The Submissional Life // Matt Tebbe

living in submission, leading from below, loving as mission


I have a passion to help people listen and respond to Jesus in communities of grace and love. I get excited when people’s lives are completely disrupted and reordered by God’s audacious love for the sake of our world. Teaching, shepherding, asking provocative questions, praying, listening, and pressing ever deeper into what God has for us – this kind of stuff fires me up. My beautiful wife of 11.5 years (Sharon) and I grew up in Indianapolis, IN and I now serve as Pastor of Spiritual Formation at River Valley Church in Mishawaka, IN. We have a 3.5 year old, Deacon, and a newborn, Celeste. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.