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Hyla Molander Reveals All

Dis­cover the step-by-step sys­tem I used to grow my Scribd​.com audi­ence to over 100,000 reads!

Just eleven months after upload­ing five pages on Scribd, I’ve accu­mu­lated over 100,000 reads.

It’s hard for me to believe, espe­cially because I had never even heard of the social read­ing and pub­lish­ing web­site before. The first chap­ter of my forth­com­ing mem­oir, DROP DEAD LIFE: A Preg­nant Widow’s Heart­felt and Often Comic Jour­ney through Death, Birth, and Rebirth, has been read 18k times on its own.
Thank you Hyla for shar­ing your suc­cess so that oth­ers can learn how to find read­ers and con­nect with peo­ple with mutual inter­ests. May you inspire a new way for writ­ers and orga­ni­za­tions to reach out to the world with their words. ~  Trip Adler, CEO, Scribd

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And now, I’m eager to share every­thing I’ve learned with you, in my new e-book, SECRETS OF SCRIBD SUC­CESS: A Step-By-Step Guide for Writ­ers, Entre­pre­neurs, Non-Profits, and Cor­po­ra­tions on Grow­ing Your Audi­ence with Scribd​.com.

Here’s a Sam­ple of What You’ll Find:

The fastest, eas­i­est way to upload your documents

Pro­file set­tings that make you memorable

How to make your mate­r­ial irre­sistible to readers

The num­ber one mis­take most new Scribd users make, and an easy way to avoid it

Tricks for get­ting “fea­tured” on Scribd​.com (this is crit­i­cal to get­ting reads, and almost no one knows about it)

How you can facil­i­tate very valu­able “intan­gi­ble” oppor­tu­ni­ties on Scribd

And much, much more…

“No doubt about it, entre­pre­neur­ial writ­ers are writ­ing pub­lish­ing industry’s next chap­ter. Hyla Molan­der rec­og­nized this new wave early on when she dis­cov­ered Scribd​.com and how it could help her con­nect directly to her read­ers. Build your audi­ence and the deals will follow–exactly what Scribd​.com helps us do!” ~ Marla Miller, Mar­ket­ing the Muse


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“They say that Scribd is the place where the world comes to read. I say it’s the place that changed my life.” ~ Laura Novak, career jour­nal­ist and author. Laura’s New York Times arti­cles can be found on Scribd. At 45,000 sub­scribers, she is one of the most fol­lowed authors on Scribd. www​.lau​ra​novakau​thor​.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.