REACT Theme from Kuler Solutions


The REACT theme from Kuler Solutions is a minimal, modern, responsive theme. "Responsive" simply means that no matter what device is used to view your site you can rest assured that your site will look good!

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  • A very unique navigation system that uses drop-down system for sub-pages and a responsive layout for many top level pages
  • ExtraContent enabled (4 EC Areas)
  1. EC 1 is the Dropdown panel at the top of the page
  2. EC 2 is in the sidebar above the "Sidebar Title". Its a perfect place to put advertisers.
  3. EC 3 is the Dropdown panel at the top of the page
  4. EC 4 is at the bottom of the page underneath the main content and above the footer
  • Flexslider slideshow bult-in (

  • Buttons built-in
  • Header slots can be used inplace of a slideshow if you want
  • Tabs built-in
  • Built on a responsive 960 Grid system (
  • Make pretty lists
  • Pullquotes built-in