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Upcoming Programs


Microscope Live Blood / Dry Layer Workshop

To be announced.

Flow Systems Workshop

To be announced.

Scroll down for more info on these workshops.

Microscope Live Blood / Dry Layer Workshop

Cost $995. Includes intensive 3 day instruction, lab fee (we supply all microscope systems, supplies and equipment for the class), color 400 page workshop binder, Rot & Rust book with pre-training videos, after class support, private access to special student website, program certification, free/discount product vouchers, and more.

For microscope workshop flyer go to:

For microscope workshop catalog go to:

For microscope workshop overview & details go to:

  Flow Systems Auditing - Workshop
Level 1 Workshop on Advanced Biological Terrain Application

This is an advanced extension to the microscope work but it also stands on its own. It is about quantifying the numbers of health that lie behind the picture. It is for the individual that wants to gain unique insights to understanding biological and biochemical causation of health physiology in a way that academic textbooks and classes do not illustrate or explain.

If you work in the healing arts today or you just want this knowledge for your own private  benefit, this workshop will show you how targeted application of science and logic can be utilized for a practical approach to health care that is incredibly effective. It does not resort to the latest pop science craze of new lotions, potions, pills, gizmos or tests, but to a sound methodology that requires one use their brain to think through elemental material that is largely ignored - or unknown - by most of today's "health care" professionals - regardless of title.

In this class we merge multiple biological terrain concepts (classical BTA / BCA, Reams, Revici, Watson's metabolic typing and more) into a coherent methodology and take it to a level that has never been taught before. We often refer to this as Flow Systems Auditing though whatever name you choose to call it, it is flat out one of the most powerful healing processes you can come to understand.  Come to this program and rediscover science.

Enrollment for this program is open when we begin accepting faxed in registration forms. If you want to be put on the news/notification list to receive registration info for this and future workshops send us an email.  Note that our classes have limited enrollment so when you receive email notification of enrollment opening please act promptly. DO NOT book any flights until you receive confirmation that you are enrolled. If the enrollment start date is past and you want to attend this program just call to check on space availability and to receive registration forms.

Cost $1250. Gets you two instructors for a hands on, knock your socks off program. All participants get audited themselves to intimately learn process and procedures and are individually guided in their own audit process. Everyone receives a full color binder with information no where else available. Includes class certification that will get you into selected vendors and proprietary product lines, free product vouchers, private website access and more. Truly life and practice empowering.

This class has seen doctor participants giving the instructors standing ovations. 
We've been told more than once that we do not charge enough for this workshop.
Students have said they would have paid many times the cost of this program if asked.

So before all of these kudos go to our heads, come to this workshop that is in an intimate setting while you still have the opportunity to do it before we are famous and charging really big bucks. 

For an educational overview go to:

If you want to participate in a workshop and it is past the enrollment start date PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE for the most recent information and do it ASAP if you're thinking about a specific date as participant space is strictly limited.
If  no dates are shown, send an email and make sure you are on our news and  notification list so you will get notice of sessions when posted.


If you have already attended a Biomedx workshop and want to repeat one or both again, call or email for special pricing.


Over the years we have heard a lot of people bemoan the fact that they felt they wasted money - in some cases a lot of money - going to certain health oriented workshops that were unorganized, lacking in significant information, presented questionable material, appeared to be a venue for the ego of the presenter, or was just downright boring. Well, we don't EVER want that to be the case with a Biomedx program. Though we've been doing workshops since 1995 and consistently get rave reviews, it is possible someone at some time won't like what we do. Maybe that will be you. So here's the guarantee; should you come to one of our workshops and are at all dissatisfied with the progression of the program, the handout material, the presenter, or whatever by the time the dinner break arrives on day two, you can turn in all of your workshop material and receive a 100% refund of the class tuition. 


If you want to participate in a future session, please call or e-mail with your details and you will be placed on the e-mail notification list for future classes.

Many times training sessions are at private clinics. They have been held in many locations across the country and into Canada. Whether we have to four-wheel it in or use pack mule, as long as there's electricity, we can usually do a program.

If you'd like to have a program in your area, let us know. We generally need 8 or more people and a secure workshop location for 3 days. We ship all training equipment and the trainer(s) from Chicago to the location (within the states) for a cost on average of $1500 per participant (for a scope class) depending on distance, airfares, lodging, etc.



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