The Second Dynasty of Amnistar

Monday, May 07, 2007

No variables, yet again

Delete the third sentence of Rule The Machine.

Rewrite the entry beginning with Effect in the list in Subrule Parts to read:

Effect: A description of changes to the States of other Parts.

Rewrite the entry beginning with Size in the list in Subrule Parts to read:

*Size: The number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Part would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high). The number of Squares must be a nonnegative integer. If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the Part may be in. If appropriate, a description of the order in which the Part advances States may be included.
*State: The current State of the Part (which must always be one of the possible States described in the previous bullet-point).
*Default State: A Constant which is the same as the State of the Part when it is first added to the Machine.

Delete Subrule Variables

Rewrite Subrule Workbench to read

The Workbench is a grid of Squares consisting of 6 rows labeled “A” through “F” (with A at the bottom) and 8 columns labeled “1” through “8” (with 1 on the left). Individual Squares in the Workbench are thus identified “1A” (at the lower left and so on through “6F” at the upper right).  There exists a wiki page Workbench which describes the location of all Pieces on the Workbench. The contents of this list are considered part of the Gamestate (and thus may not be modified except as permitted by the Ruleset).

Workbench Squares are considered “adjacent” if their positions on the Workbench grid are adjacent. For example, Square 1A is adjacent to Squares 2A and 1B, but not adjacent to any other Squares. The terms “above” and “beneath” may also be appropriately used to indicate Workbench Squares that occupy a position in the same column as a given Square.

In order for a Part with nonzero Size to become part of the Machine, in addition to any other criteria that a Part must meet, that Part must be placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench. If a Part has 0 Size, then this requirement does not apply.

Two or more Parts may not occupy the same Square. Placing a Part in the Workbench is accomplished by indicating which column (or adjacent columns, if the Part is more than 1 column wide) the Part is dropped into. The Part then drops down to the lowest vacant Squares in that column. For example, if the Workbench is empty and a 1x1 sized Part is dropped in column 3 then the Part falls down to Square 3A. If another 1x1 sized Part is then dropped in column 3 it falls down to Square 3B. If a 2-wide by 1-high Part is then dropped in columns 3 and 4 then it falls down to Squares 3C-4C.

Parts “fall down” to the lowest vacant Squares in the Workbench columns that it occupies, but without changing its shape. Thus, for example, if the Workbench is empty except for “PART-A” (a 1x1 sized Part located at Square 3A), “PART-B” (a 1x1 sized part located at Square 3B) and “PART-C” (a 2-wide by 1-high Part located at Squares 3C-4C), and PART-B is destroyed or removed from the Workbench, then PART-C will immediately “fall down” and change its location to Squares 3B-4B. “Falling down” happens whether the Machine is Running or Standing By, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the “The Machine in Action” rule, occurs immediately upon the condition for “Falling down” occurring, and before any further Machine running steps may occur.

The Square or Squares on the Workbench occupied by a Part may be referred to as that Part’s Location. A Part that is not on the Workbench does not have a Location.

Any Parts or Variables that are in the Created Pieces Page may be modified to fit the changes made in this Proposal within 72 hours of the passing of this Proposal by the creator of that Piece by making the requisite changes and making a post indicating that e has modified the part.  If any Piece exists that does not contain the necessary information, then it shall be deleted 72 hours this Proposal is Enacted.

posted by Axeling at 07 May 2007 05:47:00 UTC Comments (3)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Proposal: Variables are silly, another take

Self-kill.  --Axeling

Adminned at 07 May 2007 05:57:22 UTC

Delete the third sentence of Rule The Machine.

Rewrite the entry Size in Subrule Parts to read:

*Size: The number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Part would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high). The number of Squares must be a nonnegative integer. If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the Part may be in. If appropriate, a description of the order in which the Part advances States may be included.
*State: The current State of the Part (which must always be one of the possible States described in the previous bullet-point).
*Default State: A Constant which is the same as the State of the Part when it is first added to the Machine.

