About Vivian



Okay, to be totally honest, I’ve been here before, well sort of. A long time ago in a land far, far away I had a blog called A Life in Food. I just wanted to share my experiences at the time, especially around food. Things were going pretty well, I was starting to get into the groove… Then life got in the way….

Fast forward a few years and wow, what a difference. I have a now defunct blog (see above), 2 toddlers, moved countries, wrote a book and started teaching cooking again. After much contemplation, decided I needed to get back on the blog bandwagon so here I go, round #2.

So why am I here? What do I have to offer you, dear reader?

Well, I have an unshakable belief that everyone can (and should) eat well and that it’s not necessarily that difficult or expensive (though of course sometimes it can be). And that I can be the one to show you how.


  • As a mother, I constantly worry about what is going in my kids’ tummies; is it healthy, does it have too much sugar, additives, preservatives, colouring, etc.? I also want them to eat their veggies and like them. I am not content to blend spinach into brownies, to hide veggies in meatballs (although I do that, too). I would like my children to actually appreciate the taste of something, see what it looks like and eventually learn where it comes from.
  • As a person who has travelled the world, well a lot of it anyway, I want to eat things that I have encountered on my travels, I want to recreate dishes based on my taste memory. One, because those foods were so good that they continue to have an influence and two, to take me back to a particular time and place.
  • As a woman who is over 40, ahem, I want to eat things that taste good but won’t ensure that I have to work out 4 hours a day just to maintain my somewhat saggy, post-baby figure. I also want women to be okay with enjoying food, occasional treats and some wine without guilt

All this is a very longwinded way of explaining what you’ll find on this blog. It will probably be quite random (though mostly food-related), seemingly schizophrenic in that a multitude of cuisines will appear. It will hopefully be fun, an entertaining read, nice to look at and, fingers crossed, give you some stories and recipes that will make you want to march into that kitchen and cook!



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