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About Hyla

Inspirational Speaker, Scribd Author Advocate, Indie Author & Publisher


Hyla Molan­der

Hyla Molander—author, inspi­ra­tional speaker, social media maven, pho­tog­ra­pher, widow, wife, and mother of four—is the founder of Social Good Project, Wid­owed Web on Face­book, and co-producer of Women Rock It.

Eight years ago, dur­ing her sev­enth month of preg­nancy, when she and her 17-month-old daugh­ter watched their beloved Erik, 29, drop dead on the kitchen floor, Hyla knew she had to make mean­ing of her tragedy.  Through her writ­ing, speak­ing engage­ments, and social media jour­ney, she has found that meaning.

As a spokesper­son for the Masonic Med­ical Research Lab, Hyla raises aware­ness about Bru­gada Syndrome—the unrec­og­nized genetic prob­lem which led to her late husband’s death. In addi­tion, she helps com­pa­nies define what they believe in, so that they can use social media to forge authen­tic con­nec­tions that make a dif­fer­ence in the world.

Hyla’s book, Find­ing Light: Images and Words of Hope, encour­ages those who have expe­ri­enced any type of tragedy to push through their dark­ness. Other writ­ing projects include her forth­com­ing mem­oir, Drop Dead Life: A Preg­nant Widow’s Heart­felt and Often Comic Jour­ney through Death, Birth, and Rebirth, and her mar­ket­ing guide, Secrets of Scribd Suc­cess: How Writ­ers, Entre­pre­neurs, Non-Profits, and Cor­po­ra­tions Can Grow Their Audi­ence with Scribd​.com.

Hyla Molan­der had received inter­est from sev­eral lit­er­ary agents for her mem­oir DROP DEAD LIFE

Unfor­tu­nately, all of them told Hyla she first needed to grow her read­er­ship to get a deal from a pub­lish­ing house. She’d never heard of Scribd​.com, a social read­ing and pub­lish­ing web­site, but she hoped upload­ing short pieces there might help attract an audi­ence for her writing.

Less than a year later…

In just eight months after putting a short essay on Scribd, Molan­der accu­mu­lated over 100,000 reads. The first chap­ter of her forth­com­ing mem­oir, DROP DEAD LIFE, has been read 18k times on its own.

Hyla’s inter­views and speak­ing engage­ments include All­Face­book Expo, Power of eMar­ket­ing Con­fer­ence, Social Space Savvy, Writer’s Digest, The Cre­ative Penn, The Mama Mono­logues, Mar­ket­ing the Muse, National Asso­ci­a­tion of Mem­oir Writers, HealthyPlace Men­tal Health Radio Show, National Wid­ow­hood Con­fer­ence, South­ern Cal­i­for­nia Writer’s Con­fer­ence, San Fran­cisco Litquake Festival’s Alter­na­tive Forms of Pub­lish­ing Panel, and JW on Purpose.


FIND­ING LIGHT by Hyla Molander

Her writ­ing has been fea­tured in The Good Men Project Mag­a­zine, Sin­gle Mom Seek­ing, Life360, Marin Mag­a­zine, Writ­ing Mamas, and Scribd​.com, where she now also acts as Scribd Author Advocate.

Hyla mar­ried her new hus­band, Evan Oliver in 2007; they met on Match​.com. Evan adopted her daugh­ters con­ceived with Erik, and she embraces his son from a pre­vi­ous mar­riage. They now have another won­der­ful baby boy together.

She and her fam­ily live in beau­ti­ful Marin, California. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.