
About Us

The Arc of San Antonio was founded in 1954 by parents who wanted to create a network of support and services for their children with special needs.  Throughout our history, The Arc has responded to the changing needs in our community by developing programs and partnerships that address the most critical issues facing people living with disabilities.   Today, The Arc offers one of the largest continuum of services for children and adults with a broad range of developmental abilities.

The Arc has two locations in San Antonio (13430 West Avenue, 78216) and (6530 Wurzbach Road, 78240).  Each location offers extended hours for our childcare and day habitation for adults. We serve over 300 children and adults each day.

We play a distinctive role among social service providers in San Antonio.  Each year our case manager and support services connect over 1,200 children, adults and families to a wide range of resources for people with disabilities.  The Arc serves as a gateway to community services for many individuals and families seeking assistance for the first time. We provide a continuing source of information, referral and support during times of transition or crisis.

Our direct care program address the needs of an underserved population in Bexar County.  According to figures published by the 2009 American Community Survey of the U.S. Census, Bexar County is home to an estimated 117,399 adults (12% of the adult population in Bexar County) living with a disability within the segmented population of adults 18-64.

Unfortunately, adults with intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) who are not capable of participating in a vocational program have limited services available. The State of Texas’ support for programs serving the adult population with such disabilities is fraught with service gaps. Many individuals wait up to ten years to receive services through Medicaid waiver programs or through the local I/DD authority (the Alamo Area Council of Governments). Projected additional rate cuts instituted by the State for the coming biennium will only make this situation worse.

In the midst of this daunting environment, The Arc of San Antonio remains committed to providing vital services to children and adults with I/DD. We offer a variety of activities promoting social, motor and vocational skills in a caring environment. Many of our participants have not been successful in other programs due to challenging behaviors or personal care needs, such as assistance with toileting or G-tube feeding. The Arc remains proactive in enriching the lives of our adult participants and moving each individual further along the path towards their maximum potential.

We are an affiliate of The Arc of the United States.

Our Mission: To enhance the lives of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities

Our vision: To provide quality, innovative services to the maximum number of people with intellectual and/or other developmental disabilities to help them achieve their potential.

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