Welcome To newham bookshop

Newham Bookshop is East Londons leading independent bookseller. We have been supplying books for over 30 years. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always pleased to offer help and infomation on books you require. We can offer next day delivery on most orders.


We stock a wide range of general non fiction and fiction, academic and children’s books. You can also order special requests that you may have. Our Telephone number is 020 8552 9993. You can now ask questions via skype spacer


Benjamin Zephaniah


I don't just go to this bookshop to buy books, I hang out there. The staff have a great knowledge of the community they serve, they have respect for their community, and they are so in touch with their community that they don't presume that English will be your first language. It is a real example of a community bookshop. The kids' section offers stories from all over the world, so it doesn't matter where you come from: you will always feel at home. One day a really smart person will write a book about this bookshop and we will all live happily ever after.
Benjamin Zephaniah

source the guardian newspaper


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