Math for children from Pre - k, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade . Click on each level >>>

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Math for: Pre-K | Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade | Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade | Sixth Grade | Seventh Grade



These are free pdf math puzzles for children and young learners. puzzles on this site are free and highly interactive and most often take the forms of : puzzles on topics like: Addition, Geometry, Ratios, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Percentages, Fractions, Telling time, Powers, Numbers, Counting ..... etc


Download free pdf math puzzles for kids by topic below:



spacer Across down math puzzles - On addition, subtraction, division, mixed operations & more

spacer Magic squares math puzzles - On addition, subtraction, division, mixed operations & more

spacer Puzzles on Number patterns - Math puzzle on patterns; finding the progression.

spacer Secret trails - Math puzzle on finding secret trails that sum up to specific numbers





Follow this link to view how to play the games on this site PDF >>>


We offer higly interactive math games for kids

  • Snakes and ladders math games
  • Memory math games
  • Math Football games and more
Board games

Fun Games for Teaching Maths

  • Croc Puzzle math game
  • Coordinate math games
  • Math with cards
  • Math game printables for kids
Powerpoint games

Parents, teachers and educators can now present the knowledge using these vividly presented short ppt presentations. Simply let the kids watch and learn.

math quizzes

Quizzes are designed around the topics of addition, subtraction, geometry, shapes, position, fractions, multiplication, division, arithmetic, algebra etc.


Access the materials by looking at topics - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Geometry, fractions,Trigonometry, algebra, Decimals, Division and more.

Math Fun Games

spacer There are free online exercises. Cool math for kids exercises will help kids practice Mathematics in a fun way. Kids relate to cool math games very well. We offer free games for kids like: Snakes and ladders math games, football math games, basketball games, en garde duel math game, memory math games, fling the teacher math games, interactive math quizzes, math puzzles & free math board games like: Croc puzzle math game, coordinate math game, card math game, zombie maze math games, snakes and ladders board math games. We cover fun mathematics game topics like:

  • Math fun Games to practice: Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication, telling time, number theories, ratios, Money, percentages, shapes, numeration, multiples, place value, graphs, exponents, square roots, intergers, inequalities, factoring, equations, radicals, polynomials, counting, data analysis, operations and more>>

Math games include among others : memory games, Walk the plank, Fling the Teacher, En Garde Duel, Basketball Game, Penalty Shoot, snakes and ladders math games, puzzles, board math games, and more.

Math Games, Board Games, PDF Prints & Interactive Math Fun Games for Children.

spacer These math games are from kindergarten math, elementary math, first grade math, preschool children, free online exercises, for first grade,second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth graders levels of maths. The following topics are covered among other math fun games:

  • Games to practice: Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication, telling time, number theories, ratios, Money, percentages, shapes, numeration, multiples, place value, graphs, exponents, square roots, intergers, inequalities, factoring, equations, radicals, polynomials, counting, data analysis, operations and more>>

Types of Interactive Fun Math Games

spacer This website is designed around highly interactive and fun math games adapted for kids. Children will through this site, have the opportunity to learn math with fun through diverse math games like: snakes and ladders math games, basketball math games, puzzle math games, croc math borad games, fling the teacher math games, memory math games, powerpoint interactive math games, printable PDT math games and diverse online mathematics quiz activities for kids of divers grades like Pre-k, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade and more. These math games are designed around topics like : Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication, telling time, number theories, ratios, Money, percentages, shapes, numeration, multiples, place value, graphs, exponents, square roots, intergers, inequalities, factoring, equations, radicals, polynomials, counting, data analysis, operations and more>>

Math Quizzes and Online Tests

spacer Math Quizzes Online - Games to practice: Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication, telling time, number theories, ratios, Money, percentages, shapes, numeration, multiples, place value, graphs, exponents, square roots, intergers, inequalities, factoring, equations, radicals, polynomials, counting, data analysis, operations and more>>

These mathematics interactive math exercises are suitable for kids and young children and range from multiple choice math quizzes, gap fill quizzes, matching exercises, hotspot quizzes with graphics and more for interactive math practice. These are also made more interesting through coolmath fun games.

Website General Content:

  • Games to practice: Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication, telling time, number theories, ratios, Money, percentages, shapes, numeration, multiples, place value, graphs, exponents, square roots, intergers, inequalities, factoring, equations, radicals, polynomials, counting, data analysis, operations and more>>
  • Math activities for children, maths for kids, math games and exercises, math worksheets, printables, free printable PDF board games, online, interactive, quizzes, for kindergarten, preschool, first grade, math practice, for teachers and parents, teach your kids math, help kids learn maths is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.