May 8, 2012
conversations, generative Christianity, just for fun, reflections, spirituality, stuff to ponder, Synchroblog

[May 2012 Synchroblog] A Laughing God

spacer So this month’s Synchroblog is an invitation to lighten up. Our faith blogs tend to become so very serious as we discuss theology and life and church and wounds and wonder. But even with all of our ponderings, we know a good belly laugh can minister to us in the deep places far more effectively than anything else at times. It seems to short-circuit our tensions and fears. Anne Lamott says that laughter is carbonated holiness. It knits our souls back together.

A consistent source of laughter for me is my dog. She’s silly, as dogs tend to be. She’s over enthusiastic about pretty much everything. She’s free of shame and conceit – she doesn’t care what she looks like. She only knows what makes her happy. Treats make her happy. Running makes her happy. People make her happy. Toys make her happy. Her favorite bed makes her happy. Her food makes her happy. Our food makes her happy. The cats’ food makes her happy. Learning to master the stairs (a big deal for track-raised greyhounds) makes her happy. Hearing her leash jingle makes her happy. The dog park makes her happy. Someone she hasn’t seen in five minutes makes her happy. You get my drift. She shows her happiness by turning in circles. Zoe’s life is made of circles.

She runs and bounces and races and gets completely distracted (squirrel!) and then pants with her long tongue lolling about, flapping like a wet sheet in the breeze. With ears pinned back behind her head, a panting greyhound looks to be all mouth, like a Pacman with legs. There’s times when she’s had me laughing for 10 minutes straight.

But laughter isn’t just about hilarity, though I certainly enjoy that. Sometimes it’s a lightness of heart that knows that no matter what, all shall be well. It’s a deep sense of rightness and joy that causes us, like Gandalf at the end of the great war in Lord of the Rings, to throw our heads back and laugh as if we’ve seen the end of all things, and we know it’s good. My goofy dog also brings about that sort of laughter. She’s taught me that dog walking is a spiritual practice. I recently posted these observations from a morning walk with Zoe:

1. The Colorado sky is bluer than ever, if that’s possible.

2. It smells like Spring.

3. Birds are really noisy but somehow their voices enhance solitude and meditation, unlike human noise.

4. Dogs are good mentors in mindfulness. They’re always in the moment.

5. Robins are magnificent.

Sometimes life isn’t very funny. But I can’t return from a walk with this simple, happy creature without that that thought in my mind: All shall be well. That makes me laugh out loud. My neighbors probably think I am just laughing at my silly, circling dog. But I also come back with the suspicion that the creator God who, in all his Holy, Glorious, Righteous, Immutable, Ineffable Seriousness created my circle dog, is in truth, hysterically funny. GK Chesterton suspected as much about Jesus of whom he writes: “There was something that He hid from all men when He went up a mountain to pray. There was something that He covered constantly by abrupt silence or impetuous isolation. There was some one thing that was too great for God to show us when He walked upon our earth; and I have sometimes fancied that it was His mirth.”

God laughs, because s/he does know the end of all things. Sometimes we can hear the echoes if we are mindful enough. I think dogs hear them all the time.

Here’s an old post of a book review I did on a book called “Jesus Laughed: The Redemptive Power of Humor”. It’s received a huge amount of hits. I think that might be because there’s something very hopeful about the laughter of God. Click: Jesus Laughed

  • Jeremy Myers at Till He Comes - Lighten Up! 
  • Maria Kettleson Anderson at My Real Journey - The Art of Passionately Lightening Up
  • Melody Harrison at Logic and Imagination – {I Don’t Do Joy}
  • Wendy McCaig - Lighten Up: Learning to Let Go From A Man Who Lost It All
  • Carol Kuniholm at Words Half Heart - Resurrection Laughter
  • R. Lee Bayes at Southern Humanist - Loving Light 
  • Alan Knox - Be Sarcastic With One Another 
  • Patrick Oden at Dueling Ravens - Truth, Beauty, and Yodeling Pickles
  • Tammy Carter at Blessing the Beloved - A Tricky Little Journey 
  • Christine Sine at Godspace - Lighten Up: It Really is the Best Medicine 
  • Glenn Hager -  Margaritas, Metallica, and A Serious Case of the Giggles.
  • Liz Dyer at Grace Rules - A Spoonful of Sugar 
  • K.W. Leslie at More Christ - When Jesus Made A Funny
  • Maurice Broaddus - Why So Serious? 
  • Ellen Haroutunian - A Laughing God 
  • God and humor
  • hope
  • Jesus laughs
  • Synchroblog