Join us! Thousands of people use obsurvey, and we process more than 40,000 survey responses each month.
100% Free - no limitations
Unlimited surveys, responses, questions and pages, no ads and no cost. Why?
Get started right now Create a survey now
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Obsurvey is dead easy to use.
No drag and drop, just click.
Making obsurvey easy for you to use is our top priority
Lots of features

Obsurvey gives you all the standard survey features like

  • branching
  • mandatory questions
  • filtering reports (instantly!)
  • sharing live reports
  • exporting pdf and csv
  • downloading charts as images

For a more complete list of features see the features page

Obsurvey has been tested on real users

Obsurvey is repeatedly tested on people who have never used obsurvey before. To make sure you find it easy to use.

We find a lot of things to improve with this testing. It's amazing how there is always another thing that can be made better. It never stops.

If you find obsurvey hard to use in any way, please tell us. We promise we'll do something about it.

Below you can see a video of an actual user test of obsurvey.

Obsurvey has been live since 2007

Obsurvey has been a 100% free survey solution since 2007.

In fact work on the code that is the basis for obsurvey started development in 2002.

During that time a lot of things have improved for all you obsurvey users.

You can see a timeline with major milestones on the about page.

Create a survey in just 11 minutes.
Why 11 minutes?

The reason it's 11 minutes instead of just 5 minutes like everyone else, it that we're talking about a user that has never user obsurvey before, ever.

On the right is a video of one of the many real user tests, that we do for obsurvey. The user in the video has never used obsurvey before.

This is not just one lucky user. We can repeat this again and again in our tests. With obsurvey you can truely create a survey in 11 minutes.

If you are considering another survey solution than obsurvey. Ask them if you can see one of their real user tests.

We also have another user test, where the user creates a survey in just 7½ minutes.

Survey Survey on Blog Shared Report
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