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virtualenv and You: A Perfect Match

Whetting the Appetite: Make a Wiki in 20 Minutes¶

How does TurboGears2 help you get development done quickly? We’ll show you by developing a simple wiki application that should take you no more than 20 minutes to complete. We’re going to do this without explaining the steps in detail (that is what this book is for, after all). As a result, you’ll see how easily you can make your own web applications once you are up to speed on what TurboGears2 offers.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of a wiki you might want to check out the Wikipedia entry. Basically, a wiki is an easily-editable collaborative web content system that makes it trivial to link to pages and create new pages. Like other wiki systems, we are going to use CamelCase words to designate links to pages.

If you have trouble with this tutorial ask for help on the TurboGears discussion list, or on the IRC channel #turbogears. We’re a friendly bunch and, depending what time of day you post, you’ll get your answer in a few minutes to a few hours. If you search the mailing list or the web in general you’ll probably get your answer even faster. Please don’t post your problem reports as comments on this or any of the following pages of the tutorial. Comments are for suggestions for improvement of the docs, not for seeking support.

If you want to see the final version you can download a copy of the wiki code.


To go through this tutorial, you’ll need:

  1. Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7. Note that Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) comes with Python 2.5 pre-installed.

  2. virtualenv. Not that on many Linux based systems you will need to install a Python development package for this to work, such as python-devel or python-dev. In addition, virtualenv is available via most package managers, so can be installed that way.

  3. A web browser.

  4. Your favorite editor.

  5. Two command line windows (you only need one, but two is nicer).

  6. Optional: If you’re not aware of it, you may also find the ipython shell to be helpful. It supports attribute tab completion for many objects (which can help you find the method you’re searching for) and can display contextual help if you append a question mark onto the end of an object or method. You can do the same in the standard shell with the dir() and help() functions, but ipython is more convenient. ipython has a number of other convenient features, like dropping into the debugger on an error; take a look at the ipython docs for more information. You can install it with:

    $ easy_install ipython

This tutorial doesn’t cover Python at all. Check the Python Documentation page for more coverage of Python.

Virtual Environment¶

The use of a virtual environment is highly recommended. It allows you to segregate your development work from the system, so you can freely experiment without worrying about breaking some other package. The use of it is two steps: Making the directory structure for the virtual environment, and activating it.

Making the Virtual Environment¶

This is the same across all platforms. Use the following command:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages path/to/virtualenvironment

The “–no-site-packages” ensures that your virtual environment is just what comes with Python. Using that, you ensure that you have no unknown conflicts while doing your development.

Activating the Virtual Environment¶

On Linux and other UNIX (or UNIX-like) operating systems, use this command:

$ source path/to/virtualenvironment/bin/activate

On Windows, use this command:

C:\> path\to\virtualenvironment\bin\activate

On all platforms, when you are done, use the “deactivate” command to return to using your system wide Python installation.

Installing the Development Tools¶

Once you have your development environment prepared (using the instructions for making a virtualenv above), installing TurboGears2 itself is extremely easy. Run this command:

$ easy_install -i tg.devtools

Wait a few moments as the dependencies are installed and prepared for you.


TurboGears2 provides a suite of tools for working with projects by adding several commands to the Python command line tool paster. A few will be touched upon in this tutorial. (Check the TurboGears2 Command Line Reference for a full listing.) The first tool you’ll need is quickstart, which initializes a TurboGears project. Go to a command line window and run the following command:

$ paster quickstart

You’ll be prompted for the name of the project (this is the pretty name that human beings would appreciate), and the name of the package (this is the less-pretty name that Python will like). Here’s what our choices for this tutorial look like:

$ paster quickstart
Enter project name: Wiki 20
Enter package name [wiki20]:
Would you prefer mako templates? (yes/[no]): no
Do you need authentication and authorization in this project? ([yes]/no): yes

We recommend you use the names given here: this documentation looks for files in directories based on these names.

Now paster will spit out a bunch of stuff:

Selected and implied templates:
  tg.devtools#turbogears2  TurboGears 2. Standard Quickstart Template


reading manifest file 'Wiki_20.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
writing manifest file 'Wiki_20.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'

This creates a few files in a directory tree just below your current directory. You will notice that the quickstart created a directory without spaces for convenience: project name “Wiki 20” resulted in the directory name “Wiki-20”. Go in there and take a look around:

$ cd Wiki-20

You need to update the dependencies in the file “”. Currently, it looks like this:

    "TurboGears2 >= 2.1.1",
    "zope.sqlalchemy >= 0.4",
    "repoze.tm2 >= 1.0a5",
    "repoze.what >= 1.0.8",
    "repoze.who-friendlyform >= 1.0.4",
    "repoze.what-pylons >= 1.0",
    "tgext.admin >= 0.3.9",

You need to add “docutils” to the list. TurboGears2 does not require docutils, but the wiki we are building does. In addition, if you are using Python 2.4, you need to add “pysqlite”. For this tutorial, we are using the SQLite database, and Python 2.4 does not include support for it out of the box.