Delete Subrule Variables

Rewrite Subrule Workbench to read

The Workbench is a grid of Squares consisting of 6 rows labeled “A” through “F” (with A at the bottom) and 8 columns labeled “1” through “8” (with 1 on the left). Individual Squares in the Workbench are thus identified “1A” (at the lower left and so on through “6F” at the upper right).  There exists a wiki page Workbench which describes the location of all Pieces on the Workbench. The contents of this list are considered part of the Gamestate (and thus may not be modified except as permitted by the Ruleset).

Workbench Squares are considered “adjacent” if their positions on the Workbench grid are adjacent. For example, Square 1A is adjacent to Squares 2A and 1B, but not adjacent to any other Squares. The terms “above” and “beneath” may also be appropriately used to indicate Workbench Squares that occupy a position in the same column as a given Square.

In order for a Part with nonzero Size to become part of the Machine, in addition to any other criteria that a Part must meet, that Part must be placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench. If a Part has 0 Size, then this requirement does not apply.

Two or more parts may not occupy the same Square. Placing a Part in the Workbench is accomplished by indicating which column (or adjacent columns, if the Part is more than 1 column wide) the Part is dropped into. The Part then drops down to the lowest vacant Squares in that column. For example, if the Workbench is empty and a 1x1 sized Part is dropped in column 3 then the Part falls down to Square 3A. If another 1x1 sized Part is then dropped in column 3 it falls down to Square 3B. If a 2-wide by 1-high Part is then dropped in columns 3 and 4 then it falls down to Squares 3C-4C.

Part “fall down” to the lowest vacant Squares in the Workbench columns that it occupies, but without changing its shape. Thus, for example, if the Workbench is empty except for “PART-A” (a 1x1 sized Part located at Square 3A), “PART-B” (a 1x1 sized part located at Square 3B) and “PART-C” (a 2-wide by 1-high Part located at Squares 3C-4C), and PART-B is destroyed or removed from the Workbench, then PART-C will immediately “fall down” and change its location to Squares 3B-4B. “Falling down” happens whether the Machine is Running or Standing By, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the “The Machine in Action” rule, occurs immediately upon the condition for “Falling down” occurring, and before any further Machine running steps may occur.

The Square or Squares on the Workbench occupied by a Part may be referred to as that Part’s Location. A Part that is not on the Workbench does not have a Location.

Any Parts or Variables that are in the Created Pieces Page may be modified to fit the changes made in this Proposal within 72 hours of the passing of this Proposal by the creator of that Piece by making the requisite changes and making a post indicating that e has modified the part.  If any Piece exists that does not contain the necessary information, then it shall be deleted 72 hours this Proposal is Enacted.

posted by Axeling at 06 May 2007 02:26:00 UTC Comments (4)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Workbench wiki template

Admins: look at User:Spikebrennan/Sandbox-4 in the wiki.

posted by spikebrennan at 04 May 2007 18:07:00 UTC Comments (1)

Proposal: Variables are silly

Time out (3-4). --Axeling

Adminned at 07 May 2007 05:56:28 UTC

If the proposal titled “Workbench Repair” passes, reverse all changes by the proposal except for the line “Amend Rule 2.3.1 “Parts” and 2.3.2 “Variables” to replace the word “Cells” wherever it appears with the word “Squares”.”

In the rule called “The Machine” enact the following changes:

-replace “The Machine consists of Pieces that are classified as either Parts or Variables.” with “The Machine consists of a number of pieces, also called parts.”

In the sub-rulle called “Parts” enact the following changes:

-replace “A description of changes to the “Machine Variables” wiki page.” with “A description of changes to the variables of the part or other parts in the machine.”

-add “Variables: The variables associated with each part. Each variable should include the following information:

# Name: The name by which the Variable is referred (and any abbreviations by which it may be referred).
# Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in. If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
# State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).
# Default State: A Constant which is the same as the State of the variable when the part is first added to the Machine.

