
Personalized Levels of Care

AgeSong at Bayside Park offers levels of care based on each resident's particular needs. Whether it's for supportive living, high needs assisted living, forgetfulness care (what others call memory care, dementia care or Alzheimer's disease care), behavioral/emotional care, hospice care, or transitional care coordination, our dedicated staff, psychology and social science interns, and volunteers provide compassionate, attentive services — all in a warm, welcoming environment.

For over a decade, AgeSong and Pacific Institute's Gero-Wellness and Internship Programs have joined psychology and social science interns, staff, and residents to create a truly intergenerational exchange.

High Needs Assisted Living

Our Assisted Living Program provides meaning-based programs and services that encourage staff, interns, and residents to enjoy their interaction and appreciate their exchanges. We strive to meet the physical, emotional and social needs of each resident on a personal level.

Forgetfulness Care (Memory Care)

AgeSong's Forgetfulness Care Program provides memory care support for those with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. The program challenges the typical medical view that dementia is a disease or illness, but instead refers to it as forgetfulness — something to which we can all relate. Symptoms and behaviors are viewed as forms of communication to be understood, and are used to help us develop meaningful therapeutic programs and meet individual needs.

Specialized Behavioral and Emotional Care

For residents requiring complex care, our Specialized Behavioral and Emotional Care Program uses a humanistic framework to create a therapeutic environment that is compassionate and nonjudgmental and supportive of behavioral and psychological needs. We accept people for who they are, not by the label they are given when diagnosed, creating an atmosphere that affords residents the freedom to be and become who they truly are. We integrate our humanistic process-oriented approach with the more traditional medical/health approaches to allow residents with complex needs to have a more holistic care experience.

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