Now to be able to run the project you will need to install it and its dependencies. This can be quickly achieved by running from inside the Wiki-20 directory:

$ python develop

Then paster provides a simple mechanism for running a TurboGears project. Again from the Wiki-20 directory, run this command:

$ paster serve --reload development.ini

The --reload flag means that changes that you make in the project will automatically cause the server to restart itself. This way you immediately see the results.

Point your browser to localhost:8080 , and you’ll see a nice welcome page. You now have a working project! And you can access the project from within the python/ipython shell by typing:

$ paster shell development.ini

If ipython is installed within your virtual environment, it will be the default shell. Right now, we’re not going to do much with the shell, but you may find other tutorials which use it to add data to the database.

Controller And View¶

If you take a look at the code that quickstart created, you’ll see everything necessary to get up and running. Here, we’ll look at the two files directly involved in displaying this welcome page.

TurboGears follows the Model-View-Controller paradigm (a.k.a. “MVC”), as do most modern web frameworks like Rails, Django, Struts, etc.

For a web application, the “model” refers to the way the data is stored. In theory, any object can be your model. In practice, since we’re in a database-driven world, your model will be based on a relational database. By default TurboGears 2 uses the powerful, flexible, and relatively easy-to-use SQLAlchemy object relational mapper to build your model and to talk to your database. We’ll look at this in a later section.

To minimize duplication of effort web frameworks use templating engines which allow you to create “template” files. These specify how a page will always look, with hooks where the templating engine can substitute information provided by your web application. TurboGears 2’s default templating engine is Genshi, although several other engines are supported out of the box and can be configured in your config/ file (see part IV of this book).


add link to part IV when it is written

The controller is the way that you tell your web application how to respond to events that arrive on the server. In a web application, an “event” usually means “visiting a page” or “pressing a submit button” and the response to an event usually consists of executing some code and displaying a new page.

Controller Code¶

Wiki-20/wiki20/controllers/ (see below) is the code that causes the welcome page to be produced. After the imports the first line of code creates our main controller class by inheriting from TurboGears’ BaseController:

class RootController(BaseController):

The TurboGears 2 controller is a simple object publishing system; you write controller methods and @expose() them to the web. In our case, there’s a single controller method called index. As you might guess, this name is not accidental; this becomes the default page you’ll get if you go to this URL without specifying a particular destination, just like you’ll end up at index.html on an ordinary web server if you don’t give a specific file name. You’ll also go to this page if you explicitly name it, with localhost:8080/index. We’ll see other controller methods later in the tutorial so this naming system will become clear.

The @expose() decorator tells TurboGears which template to use to render the page. Our @expose() specifies:


This gives TurboGears the template to use, including the path information (the .html extension is implied). We’ll look at this file shortly.

Each controller method returns a dictionary, as you can see at the end of the index method. TG takes the key:value pairs in this dictionary and turns them into local variables that can be used in the template.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main Controller"""

from tg import expose, flash, require, url, request, redirect
from pylons.i18n import ugettext as _, lazy_ugettext as l_
from tgext.admin.tgadminconfig import TGAdminConfig
from tgext.admin.controller import AdminController
from repoze.what import predicates

from wiki20.lib.base import BaseController
from wiki20.model import DBSession, metadata
from wiki20 import model
from import SecureController

from wiki20.controllers.error import ErrorController

__all__ = ['RootController']

class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    secc = SecureController()

    admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)

    error = ErrorController()

    def index(self):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        return dict(page='index')

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def environ(self):
        """This method showcases TG's access to the wsgi environment."""
        return dict(environment=request.environ)

    def data(self, **kw):
        """This method showcases how you can use the same controller for a data page and a display page"""
        return dict(params=kw)

    def auth(self):
        """Display some information about auth* on this application."""
        return dict(page='auth')
    @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Only for managers')))
    def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page for managers only works."""
        return dict(page='managers stuff')

    @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Only for the editor')))
    def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works."""
        return dict(page='editor stuff')

    def login(self, came_from=url('/')):
        """Start the user login."""
        login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins']
        if login_counter > 0:
            flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning')
        return dict(page='login', login_counter=str(login_counter),

    def post_login(self, came_from='/'):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
        authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.

        if not request.identity:
            login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1
                params=dict(came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter))
        userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
        flash(_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid)

    def post_logout(self, came_from=url('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say
        goodbye as well.

        flash(_('We hope to see you soon!'))

