
There are all kinds of ways to make money with online technology. Because there are still a lot of misconceptions about how to make money, there are many that exploit this ignorance; others offer a higher level of understanding. We at Theme Zoom prefer the latter. It has been our vision, from the beginning, to create a platform where holistic paradigms facilitate understanding and catalyze the growth of our members’ online business to the next level.

Nothing feels better than saving people from the misconceptions about keyword research! Nothing is more rewarding than watching the “mental light-bulb” go on inside someone’s brain! The bottom line is that Krakken and The Last Keyword Tool (TLKT) will save you huge amounts of time when deciding how to market your theme or niche online.

Experience has shown that people, both amateur and professional, waste huge amounts of time and money attempting to rank for arbitrary keywords. This is because they don’t understand how website content is evaluated. We predict that in the near future search engines will evolve to the next level of intelligence. Meaning the search engine robots will understand not only the keywords on your page but the context in which you use them.

Both Krakken and The Last Keyword Tool were designed so you can better understand and accurately utilize the relationship between your keywords and your message to your market.

Krakken was designed to implement and automate the relationships between the pages of your website using the keywords that specifically target your market so you can rank with less time and effort.

We look forward to working with you!
The Theme Zoom Staff

To sign up for Krakken, DWS or The Last Keyword Tool, please visit the Theme Zoom website.

Sue Bell

spacer Sue Bell is the CEO, founder and mastermind behind Theme Zoom’s ‘Krakken’ Search Engine Marketing Tool, The Last Keyword Tool and Domain Web Studio (DWS). Her expertise with system design and databases allowed her to back engineer popular search engines and discover methods for Search Market Analysis and Competitive Analysis that turn SEO and search engine rankings into a science.

This resulted in the creation of tools which make the life of an SEO/SEM easier by automating both the difficult and mundane aspects of Market Research, Keyword Research, Website Site Structural Design and Implementation.

Sue retired from her career supporting the Military in her thirties and recently came out of retirement to mastermind the programing behind our powerful and proprietary market analysis tools. She currently enjoys living in the arid Arizona desert, spends her spare time dominating online markets, and is available on a limited bases for online marketing consultation and training.

Russell Wright

spacer Russell Wright is a founder of Theme Zoom LLC, a search engine optimization auditor, and co-creator of the Krakken Search Engine Marketing tool. This tool was founded on Russell’s proprietary keyword reporting system and the “9 different keyword types”. This keyword system is designed to unveil the unique keyword fingerprint of your website that will assist you in dominating your niche at a high level.

Russell, as a professional speaker, presents the search engine story in a way that both technical and non-technical audiences will enjoy. He takes a top-down philosophical approach when speaking about search engine marketing and technology. An experienced communicator and storyteller, his goal is to promote a perspective that tends to intrigue the average listener.

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