What's New:

April 2012
"Playful Vinyasa" is now "Playful Flow" and is now coming to the Asheville Yoga Center in downtown Asheville. New classes at the Donation Studio on Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 12 pm and at the main studio on Saturday mornings from 7:45 to 8:45 am.

February 2012
I am teaching a weekly Playful Vinyasa class at the Asheville Community Yoga Center on Sunday's from 1-2pm. Here's the description:
Whether you spent the morning meditating, hiking in the woods, or sleeping off a Saturday night on the town, Sunday afternoon is a wonderful time to connect to your yoga practice. This one hour vinyasa flow class will bring you to your center, offer you playfulness and challenges, and leave you with deep relaxation. Though modifications will be offered for students of all levels, familiarity with basic yoga poses such as “downward dog” and “child’s pose” is recommended.

New website coming soon by Dragonbutterfly Design (me!)

Why "Instar"?
I have a particular fondness for moths and butterflies and their process of transformation. Instars are the stages of caterpillar metamorphosis between each molt. As the caterpillar grows and successively sheds its skin, it transforms. I find a similar process in the practice of yoga--ever evolving toward taking flight. Though the caterpillar may only know it is eating, whether or not it has an intent to transform, it is the nature of the being to do so. To me, the process mirrors the human being involved in the practice of yoga.
Here is a fun page explaining the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

Rich began practicing yoga in gyms in 1999. As his practice deepened he gave up the gym membership for a full time commitment to Ashtanga yoga in 2001. In early 2006 he left his home in hurricane ravaged New Orleans to pursue his devotion to yoga and his passion for performance in San Francisco. Rich completed his teacher training with Clayton Horton and David Lurey at Greenpath Yoga in 2006 and has pursued additional Ashtanga training with David Swenson and Richard Freeman. Though devoted to his roots in Ashtanga Rich believes that exploring and practicing a variety of yoga styles provides valuable perspective and has diversified his training with teachers including Shiva Rea, Rod Stryker, Ana Forrest, Dharma Mittra, and Les Leventhal. He also has a special love for AcroYoga and has participated in numerous AcroYoga trainings and classes.

Rooted in his own experience, Rich believes strongly in the principles of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika--that physical yoga is spiritually transformational. The hatha yogi need not seek transformation, for in the practice transformation finds the yogi. Rich's vinyasa classes mix elements of traditional Ashtanga with his experience as a circus aerialist, dancer, and acrobatic. With variations provided for students of all levels, his classes challenge one to mindfulness of the body and focus on the breath while striving to further one's personal practice in a spirit of humility, compassion, and playfulness. Rich strives to provide a meditation in motion that leaves one both energized and full of tranquility.

In addition to his activities as a yoga teacher, Rich does graphic and web design for the the yoga, healing, and arts communities, tells original fairytales as Onkel Woland, and does circus and fire performance. He has worked with the Dreamtime Circus, Lucid Dream Lounge, and Copper Lantern Fire Theater. During his time in the Bay Area he also frequently volunteered for the fire and metal arts school, The Crucible.

Now in Asheville, he hopes to keep sharing creativity and light with this beautiful community.


a little pranayama for you...


Design by dragonbutterfly design.  
Yoga photos by Daniel Garcia, Focal Intent Photography
Fire Breathing Photo by Curtis Finger, Finger Photography

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