Repel the sub-rule “Variables”

In the sub-rule “Workbench” enact the following changes

-replace “In order for a Part to become part of the Machine, that Part must be placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench. If a Variable’s description in the “Machine Variables” wiki page provides that the Variable may be placed in the Workbench, then the Variable may not become part of the Machine unless it is placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench. Otherwise, it is not required that the Variable be placed on the Workbench in order to become part of the Machine.”

with “When a Part is added to the Machine, that Part must be placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench. If it cannot legally be placed in the Workbench, the part is not added to the machine.”

In the sub-rule “The Machine in Action” enact the following changes

-if it exists, replace “The order or contents of the list of Parts on the “Machine Parts” page or of the list of Variables on the “Machine Variables” page change (including the addition or removal of a Part or Variable).”

with “The order or contents of the list of Parts on the “Machine Parts” page, including any variables, page changes (including the addition or removal of a Part or Variable).”

-replace “Step 2 - If the order and contents of the list of Variables on the “Machine Variables” page are identical to what they were during any previous iteration of Step 2 that was made since the Machine was most recently Standing by, then the Machine becomes Standing by, and any remaining steps are not performed.”

with “Step 2 - If the order and contents of all the variables on the “Machine Parts” page are identical to what they were during any previous iteration of Step 2 that was made since the Machine was most recently Standing by, then the Machine becomes Standing by, and any remaining steps are not performed.”

-replace “Changes to the “Machine Variables” page are made as described in the Effect of the first Part for which the Initiator requirements are satisfied (when the Parts are considered in the order in which they are listed on the “Machine Parts” page). No aspect of the Gamestate other than the contents of the “Machine Variables” page may be changed in this way.”

with “Changes to the each of the variables on the “Machine Parts” page are made as described in the Effect of the first Part for which the Initiator requirements are satisfied (when the Parts are considered in the order in which they are listed on the “Machine Parts” page). No aspect of the Gamestate other than the contents of these variables may be changed in this way.”

In the rule Position enact the following changes

-replace “There exist a wiki page Created Pieces which contains a list of pieces that have not been added to the machine. Any Entry to this page must either be a Variable or a Part and contain all the information that they have, as well as the date which the part was added to the Created Parts page.”

with “There exist a wiki page Created Pieces which contains a list of pieces that have not been added to the machine. Any Entry to this page must part and contain all the information that they have, as well as the date which the part was added to the Created Parts page.”

Remove all entries from the created pieces page. Any worker who made an entry to the created pieces page which was removed by this rule may, once within 72 hours after this proposal passes, add new entry to the created pieces page. This action is not considered the same action done by the GWF and thus does not count against eir “often”

Like this proposal says, variables are silly. They basically just make it take longer to get a part in action. It is not like two parts are gonna share the same variable. If they are sharing the same variable, I betcha that isn’t a variable but another part. Like, the watering can is a part. The status shark is a part. Variable would be like “status of watering can”. But forcing one to add even the most trivial variables is silly

posted by Clucky at 04 May 2007 15:19:00 UTC Comments (17)

Proposal: Workbench Repair

Times out, 1-2—Axeling

Adminned at 07 May 2007 05:53:32 UTC

Amend rules as follows:

Amend Rule 2.3.1 “Parts” and 2.3.2 “Variables” to replace the word “Cells” wherever it appears with the word “Squares”.

Amend the Created Pieces wiki page such that any Variables on that page as of the moment that this Proposal is adminned that do not state whether that Variable may be placed on the Workbench (such Variables being referred to as “Defective Variables") have text “X” added to the end of that Workbench.

The content of text “X” will be determined as follows:
- If the Creator of a particular Defective Variables posts a reply to this proposal before this proposal is adminned that contains a proposed form of text “X” for that Defective Variable that, if added to the description of that Defective Variable on the Created Pieces page, would cause the Defective Variable to be in conformity with the requirements of the “Locatability and Size” clause of Rule 2.3.2, then that proposed form of text “X” will be the text “X” that is added to the description of that Defective Variable.  Otherwise, text “x” will be “This Variable may not be placed on the Workbench.”

posted by spikebrennan at 04 May 2007 13:40:01 UTC Comments (6)

This time, fo real.

