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Fabio wants you to join the REVOLUTION!!

posted: Fri Jan 20 13:42:18 EST 2012 by: Fabio Bruce - Feline Ambassador Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

My Dearest Feline Friends:

Hi! My name is Fabio Bruce, the "clinic cat" at Christensen Animal Hospital - but my more important (and more official sounding) title is Feline Ambassador! I've noticed that it's been a while since we last saw you, so I am taking the time out of an important cat-nap to write (with some help) about a topic near and dear to my little kitty-heart: the importance of feline health.

You see, I understand how kitties everywhere sometimes feel about coming to the veterinarian for annual checkups and vaccines. In fact, we are pretty good at hiding signs of illness from our humans until something serious happens. That is why it is important that health-conscious cats like ourselves get to see the veterinarian at least once a year for an examination, and for older (ahem...more "mature") kitties past age 7, we should be making regular trips to the veterinariantwice a year for exams and important testing like bloodwork and a urinalysis to check for metabolic changes that can start around that age.

Now, I'm sure thoughts like "I get scared when my humans bring out that darned cat carrier" or "What if the vets and staff don't like me?" have come to mind. I am here to reassure you that the veterinarians and staff at Christensen Animal Hospital know exactly how to speak our kitty-cat language and have found innovative ways to make the whole experience of getting the medical care we need easier on everyone:

  • Join the Revolution against parasites! Schedule an appointment and pick up a FREE DOSE of Revolution for cats, which helps keep creepy crawlys like hookworms, ear mites, roundworms, fleas and other nasty bugs off of us!It's a value of $20, and you know what that means...more money for catnip!
  • Did you know that Christensen has a room reserved just for cats? They've taken the time to pick out items that appeal to cats, including using a pheromone spray in the room to naturally ease anxiety that we might have coming to see the doctor.
  • Afraid to get in the cat carrier? Don't worry - the doctors will come to you! Give us a call to arrange a housecall visit to ease the strain on you and your humans!
  • Need a vacation? Hang out with me at Christensen while your family is away! Cats have their very own area where we can do what we do best: lay around and RELAX!

Hope to see you soon!



Feline Ambassador at Christensen Animal Hospital

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