My Life Is FarmVille
FarmVille has taken over my life and I love it!
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"My Life Is Farmville" is featured in "This FarmVille Thing Has Gone Too Far" by

Today, a friend and I were farming when I said "wouldn't it be cool if they had a 'my life is farmville website'"? Annnddd here I am... MLIF

#326 (1 comments) - Sep 12, 2010 08:01 PM by cait - Friends - You are a true farmer! (12) - You need more FarmVille! (8)


Today I learned how to anonymously connect to Facebook and Farmville at work. A personal VPN service can help get around any IT blocks, and I use this free trial: MLIF

#325 (0 comments) - Sep 8, 2010 04:55 PM by mdamianc - Work - You are a true farmer! (2) - You need more FarmVille! (7)


Today, I have the passwords of 3 friends FB account. This is so I can send myself stuff and harvest their farm when they are not there. I am a level 67. They are levels: 43, 35, and 26. MLIF

#324 (0 comments) - Aug 27, 2010 01:41 PM by etnies - Friends - You are a true farmer! (5) - You need more FarmVille! (4)


For the past week, my brother has been forcing me to send him bricks for his stable. He literally handed me a laptop and watched me do it. He then waited 4 hours and rang me at 10pm, making me send him another one. HLIF

#321 (1 comments) - Aug 11, 2010 01:31 PM by gupshup - Family - You are a true farmer! (7) - You need more FarmVille! (3)


Today i was driving and i was driving past a farm and me and my friend lacey where pointing out all the things the farm had in common with mine, i'm officially obsessed MLIF.

#262 (0 comments) - Apr 26, 2010 10:44 AM by emilyyx33 - Friends - You are a true farmer! (9) - You need more FarmVille! (10)


Last week i was driving to Maryland for soccer, after every farm i passed i screamed THAT LOOKS LIKE MY FARM! everyone on my soccer teamed starred at me in surprise. mlif.

#260 (0 comments) - Apr 16, 2010 07:39 AM by emilyyx33 - Friends - You are a true farmer! (7) - You need more FarmVille! (5)


Today i was reading animal farm in lit, and i screamed out OMG THIS REMINDS ME OF MY FARM! everyone stared at me and laughed, mlif.

#259 (0 comments) - Apr 16, 2010 07:38 AM by emilyyx33 - School - You are a true farmer! (8) - You need more FarmVille! (2)


Today, I went to my farm and decided to buy a FarmVille dog. I couldn't decide on a name... so I googled names for Farmville dogs. I am now the proud owner of Mr. Sneakers. MLIF

#256 (0 comments) - Apr 10, 2010 07:21 PM by xoxoa - Random - You are a true farmer! (8) - You need more FarmVille! (23)


Today in art history my professor was showing us a painting of a garden. All I could think about was how one of the trees needed to be harvested. MLIF.

#255 (1 comments) - Apr 7, 2010 08:32 PM by laurda - School - You are a true farmer! (13) - You need more FarmVille! (3)


Today I created a new Facebook so that I could create a new FarmVille account for the sole purpose of remembering what the simple life on the farm is like. (I'm currently at level 67) MLIF.

#253 (0 comments) - Apr 5, 2010 01:50 PM by neonxstar - Random - You are a true farmer! (8) - You need more FarmVille! (2)


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