Top Traffic Generation Sites.

The list below is based on anonymous tracking data by the members using our tracking tools and rotators. Sites that generated under 25,000 hits will not be ranked, sites that generated less than 10,000 hits will not be listed.Goals and goal rate will be below what you should expect to experience at that site, since we can only report data based on the tracking results of this service, this data will never be 100%.
Rankings updated Early Morning Sunday (EST)

Top Performing Traffic Sources
Rank spacer spacer Source spacer spacer Views spacer spacer Unique % spacer spacer Click Rate spacer spacer Goal Rate spacer spacer New spacer spacer
spacer spacer
Alexa spacer spacer
1 (1)fastcashandtraffic.com311016.63321.5466%0.1222%1252063122129
2 (2)viralmailprofits.com3288430.75050.1612%0.0578%01011212698
3 (70)explosivetraffic.net4513841.18920.0288%0.0399%0185920
4 (3)pgtraffic.com268941.98560.8143%0.0372%0534457875
5 (5)showbizhits.net723774.09520.2501%0.0345%02964153293
6 (9)topflighttraffic.com762027.69270.4711%0.0289%0586240386
7 (26)startxchange.com2324315.84821.6048%0.028%272135938595
8 (6)socialsurf4u.com399455.13710.0451%0.0275%02052127835
9 (8)clickvoyager.com2810015.64410.331%0.0249%187439640090
10 (7)listjoe.com2736523.08421.0926%0.0219%063174830
11 (12)internettraffic247.com286083.78220.9403%0.0175%01082153195
12 (10)conversionsurf.com3119814.16440.0513%0.016%044190
13 (28)gradeatraffic.com1160928.57170.5401%0.0155%97995146593
14 (N/A)legacyhits.com276239.3980.5322%0.0145%02596111150
15 (11)hit2hit.com9098013.75912.8754%0.0143%3101251817621
16 (62)soaring4traffic.com4957710.0530.8512%0.0141%82498444851
17 (46)tezaktrafficpower.com1652859.860513.8809%0.0139%3511629812400
18 (13)trafficadbar.com5254316.97090.5672%0.0133%089174968
19 (14)downlineviraltraffic.com269183.99360.1523%0.0111%01075210460
20 (23)trafficswirl.com5925621.34530.6101%0.0105%149797247307
21 (15)hotflashhits.com354306.47760.2484%0.0085%02295142282
22 (16)solomatictraffic.com748034.70441.2352%0.008%23351960733
23 (N/A)kiwihitsplus.com2514616.7741.197%0.008%0421836286
24 (N/A)boomingwebsitetraffic.com2592311.20630.0501%0.0077%02905134157
25 (17)surf-to-earn.com258094.58750.0155%0.0077%01184146223
Site Totals:107050820%1.5273%0.0123%591111462179
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Program Owner Tools

Built in Conversion Tracking

It's pretty easy to build conversation tracking into your affiliate promo tools. Your members want to track their ads so they can spend their time better, since they can't add their conversion tracking to your site, you can add it for them. This is also great because it will increase your site on our performance rankings.

To install tracking, insert the following code on all entry pages. For example your splash pages, signup page, index page, anything that people may regularly use to promote your site. For example if you are an LFM or LFMTE owner you can add the code to your splashpage.php, index.php, and signup.php files. If you need help, please ask! We will help you install this on your site for free.

Step 2 is to put the code below on your verification or thank you page that is displayed after a member verifies their membership or confirms their email address.

Now that we have the source, we just need to append it to the URL being displayed using the php code below where variable $goto is the site that will be loaded in the co-op or rotator.