10 Ways To Create a Winning Mindset

by James Pruitt on February 8, 2012 · 2 comments

Developing a winning mindset is an important step to achieving your life’s dreams. However, if you really want to build the life that you want, you need to learn what makes a  winning mindset, and start taking action on it today.

Many people think of mindset as just positive thinking. Although that is a big part of it, it is only a piece of the puzzle. It can be overwhelming to change your mindset, but that doesn’t have to be the case. I should know.

A few years ago, I was struggling to accomplish anything in my life.  Through my own trials and struggles, I found several fundamental truths that lead me to create a more sustainable winning mindset that has lead me to be more successful in my own life, and help others achieve more in theirs.

Show Daily Gratitude

Years ago, I was going through a class that recommended keeping a daily gratitude journal. This exercise has helped me a lot over the years, and now it is one of my primary recommendations for everyone. Every day, write down something that you are grateful for. I try to write 10 things every day.

Give What You Want

The best way to attract what you want is to help others get it. When I started blogging about mindset, I was working on developing my own. The more I help others, the more I get in return. No matter what you want in your life, if you help others to get it, you will receive it yourself as well.

Let Go of Fear

Fear is the cause of all negative emotions and behaviors. In order to overcome a bad habit, or negative mindset,  you need to learn how to break free of the fear that is controlling your life. This can be challenging, especially in a society where people see fear as a strength. The fact is your fear is your biggest weakness. It comes from the ego and will always lead to disaster.

Accept Full Responsibility For YOUR Actions

Acceptance is hard to find. It comes from a state of love, and has nothing to do with blame, guilt (see FEAR), shame, or embarrassment. Acceptance means that you will take full responsibility that you are completely in control of your choices in life, and that the life you have is based on the choices you make.

It means accepting and loving yourself with your faults and mistakes, not in spite of them. All of your choices that you make today are based on how you perceive your past experiences. By accepting that you have the ability to control your choices, you free yourself from limitations that could hold you back from achieving your potential.

Eliminate Excuses

Excuses are like viruses. They infect your mind and try to spread. Recently, I went through Dr Wayne Dyer’s Excuses Begone! program, and it has helped me identify and begin to eliminate many excuses that I have used to not achieve what I wanted in my life.

Within just a short amount of time, I have made some pretty extraordinary changes in my life by eliminating the excuses that kept me on the path that I didn’t want. We all make excuses from time to time. However, when you get into the habit of constantly making excuses in your life, it limits your ability to take control of your mindset.

Be Passionate About Everything

Passion is often hard to define, yet it is one of the leading differences between success and failure. Passion is something that you will feel inside. Everyone experiences it differently, but when you learn how to identify your passion, it will lead you into the winning mindset that you need to achieve all that you want and need in your life, and enjoy the process while you do it.

Act As If You Have A Winning Mindset

Now, here I am not talking about being fake, or lying about your achievements. However, when you find people who have the mindset that you want, and act the same way they do, you will find that you begin to make a shift in your mindset. Creating a mindset shift requires 3 things: your Physical state, your mental focus, and your commitment to change.

Acting as if you have the mindset already will change your physical state, and it will help you have the mental focus that leads you to success. In order to really succeed long term though, you have to commit to making this change a permanent habit in your life.

Contemplate What You Want

Contemplate what you want in your life every day. Often, people spend a lot of time contemplating all the things they dont have, cant afford, don’t want, and wish they could get away from. Instead, focus that energy on what you want in your life and you will start seeing it show up.

Contemplation is the highest form of activity, and by using it every day, your mind will begin to look for opportunities to bring what you want into your life.

Let Go of False Assumptions

Assumptions really hold you back. Assumptions are usually based on past experiences, and by living your life based on these assumptions, you limit your future by being stuck in the past. People with a winning mindset don’t make assumptions about things in their life. Instead, they seek look at every situation with fresh eyes, and open their mind to opportunities that others miss out on.

Find a Mentor With Similar Experiences

Finding a coach or mentor who has experiences that you want can be beneficial to you. Although the ideal situation would mean personal coaching, it doesn’t have to. If you find someone who you admire and want to be more like, study their programs. Learn everything about them that you can. If they have a blog follow them. Try to make friends with them through social media. (just don’t go so far that you start stalking them…)

One of the best ways to achieve what you want in your life is to copy others who have already achieved it. By moddeling their behavior and habits, you can begin to live the same type of life for yourself.

Develop the Winning Mindset That You Need Today!

Don’t put off starting to develop the winning mindset that you want. Start applying each of these to your life. even just using one or two will help you achieve more, and see a transformation in your perspective on the world around you. The more you apply these principles, the more results you will see.

Tagged as: commitment, hope, life, mindset, winning


spacer David February 29, 2012 at 7:15 am

Hi Robert, Great post – the one thing I would ask you to consider is the corollary to thinking in the direction you want to go . That would be to remove the weeds from our minds as well. Much negative thinking and negativity creeps into our minds daily. Like tending a garden, we must remove these weeds. The more often we do this, the better.
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spacer Candice Michelle March 2, 2012 at 3:33 am

To create a winning mindset you must starts to see yourself and having good attitude. Stop putting yourself down, you are perfect the way you are. When you can start loving yourself, your attitude will move toward positivity.
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