A watering can has been added to the parts list. 

posted by Clucky at 04 May 2007 13:20:00 UTC Comments (0)

This time, fo real.

A watering can has been added to the parts list. 

posted by Clucky at 04 May 2007 13:20:00 UTC Comments (0)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pay Day

Due to the amazing response from the starting up of the company, the CEO has deemed that all those that work for GT deserve a little something for all their hard work.  Keep up the pace everyone!

posted by Amnistar at 03 May 2007 23:07:00 UTC Comments (0)

Proposal: Machine Fix

Adminned by Alethiophile.

Adminned at 05 May 2007 16:57:14 UTC

Add the following Position to the list:


  • Name: Operator
  • Job Type: Laborer
  • Job Requirements: Occasionally, any Worker at this Position may make the Machine Running.

Change this in rule “The Machine in Action”

When the Machine is Standing by, it becomes Running if any of the following occur:

    The order or contents of the list of Parts on the “Machine Parts” page or of the list of Variables on the “Machine Variables” page change (including the addition or removal of a Part or Variable).
  • A Worker is added to or removed from the list of Active Workers in the blog sidebar.
  • A Proposal becomes Enacted. In this case, the specified effects of said Proposal occur before the Machine becomes Running.
  • A value which the Ruleset requires to be tracked in the GNDT changes.


The Machine is made Running by an Operator.

posted by alethiophile at 03 May 2007 21:19:00 UTC Comments (6)

Proposal: Death and Destruction

Vetoed. --Axeling

Adminned at 04 May 2007 23:12:23 UTC

Add the following to the Machine rule:

Every Variable and Part has the state “Blown Up”. If a Part is in this state, it cannot be Activated. If a Variable is in this state, it cannot affect any Parts or Variables.

posted by alethiophile at 03 May 2007 21:12:00 UTC Comments (12)

Prepare to Power Up!

The Energy Relay has been added to the Created Parts page.

Is anyone else having trouble with this page displaying correctly? Or is it a browser caching issue on my end?

posted by BobTHJ at 03 May 2007 20:49:01 UTC Comments (0)

Confused Kamikaze Pilot

New Created Pieces entry: Confused WWII era Kamikaze Pilot

posted by alethiophile at 03 May 2007 20:42:00 UTC Comments (0)

This time, it’s for real.

I have added a single entry to the Created Pieces Page.  This Story Post explains my action.

posted by Hix at 03 May 2007 19:23:01 UTC Comments (0)

Created Pieces Reminder

Remember to include the Date Added when you put na entry into the Created Pieces wiki as required by the rules.

posted by Amnistar at 03 May 2007 18:14:00 UTC Comments (2)

Banana Tree

The Banana Tree has been added. Now we just need watering cans and banana piles. 

posted by Clucky at 03 May 2007 17:54:00 UTC Comments (1)

Story Post: New Variable “Shark Status”

This is a story post explaining that I have added a new variable “Shark Status” to the Created Pieces wiki page.

posted by spikebrennan at 03 May 2007 17:35:01 UTC Comments (0)

Story Post?

I have added a single entry to the Created Pieces Page.  I hope this Story Post helps to explain my action.

posted by Hix at 03 May 2007 17:14:00 UTC Comments (4)

Proposal: YESMEN are WEAK

Quorumed (7-0) --Axeling

Adminned at 04 May 2007 23:05:06 UTC

In the rule titled “Your Extra Salary Margin for Avoiding Nay-saying”

add the following subrule called “Thinking for ones-self”

If, from 00:00 AM Monday to 23:59 PM the following Sunday, every vote that a worker casts is either FOR or AGAINST(i.e., no IMP) and does not change any of eir votes, e may once and only once increase eir wages by 1.00, provided e voted on at least five proposals.

Kissing up to the boss might give some short term rewards, but showing you have a sound mind leads to long-term success.

