Get Involved

help us build the touch a life care center{{!

Goal: $10,000 Amount raised: $1,466 
(updated daily)


We're thrilled to announce that we're in the process of building a long-term rehabilitation center for trafficked children, and we want you to join us in making it a reality! The Touch A Life Care Center will house 100 kids, offering them hope and freedom after they are rescued out of slavery. We want to give you the opportunity to join us in this work. The total cost of this project is an estimated $800,000, and we want to let you be a part of raising some of it! 

Our first goal is to raise $10,000 online. This money will help furnish the Touch A Life Care Center - it will allow us to buy refrigerators, freezers, bunk beds, a water tank, etc. Learn more about the different buildings by clicking the links on the sidebar.

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