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Adobe First Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer Awarded All 4 Facebook API Badges – What Does This Mean For You?

Social Media · By Lawrence Mak On · 4 Comments

Face­book con­tin­ues to expand as a sig­nif­i­cant social mar­ket­ing plat­form, today announc­ing its Pre­ferred Mar­ket­ing Devel­oper (PMD) pro­gram.  Adobe is the first PMD mem­ber (out of an ini­tial 232) awarded badges for all four of Facebook’s Mar­ket­ing APIs – Pages, Ads, Apps and Insights.

spacer But what does that mean exactly and why is this impor­tant for our cus­tomers? Today’s announce­ment gives me a chance to high­light how you as a dig­i­tal mar­keter can take advan­tage of some of our core social mar­ket­ing capa­bil­i­ties and key dif­fer­en­tia­tors that we deliver via Adobe Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Suite, includ­ing Adobe Social, a new prod­uct that inte­grates page management/engagement, lis­ten­ing, social ad buy­ing and social ana­lyt­ics. I will delve into the four Face­book APIs that we sup­port and explain why this is extremely significant.

spacer Pages API
Post sched­ul­ing and tar­get­ing, mod­er­a­tion, per­mis­sion­ing, and other tools to man­age Face­book Pages

Adobe offers highly flex­i­ble page man­age­ment with a robust roles and per­mis­sions model.  This enables global and local scale so you can man­age all of your Face­book pages within a sin­gle plat­form, while empow­er­ing regional man­agers to exe­cute cam­paigns locally. We also fea­ture deep inte­gra­tion with Adobe Site­Cat­a­lyst, enabling auto tag­ging of social media posts with cam­paign track­ing codes in the pub­lish­ing work­flow.  This means you can much more eas­ily track how your Face­book con­tent and inter­ac­tions are dri­ving behav­iors on your dig­i­tal prop­er­ties.  That’s a fancy way of say­ing you can now tie social activ­ity to busi­ness results.

spacer Apps API
Ser­vices and plat­forms for build­ing socially enabled inte­gra­tions – cus­tomized or self-service

In addi­tion to the flex­i­bil­ity and cus­tomiz­abil­ity that the new app builder within Adobe Social pro­vides, Adobe’s inte­gra­tion between Site­Cat­a­lyst and for­mer Effi­cient Fron­tier tech­nol­ogy now enables auto tag­ging of appli­ca­tions (note, this is dif­fer­ent than the auto tag­ging of Face­book posts men­tioned above) with cam­paign track­ing codes to mea­sure users across the entire cus­tomer jour­ney from ad click to app engage­ment to web­site con­ver­sion and beyond. Through an inte­gra­tion with Adobe Test&Target, mar­keters can engage in A/B test­ing of app cre­ative and copy, pro­duc­ing crit­i­cal Face­book app opti­miza­tion insights for enhanced engage­ment. Our tar­get­ing tech­nol­ogy auto­mat­i­cally per­son­al­izes the app expe­ri­ences based on social pro­file and demo­graphic data, which improves rel­e­vancy and dri­ves higher conversion.

In addi­tion, Adobe is inte­grat­ing Adobe Social with Adobe CQ, cre­at­ing a social con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem for cen­tral­ized dig­i­tal asset man­age­ment. This is per­fect for global com­pa­nies with local or regional mar­kets. Cor­po­rate approved tem­plates and con­tent can then be man­aged appro­pri­ately while empow­er­ing local man­agers to exe­cute social cam­paigns appro­pri­ate to their locale.

spacer Ads API
Advanced ad cre­ation, cam­paign man­age­ment, and report­ing capabilities

Adobe is cur­rently the only provider to inte­grate “spon­sored story cre­ation” within the Face­book pub­lish­ing work­flow.  Essen­tially, this capa­bil­ity can sig­nif­i­cantly expand the influ­ence of con­tent by max­i­miz­ing reach – get­ting your con­tent in front of a lot more eye­balls – and ampli­fy­ing mes­sages. This inno­va­tion enables com­mu­nity man­agers to col­lab­o­rate closely with ad man­agers dur­ing the plan­ning process to coor­di­nate paid and owned reach at cam­paign launch instead of spon­sor­ing a story after the post has gone live.

Adobe also pro­vides not just large-scale ad buy­ing and ad cam­paign man­age­ment on Face­book, but we are also the only PMD to pro­vide auto­mated three-fold ad opti­miza­tion: 1) opti­mize the cre­ative in the ad so the con­tent is the most impact­ful; 2) opti­mize the audi­ence seg­ments that get served the ad ensur­ing the right eye­balls see it; 3) opti­mize bid­ding using pre­dic­tive mod­el­ing algo­rithms designed to increase con­ver­sions while low­er­ing the cost per click. This three-fold opti­miza­tion strat­egy helps you get the biggest bang for your buck.

I am also proud to say that Adobe enables cross-channel attri­bu­tion of social against other dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing chan­nels – search and dis­play – because our tech­nol­ogy man­ages all bid­d­a­ble dig­i­tal ad for­mats. Adobe is lit­er­ally help­ing you intel­li­gently spend your ad dol­lars where it makes the most sense. We are actu­ally the largest bid­d­a­ble ad provider in the mar­ket through our acqui­si­tion of Effi­cient Fron­tier tech­nol­ogy and that scale and expe­ri­ence trans­lates into trusted exper­tise in dig­i­tal advertising.

spacer Insights API
Page and post analy­sis, bench­mark­ing, KPI track­ing, and other tools for mea­sur­ing per­for­mance across Face­book objects

Adobe can tie Face­book activ­ity directly to busi­ness results like rev­enue or other con­ver­sion met­rics. Addi­tion­ally, Adobe can inte­grate lis­ten­ing (earned) data with owned data, paid media (ads) data, and mean­ing­ful ana­lyt­ics (i.e. let’s look beyond “likes” and “fans” to rev­enue and con­ver­sions) within one dataset. This gives you a much more com­plete pic­ture of per­for­mance across chan­nels and insights to opti­mize invest­ments across those chan­nels for the great­est ROI.

Adobe also pro­vides exper­tise and sup­port in ser­vices designed to help brands lever­age Adobe tech­nol­ogy across Facebook’s mar­ket­ing solu­tions. But that is a sub­ject worth fur­ther dis­cus­sion in a future blog.

This is an excit­ing time to be a dig­i­tal mar­keter and as Face­book con­tin­ues to inno­vate and enhance their plat­form, we will work closely with them to con­tinue pro­vid­ing the most com­pre­hen­sive and sen­si­ble sup­port solu­tions possible.

What addi­tional sup­port for Face­book mar­ket­ing activ­i­ties would you like to see from Adobe?

Tagged with: API • Facebook • PMD • preferred marketing developer • social media marketing 
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