Join the Age March movement!

Be a “Boomer Hottie” and help create a new generation of Age Pride!

1st Age March in History was August 8, 2010 in San Francisco founded by Barbara Rose Brooker.  Age March is dedicated to celebrating our real age, taking pride in our age and put an end to age discrimination!  

AGE MARCH in SAN FRANCISCO was on October 1st, 2011

On a Saturday, October 1, 2011 hundreds showed up to join Barbara Rose Brooker for the one-mile Age March through beautiful Chrissy Field with the stunning Golden Gate Bridge as a backdrop!

ENTERTAINMENT:   MC Host – Christopher Springmann
Singer – Suzi Oliver     Singer – Frankye Kelly
LOCATION: Little Marina Green – located next to Crissy Field across from Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco (map)

Thank You to our supporters!


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Barbara Rose Brooker, founder of Age March, started Age March to celebrate AGE PRIDE!  Hundreds came out to the Little Marina Green in San Francisco on Saturday, October 1, 2011 and announced their right to a place in society regardless of age! They marched to celebrate their age and end age discrimination! AGE MARCH is for people of all ages, races, sexualities, and economic backgrounds, marching to change our anti-age society into one of pride and multiple generations, where age won’t matter.

Congratulations Los Angeles AGE MARCH!

On May 21, 2011 in West Hollywood participants showed up to march to celebrate their Age!

Now, AGE MARCH is going Nationwide!

For more information on becoming involved in Age March  email:

We appreciate your participation and support!

Barbara Rose Brooker/Founder:

“I envision a society in future generations where age won’t be something that we’re ashamed of and feel the need to lie about. I envision a generation where all ages matter at all times; when anyone at any age can have the same opportunities, dreams, education, and work. A society where those at any age with experience and the desire to work, will be hired and not fired or retired! Never again, because of age, will anyone be treated as if we’re invisible, or throw-away’s.

Years ago, I had a dream. Every person of every age in every city in the world would march to celebrate their real ages and their real age numbers would be printed on stickers. They would protest social and media pressure to lie about their age, to look and act like someone else; to go backwards, and not forward. Your real age is who you are! I hope for a real generation of real faces and ages and not to be bottled like perfume. Age is not about Botox. It’s a spirit. It’s about new beginnings.

Let’s start a movement of real people with real faces and pride about who they are! Let’s live new dreams!

At seventy-four, as an author and teacher, I am also pursuing an acting career. Everything is possible at any age. There are no endings only beginnings.”

Barbara Rose Brooker

I invite you to:

March to celebrate your real ages! Your real age is who you are! Be proud!

March to end age segregation and discrimination!

March to end age stereotypes!

March to be hired not fired!

March to abolish phrases like AGE APPROPRIATE, COUGARS, SUGAR DADDYS!

March to end social and media pressure to look, act, and be a certain way.

March to unify society so that all ages merge at all levels.

March to stop ageism, and to make age a blessing, not a shame.

March to make old age young!  To make an AGE PRIDE generation!

Don’t be invisible. Be a star! Begin again. Make old and new dreams come true!
















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  • Founder, Barbara Rose Brooker on “The Talk” with Sharon Osbourne

    "You can be anything you want at any age." -Barbara Rose Brooker, Founder

    "They march for peace. They march for politics. But 73-year-old novelist Barbara Rose Brooker believes that American women must also march for freedom from age discrimination." 
- Jessica Yadegaran, Contra Costa Times & The Miami Herald
    "Fantastic idea! I will be there. I am so much better in every way than when I was in my twenties or thirties; healthier, more vibrant, more evolved, have more sincere interest in family and friends, love deeper, know so much more about everything and yet know I don’t know anything, take better care and so much more! I am going to be 55 in May!" - Linda Rae Savage

    "I’m 65 years old and ready to march! Finally…a chance to join together to show support for who really are. Thanks for this much needed opportunity!" 
- Jackie Graham

    "I’m 56 and fabulous. I look forward to hearing when and where the march will be. I have grown into a woman that values friends and experiences over stuff. I’ve grown to appreciate what my body does for me day in and day out. I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life AND relish all there is for me to explore and enjoy. I surround myself with people who love ME, not an image. Life is a grand ride, enjoy every minute!" - Cheryl Wildenstein

    "I’m 62 and bench press 95 pounds. I wear heels I can run in and make killer chicken soup. Let some 20 something top that! Count me in on the march!" 
- Deidre Laiken

    "Aging isn’t about Botox, it’s a spirit! The fountain of youth is inside of us! Let’s show that we’re proud of our age and not ashamed of it! Let’s be a new generation of aging. Make age young again!" - Barbara Rose Brooker is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.