I Love Magnesium

  Magnesium is one of my all time favorite supplements. What Can Magnesium Help Me With?* Promote healthy relaxed muscle tone and function.* Promote athletic recovery.* Support steady energy production. Promote healthy, restful sleep.* Support a balanced response to stress.* Maintain healthy blood pressure levels.* Maintain healthy blood sugar/glucose levels within normal limits.* Promote regularity… [Continue Reading]


Are Your Routines Ruling You?

I get lots of letters from men and women alike that talk about being overwhelmed. Seems a bunch of us have routines all listed out, but they are taking over our lives. So I want you to think for a second…What is it everyday you really have to do? Cook, dishes, laundry, take care of… [Continue Reading]


Fill Your Brain! The Hatched Egg’s Book Wish List

    With lots of questions pouring into our email about book recommendations we thought we would send a list of our current favorites.  Don’t forget you can always find a list in The Egg Bookshelf located on our main site.   Here’s what’s on my nightstand and in my reader at the moment. Click each… [Continue Reading]


Neti Pot: I Love This Tool!

For many years I suffered from chronic congestion and allergies.  Funny thing is that congestion is also a symptom of adrenal burnout and general anxiety.  I was so congested that I would be fatigued, dizzy, foggy & often the lack of oxygen would trigger a panic attack.  Crazy! My doctor suggested a Neti Pot if… [Continue Reading]


Exercise Can Make A Big Difference!

The first few steps are all about healing your body. If your body is not strong, how can you expect your mind to be? It all works together. Remember this is all about getting you in the best shape physically & mentally. The more you put in, the more you get out. Have you added… [Continue Reading]

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