
of the book…Thank You for Leaving Me

This is a journey of contradictions… and somewhere in the contradictions, lies the truth. This is a raw truth book about taking 100% responsibility. As long as I was blaming him, I would not be free. I would remain victim unless I took responsibility for what I had co-created.


AUTHOR of Thank You for Leaving Me

I resisted at first, but my children were watching me. I had been teaching them about being truthful and choosing who we wanted to be in any situation. Now it was time to walk my talk.

Now, before I go all Pollyanna on you, let me tell you that there was (and still is) road rash along the way to our ‘loving separation’. The truth is, the ending of my marriage was simply the experience instrumental in waking me up to living a more amazing life. I believe that all crisis or major change comes as a call for us to transform ourselves into the Magnificence that we are.

There are 96 vignettes in the book. Here is the first one…

“It was Valentine’s Day and I just found out that my husband of 10 years had purchased a gift for another woman. All day I was numb. Surreally, I drifted through my day with heaviness in my heart.

I hung onto denial like it was my last friend in the world.
I couldn’t bear the thought of my world disintegrating. It just couldn’t be. He wouldn’t do that. There had to be an explanation.

With a strange kind of calm that only complete shock can produce, I asked him about it when he came home from work. His convincing denials and innocent-looking face almost had me believing him. For a flash, I thought I had manufactured this in my head. If I did not have tangible, physical proof in my hands to the contrary, I would have believed him.

The look of innocence on his face was familiar. I was shocked at how believable he appeared and I wondered how many times in the past I had fallen for his lies. Clearly, I had just not wanted to see the truth.”


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Farhana understands the value of radical responsibility in life….that blaming is a lifetime prison sentence for the blamer….and being radically responsible for your own life despite the circumstances opens the door to true freedom. We live in a society that reveres victim-hood which is why people are so unhappy here despite the high standard of living we live in relative to the rest of the world. Her book isn’t just a good read, it is a pathway to freedom, happiness and love. A “must read” for anyone seeking real growth and happiness in their life! Ken McNeil, Businessman