
Glenchrist Tax Preparation is a registered trade name of Glenchrist Financial LLC, an Arizona entity. Glenchrist Financial LLC is the owner of this website and is exclusively responsible for its content.

This website contains information from outside sources that we believe to be reliable, but the accuracy of which cannot be guaranteed.

References to support of not-for-profit organizations may include donations in kind, pro bono services, and contributions by affiliates or principals of Glenchrist Financial LLC.

Low-Rate Guarantee: Terms and Conditions

Competitor must be a for-profit tax preparation service located in Maricopa County, with a currently valid PTIN and EFIN. Competitor's rate must be widely advertised and legally binding for at least 30 days as described in IRS Circular 230, Section 10.30(b)(2). Competitor's offer must be for a service package that matches or exceeds a comparable service package we advertise. Does not apply to hourly rates, business or partnership returns, trust or estate returns, amended returns, services as an Enrolled Agent, or to state tax returns other than Arizona.

"Interest and Penalties" Guarantee: Terms and Conditions

Guarantee applies solely to errors resulting exclusively from our negligence in the preparation of your return, and does not include additional tax due before interest and penalties, or any interest or penalties resulting in whole or in part from: any negligence on your part (regardless of any negligence on our part), failure to provide us with all necessary information, providing us with inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information, intent to engage in tax evasion or any other illegal activity, or any other lack of good faith on your part.

Client Referral Program: Terms and Conditions

To be eligible for our Client Referral program, referring client must have already paid for at least $140 of services from us. Each referred client shall be limited to a single household, SSN or other unique federal or state tax return identifier. Gift card will be mailed to the address used on the referring client's tax return within 60 days of payment by the referred client. Other terms and limitations apply. Offer may be revoked at any time.

"Two-for-One" Package: Terms and Conditions

Offer applies to our advertised packages only. Does not apply to state returns other than Arizona. Offer only available to same-sex couples who either: (a) have entered into a marriage, civil union, domestic partnership or similar legal status in a jurisdiction that recognizes the status as legally valid, or (b) permanently reside at the same address and can demonstrate that they function as a single household. Offer does not apply if either taxpayer can be claimed as a dependent on any other individual's federal tax return. Should one spouse's tax return cost more to prepare than the other spouse's, the fee for the higher priced return shall apply. Participants in the "Two-for-One" program are ineligible for our Low-Price Guarantee and our Client Referral Program.


The registered address of Glenchrist Tax Preparation, which should be used for all correspondence, including overnight deliveries, is:

4397 W BETHANY HOME RD # 1257
GLENDALE AZ 85301-5401

Our telephone number is 602-644-1045. Our fax number is 602-209-7440. Our email address is taxprep@glenchrist.com.

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