wound up as the company President.

During those years I had quite a number of great experiences. I was able to travel extensively around the country and meet a lot of great people. I found, however, that my greatest satisfaction came from helping others grow and develop in our business. Many individuals that I personally hired started as drivers like I did and went on to become Regional Managers and Vice Presidents with the company.

I also became quite involved with coaching youth sports teams and found that same feeling of satisfaction from helping the boys learn how to play and enjoy the games I loved.

Gene Aasen – Intro To MLM/Internet Marketing

But as the story goes, stuff happens. The owner of the courier company passed away unexpectedly and the business was sold. I needed to find a new career and became interested in this new phenomena called the Internet. I did not have any experience at the time so I wound up joining  programs that offered step by step training. Sound familiar?

Well I never did receive the skills training needed to succeed. More pointedly, their only training was about the product and opportunity for that company, and oh by the way make a list of your family, friends and 100 people you know to join your business.

For many obvious reasons this has never worked. When I began to pitch my product and opportunity in as simple a way as possible, it often had the undesired affect of having people avoid me. My family and friends had already heard my pitches more than once and and just weren’t interested anymore (the products themselves being overpriced to entice people to enroll as distributors to get the ‘wholesale’ price).


I finally decided I would no longer keep straining those relationships. Also, I began to realize I was not the only one having trouble trying to market on the internet. As it turns out, about 97% of those that tried were failing!

I began wading through as many training programs as I could find (an easy thing to be overwhelmed by once you start looking on the internet as you may already know!). I found fantastic mastermind groups and personal development information. These became a primary focus as I recognized their critical importance in true success. However, there was still something missing!

That something was simply this:

When I have questions on building “My Business”, how can I get them answered personally, quickly, in real time by experienced professionals without spending $1,000′s per hour for their time? Also, when I bring others into my business, where can they get help for their questions that I don’t know the answer to?

It was the inability to get my questions answered, or even figure out what questions I needed to ask that caused me to finally give up and quit a business. Even when I watched the training videos, read the PDF’s, went to the chat rooms and forums, more often than not things just didn’t match up with what I was trying to do.

All the advertising that kept emphasizing how simple things were, and that anyone could “Plug Into The System” and they would become wealthy, just plain made me feel stupid! Also, it became evident that a large part of those 97%’ers who were failing at Internet Marketing, were feeling the same way.


While all this failing and researching was going on, I did learn one Rule that is an ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

EVERY SUCCESSFUL ONLINE BUSINESS USES AN TrafficWave for Profit that were providing live, interactive, daily training on how to use the TrafficWave Autoresponder. I could try it Free for 30 Days and see if I wanted to keep it.


The daily live training on the autoresponder was fantastic. I was able to go into a webinar room, with a whole group of like minded entrepreneurs and get my questions answered right on my desktop, as well as learning things I hadn’t even thought of from others’ questions. During this process, however, something even greater began to emerge.

Napoleon Hill in his classic “Think and Grow Rich” identified this as the “Master Mind” principle:

It is the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose”.

The TrafficWave for Profit group was made up of Internet Marketers looking to grow their online business using the TrafficWave autoresponder as one of their tools. Since successful Internet Marketing requires many more tools and activities than just using an autoresponder, the daily meetings spurred discussions on a variety of topics and beyond that individuals began teaming up and helping each other.

Now an entire Webinar Schedule of training topics has evolved and the group is called “My Partner In Profit” or MyPIP.

IF you are interested in checking this out FOR FREE yourself CLICK HERE:

Once you have enrolled, you will find a complete training schedule in your back office and be directed step by step on how to get involved with a successful group of entrepreneurs who all see the value in sharing what they have learned and are paying it forward.

In addition to my involvement with the My PIP organization, I am also one of the founders of Paragon Marketing Solutions which specializes in getting Online Marketers sites listed on the front page of Google.

Together we are creating the ultimate “Master Mind” Movement whose focus is on individual success that results from being ethical ambassadors to the Internet Marketing Industry.

gene aasen

gene aasen

gene aasen

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