Jacques Deshaies
Peintre - Painter
De sensoriel à cérébral à sensoriel - From sensorial to cerebral to sensorial
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Montréal, 09/07/2012 Peinture - Painting
Vide - Plein / Void - Full
Noir ouranien, Ouranian Black

Lire...#154 - Read...#154
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Atelier Montréal 2012 (Photos Martin Boisvert)

Série Emily Carr - Tom Thomson Series
Groupe des 7 - Group of 7
Acrylique sur toile 2012 - Acrylique on canvas 2012

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12 - Groupe des 7,  fragments polyptyques
12 - Group of 7,  fragments polyptich
Montagne et eau - Mountain and water.

Tom Thomson, J.E.H. Mc Donald, Emily Carr, A.J. Casson, A.Y. Jackson, Edwin Holdgate,
Fred Varley, Arthur Lismer, Frank Johnston, Lawren Harris, F. Carmichael, L. L. Fitzgerald.

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11- Tom Thomson Icone Timbre "The Jack Pine 1967" Icon Stamp

1- Tom Thomson - 24" x 36"

2- Emily Carr - 16" x 20"
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3- Emily Carr - 16" x 20" 4- Emily Carr - 16" x 20" 5- Emily Carr - 16" x 20"
Coll. Jock Langford Coll. Jock Langford
6- Emily Carr - 16" x 20"

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Diptyque - 12" x 16" x 2 - Diptych

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Coll. Jock Langford - 22" x 28" x 2

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Collection Jock Langford                              
8- Tom Thomson, 12 crânes polyptyques
8- Tom Thomson, 12 skulls polyptich

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9- Tom Thomson déconstruction polyptyque (8) - deconstruction polyptych (8)

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10- Emily Carr déconstruction polyptyque (8) - deconstruction polyptych (8)
Série Memento Mori Series
Cliquez sur l'image - Click on image


Cliquez sur l'image - Click on image
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Série Eau - Water Series
Lire...#111 -Read...#111

Série Forme - Form Series
Cliquez sur l'image - Click on image

Série Outils du peintre - Tools of the Painter Series
Cliquez sur l'image - Click on image
Forme de l'Informe
Peinture / Painting
Jacques Deshaies
Lire...#155 - Read...#155


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