We Make Movies Writers’ Group

spacer Sometimes, as writers, we need to meet with other writers to get feedback, or help with a story idea or structural problems. And sometimes we just need to get out of the house and stop isolating. For these reasons, the Tuesday Night WMM Writers Group was formed. Separate from the regular “Something to do on a Wednesday night” workshop, the Tuesday night group is just for writers. It’s a smaller more focused group which is informal and continuing to evolve. At the beginning of each meeting we go around the room, giving each person time to check in and say what it is they’d like to work on or discuss or share with the group. Please feel free to drop in anytime, as you do with the Wednesday workshops.

When: Every Tuesday Night
Where: 1526 Angelus Street, 90026 (in Silverlake)*
Time: 7 – 9pm

*Craig Belknap, has offered his workshop space in is home for our meetings. As a consideration and to help Craig offset any costs, we are each putting a few bucks in a basket for Craig each Tuesday.

For more information email: WritersGroup@wemakemovies.org

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