Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Enemy

"We are basically storytellers, descendants of the old men who sat around the fire and told us legends, fairytales, exploits, or maybe just how funny Og looked when he fell into the tar pit." --Sol Saks in Funny Business

The Rant 'N' Rave Section

The enemy. I've been writing now for about six years. Still a newbie to those who've spent their life as writers but I started late. The first year that I put butt in chair and focused on writing as a career I was tormented by what I like to call an “Awesome-Awful” cycle. I would write a passage or a short story and think, wow, that's awesome. When I came back to it a few days or a week later and read it, I would think, good lord, that's awful, and be crushed by my lack of talent.

I told myself that all I had to do was keep at it. As time went by I knew that awful feeling, that enemy that tore at my dreams of being a writer would go away. Well, it hasn't. With six short stories published, various poems and an article or two under my belt, the angst still attacks me. I have, however, learned to ignore it. I write what I write. My judgment of it really doesn't matter.

What does matter is what my editor thinks of it and what my readers think. They are the judges. The feedback I get from them tells me whether I can finally say “awesome”, pat myself on the back and move on to another story. The bottom line is, when I'm deep into a story and that old cycle comes up, telling me just how awful my writing is, I cheerfully thank it for sharing and keep on writing.


Here's a great contest to enter:

The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves arranging words into the beautiful art of poetry or writing a short story that is worth telling everyone! And to all who have the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. www.dreamquestone.com/
Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, style, or form, typed or neatly hand printed.
And/or write a short story, five pages maximum length, on any subject or theme, creative writing fiction or non-fiction (including essay compositions, diary, journal entries and screenwriting). Also, must be typed or neatly hand printed.
Multiple poetry and short story entries are accepted.
Postmark deadline: July 31, 2009
All contest winners will be announced on August 31, 2009
Writing Contest First Prize is $500. Second Prize: $250. Third Prize: $100.
Poetry Contest First Prize is $250. Second Prize: $125. Third Prize: $50.
Entry fees: $10 per short story. Poetry Contest: $5 per poem.
To send entries: Include title(s) with your story (ies) or poem(s), along with your name, address, phone#, email, brief biographical info. (Tell us a little about yourself), on the coversheet. Add a self-addressed stamped envelope for entry confirmation. Fees payable to: DREAMQUESTONE.COM
Mail to:
Dream Quest One
Poetry & Writing Contest
P.O. Box 3141
Chicago, IL 60654

Visit www.dreamquestone.com/ for further details, to print out an entry form or to enter online.

No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude. “And remember in whatever you do, it’s okay to dream, for dreams do come true.” –Dream Quest One

Word of the month

Callipygean: Having a well-shaped butt.

Last but Not Least

"I didn't know that!"

Lewis Carrol

Lewis Carrol's real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Well, that's it for this time, see ya later gater…..Aelf

Sites to see, places to go and groups to join

Long Story Short: www.alongstoryshort.net/
Fantasy Gazetteer: www.fantasygazetteer.com/
My Writing Friend: writingfriend@yahoo
Linda Barnett-Johnson: lindabarnettjohnson.homestead.com/
Pindersoft's Writers Project Organizer: www.pindersoft.com/wpo.htm
StorYBook 2.1.11: storybook.intertec.ch/joomla/
Nick Daws Writers Circle: Nick Daw's Writer's Circle.
Wridea: www.wridea.com/
J.D.Vine Publishing: www.jdvine/com/index.html
Tennessee Writers Alliance: www.tn-writers.org/
USA Patriotism, Poetry: www.usa-patriotism.com/
Poynter 30 Writer's Tips: www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=78&aid=103943

Freebie Writers Tools

Idea Cruncher: www.ideacruncher.com/purchase/
Freemind: freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Auto Crit: Automatic manuscript checker: www.autocrit.com/
Word Web download :www.wordweb.info/
I’ll be adding to the above list as time goes on and I find more newbie friendly sites.Copyright © 05/26/09

posted by Aelf at 4:36 AM spacer


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