Displaying The Page¶

Wiki-20/wiki20/templates/index.html (see below) is the template specified by the @expose() decorator, so it formats what you view on the welcome screen. Look at the file; you’ll see that it’s standard XHTML with some simple namespaced attributes. This makes it very designer-friendly, and well-behaved design tools will respect all the Genshi attributes and tags. You can even open it directly in your browser.

Genshi directives are elements and/or attributes in the template that are usually prefixed with py:. They can affect how the template is rendered in a number of ways: Genshi provides directives for conditionals and looping, among others. We’ll see some simple Genshi directives in the sections on Editing pages and Adding views.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""

  <xi:include class="master.html" />

  <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type" py:replace="''"/>
  <title>Welcome to TurboGears 2.1, standing on the
  shoulders of giants, since 2007</title>

  <div id="getting_started">
    <p>TurboGears 2 is rapid web application development toolkit designed to make your life easier.</p>
    <ol id="getting_started_steps">
        <h3>Code your data model</h3>
        <p> Design your data model, Create the database, and Add some bootstrap data.</p>
        <h3>Design your URL architecture</h3>
        <p> Decide your URLs, Program your controller methods, Design your
            templates, and place some static files (CSS and/or JavaScript). </p>
        <h3>Distribute your app</h3>
        <p> Test your source, Generate project documents, Build a distribution.</p>
  <div />
  <div> Thank you for choosing TurboGears.

Wiki Model and Database¶

quickstart produced a directory for our model in Wiki-20/wiki20/model/. This directory contains an file, which makes that directory name into a python module (so you can use import model).

Since a wiki is basically a linked collection of pages, we’ll define a Page class as the name of our model. Create a new file called in the Wiki-20/wiki20/model/ directory:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Wiki Page module."""

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
from sqlalchemy import Table, ForeignKey, Column
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Text
#from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref

from wiki20.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession

class Page(DeclarativeBase):
    __tablename__ = 'page'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    pagename = Column(Text, unique=True)
    data = Column(Text)
    def __init__(self, pagename, data):
        self.pagename = pagename = data


In order to easily use our model within the application, modify the Wiki-20/wiki20/model/ file to add Page to the module. Add the following line at the end of the file:.

from import Page


It’s very important that this line is at the end because Page requires the rest of the model to be initialized before it can be imported:

Let’s investigate our model a little more. The metadata object is automatically created by the paste command inside the file. It’s a “single point of truth” that keeps all the information necessary to connect to and use the database. It includes the location of the database, connection information and the tables that are in that database. When you pass the metadata object to the various objects in your project they initialize themselves using that metadata.

In this case, the metadata object configures itself using the development.ini file, which we’ll look at in the next section.

The SQLAlchemy DeclarativeBase object defines what a single Python object looks like in the database, and adds any necessary constraints (so, for example, even if your database doesn’t enforce uniqueness, SQLAlchemy will attempt to do so). It provides the metadata object mentioned above, and makes it very easy to define mappings from objects to tables in your database.

An object defined using the DeclarativeBase has a set of class level variables (instead of instance level) which define the columns. As you can see, Column objects are defined in the same way that you define them within a database: name, type, and constraints.

Note that it’s also possible to start with an existing database, but that’s a more advanced topic that we won’t cover in this tutorial. If you would like more information on how to do that, check out sqlautocode.


add internal links to sqlautocode when ready.

Database Configuration¶

By default, projects created with quickstart are configured to use a very simple SQLite database (however, TurboGears 2 supports most popular databases). This configuration is controlled by the development.ini file in the root directory (Wiki-20, for our project).

Search down until you find the [app:main] section in development.ini, and then look for sqlalchemy.url. You should see this:

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/devdata.db

Turbogears will automatically replace the %(here)s variable with the parent directory of this file, so for our example it will produce sqlite:///Wiki-20/devdata.db. You won’t see the devdata.db file now because we haven’t yet initialized the database.

Initializing The Tables¶

Before you can use your database, you need to initialize it and add some data. There’s built in support for this in TurboGears using paster setup-app. The quickstart template gives you a basic template database setup inside the websetup/ file which by default creates two users, one manager group and one manage permission:

We need to update the file to create our FrontPage data just before the DBSession.flush() command by adding:

page = model.Page("FrontPage", "initial data")

The resulting boostrap file will look like:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Setup the Wiki-20 application"""

import logging
from tg import config
from wiki20 import model

import transaction

def bootstrap(command, conf, vars<"> is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.