Thank you.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this website.

The website has been made and administrated by a single person and contributions are more than welcome. Your contributions can help make this the biggest and best resource for LaTeX templates on the internet.

What are you looking for?

Templates that are useful, well-designed and easy to edit.

LaTeX can be used for a wide variety of document types and the templates on this website should reflect this. Variety is important within template categories as well, as people have different requirements and tastes in layouts and styles. This is especially true for high-usage templates such as curriculum vitaes where a choice of templates will help the user create a curriculum vitae suited to their needs.

Design is an important factor when deciding if a template is useful. The default LaTeX layout is already quite good, so new templates should enhance the default layout and specialize it to the purpose for which they are made. Especially stylish and well-designed templates would be quite useful to submit.

It is not enough to make a useful beautiful template only to make the coding of the layout so terrible that nothing can be changed about it. This website aims to deliver easy to edit templates so the average user of LaTeX is not frightened off by pages of commands. This means commenting LaTeX and clearly indicating where user input should go. There is considerable leeway on this last point since templates submitted will be edited to adhere to the commenting style used throughout the templates on this website, regardless of the original quality of commenting.

What will happen to my template?

All templates submitted here can and will be edited as seen fit to match the quality of the website.

Templates will be placed on the website to be freely distributed.

Submitted templates will never be sold on this website without the expressed permission of the author.

If the author wishes to release the template under a custom license, the information on the license should be kept in the header of the main template file and will not be removed before being placed on this website.

I’m ready to submit!

*(denotes required field)

Acceptable file types: pdf,txt,tex,zip.
Maximum file size: 5mb.


1 Comment

  1. Unter Creative Commons lizenzierte Vorlagen auf LaTeX | Linux und Ich
    Thursday April 12th, 2012

    [...] wenn die Seite international werden würde. Wer schöne Templates hat, der kann diese an die Seite übermitteln und so helfen, das Projekt weiter auszubauen. Kennt jemand ein ähnliches Projekt mit [...] is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.