Besides, life its still flawed. If we assume five proposals aweek, Thinkers for eim-self will gain 1 salary vs 5 net worth. It will take awhile for the forces to cancel eachother out.

posted by Clucky at 03 May 2007 15:34:00 UTC Comments (9)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Proposal: Let me show you how it’s done

Quorumed (5-1) --Axeling

Adminned at 04 May 2007 22:56:55 UTC

Change the following text from

Occasionally the CEO or any Worker with a Management Position make a Story Post to the main page title “Restructuring” which contains changes to the Current Available Positions (below) and is voted on by all Workers with a Management position (per Proposal Rules), in the event of a Majority vote FOR those changes are made to the Current Available Position. Any Worker that becomes inactive has eir Position reset to GWF.


Any worker with a Management Position may Occasionally make a Story Post to the main page with the title “Restructuring” which contains proposed changes to the list of Current Available Positions.  All workers with a Management position may vote FOR or AGAINST the Restructuring by making a comment with the appropriate icon (with their latest vote overriding any previous votes).  If a majority of workers with a Management position vote FOR the Restructuring, it is enacted and its proposed changes to the list of Current Available Positions are made.  If this is not true after 48 hours, or if a majority of workers with a Management position vote AGAINST the Restructuring, or if a Worker with the CEO position has VETOed the Restructuring, then the Restructuring fails.

Add the following to the list of Current Available Positions in rule Position:

Name:Chief Executive Officer
Job Type: Management
Job Requirements: Only the ‘’’CEO’’’ can hold this position, and may at any time switch from this position to any other position, or vice versa.  A Worker with this position may take actions as though e holds any other position, and may cast a VETO on any Restructuring post.

posted by Axeling at 03 May 2007 02:25:01 UTC Comments (6)

A Layoff

In any merger there are some bound to be lost in the shuffle.  Gobleteer is one such poor soul.  Quorum is now 5.

posted by Axeling at 03 May 2007 00:04:00 UTC Comments (0)

Proposal: Resting the Machine, take 2 (as a proposal!)

6-1. Reached quorum.

Adminned at 04 May 2007 21:26:51 UTC

in rule 2.3.2 “Variables” change the following:

*Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Variable to the Machine.
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in.  If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
*State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).


*Name: The name by which the Variable is refered (and any abbreviations by which it may be refered).
*Creator: The name of the Worker(s) considered responsible for adding the Variable to the Machine.
*Possible States: A description of the possible states the variable may be in.  If appropriate, a description of the order in which the variable advances may be included.
*State: The current State of the Variable (which must always be one of the possible states described in the previous bullet-point).
*Default State: A Constant which is the same as the State of the Variable when it is first added to the Machine.

This gives us the option of reseting the entire machine, or pieces of the machine by using their Default States.

posted by Amnistar at 02 May 2007 22:16:00 UTC Comments (16)

Proposal: Workbench #2

Quorumed (7-1) --Axeling

Adminned at 03 May 2007 23:16:36 UTC

Part 1

If there is a sub-rule entitled “Parts”, then insert the following bullet point at the end of the list of the bullet points in that sub-rule

* Size: The number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Part would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high).  The number of Cells must be a positive integer.  If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).

If there is a sub-rule entitled “Variables”, then insert the following bullet point at the end of the list of the bullet points in that sub-rule

* Locatability and Size: An indication of whether or not this Variable may be placed on the Workbench.  If this Variable may be placed on the Workbench, then there must also be a statement of the number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Variable would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high).  The number of Cells must be a positive integer.  If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).

Part 2

Insert a new sub-rule to the “Machine” rule, entitled “Workbench”, reading as follows:

The Workbench is a grid of Squares consisting of 6 rows labeled “A” through “F” (with A at the bottom) and 8 columns labeled “1” through “8” (with 1 on the left).  Individual Squares in the Worbench are thus identified “1A” (at the lower left” and so on through “6F” at the upper right.

Workbench Squares are considered “adjacent” if their positions on the Workbench grid are adjacent.  For example, Square 1A is adjacent to Squares 2A and 1B, but not ad is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.