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Become a Committed Giver

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Please consider becoming a committed giver and supporting the mission of UR by filling out a Commitment Card. 
Deadline to fill out a Commitment Card is Sunday, May 6 so that our Resource Team and Board have the most accurate information possible as we set our budget for the new budget year that starts June 1.


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Thank you for supporting the mission of our community by being a committed giver to the Upper Room this past budget year. Lives have been changed by God through your financial generosity. We are truly grateful for your participation in this community, as we strive to love God and others in the rhythm of Jesus. Because of your faithful giving this past year:

  • Our High School ministry launched in September and our Junior High continues to grow
  • We have a space to come together and worship on Sunday nights
  • We were able to bless our friends in Congo, El Salvador and at the Minneapolis Market
  • Over 90 kids experience the love of Jesus in our UR Kids ministry each Sunday

A few years ago, the Resource Team and Board decided that the best way to build a responsible budget that effectively stewards your gifts and offerings is through Commitment Cards. A Commitment Card is simply an online form that community members can fill out to indicate the amount of money you are planning to give to fuel the mission of Upper Room. The Resource Team takes the cumulative amount committed by our community on Commitment Cards and puts that amount into a formula that produces an operating budget for the new budget year.

With each passing year, as more and more people participate, committed giving becomes a larger portion of our operating budget. Your financial commitment provides our staff with the stability that they need to carry out the mission of our community.

Current Committed Givers - If you are one of the 300 people who filled out a Commitment Card this time last year or over the course of the past 12 months, we invite you to continue to give and, if possible, to increase your giving level. 

  • If you want to continue at your current giving amount, no need to contact us or fill out a card again...we will assume you will continue to give. 
  • If you need to change your giving amount, fill out an online Commitment Card.

Occasional Givers - If you have given over the past 12 months but have never filled out a commitment card before, please consider filling out a Commitment Card so that your planned giving can be included in our budget calculation for the new year.

Potential Givers - If you worship with us on Sunday and have never given financially to the Upper Room, we want you to know how happy we are that you are with us. Whether or not you choose to give has no effect on the fact that we want you to experience the love of God here. However, we extend the same invitation to you. Please consider filling out a Commitment Card to financially support the mission of this community.

There are several benefits to UR and to you when you choose to give a recurring monthly gift through your credit card or checking account. Monthly electronic giving provides more stability to our budget and requires less work for staff and volunteers. Plus, you don't need to worry about remembering your check book or cash on Sundays. If you would like to give electronically, print and fill out the authorization form and follow the mailing instructions on the form.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Joe McDonald
612-353-5641 ext. 231
Send Joe an email. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.