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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Who uses Argus
  • 3 Argus server
  • 4 Clients
  • 5 What sorts of things can argus do
  • 6 Stéphane Peters's Cheat sheet
    • 6.1 Examples
      • 6.1.1 ragrep example: Finding Palevo / Sality virus activity
      • 6.1.2 other
      • 6.1.3 ralabel example
      • 6.1.4 rasplit example, working with pipes
      • 6.1.5 ratop filters
      • 6.1.6 ratop various commands
        • Command '/','?', 'n', 'N' - search
        • Control-r: Reverse flow direction
        • Command ':' - options
        • Command ':H' - Human bytes
        • Command ':s' - Save cache
        • Command ':a' - add
        • Navigation
    • 6.2 various parameters
      • 6.2.1 "-M hex" : ra hex dump
    • 6.3 Useful Links
  • 7 FAQ
    • 7.1 How do I do IP accounting by IP
    • 7.2 How do people use Argus and manage its files ?
  • 8 Some discussions
    • 8.1 rabins -M nomodify
    • 8.2 What is jitter?
    • 8.3 An argus filter is not a ra* filter
    • 8.4 racluster -M rmon: how to use it?
    • 8.5 rabins() is really the combination of rasplit() and racluster()
    • 8.6 I would like to print all the SYN/ACK occurrence


Argus is an open source IP Audit tool written by Carter Bullard and has been under development for over 10 years. This wiki is an attempt to fill out the documentation for Argus. Argus distribution contains man pages which describe the various programs and their commandline switches, what is missing is tutorial type material describing how one might use Argus day to day. The material here should be used in conjunction with the man pages and information on the Argus Home.

Argus consists of two parts, a server which records network traffic visible from one or more of the NICs on the machine. Argus assembles these information on the traffic into network flows. Data about flows is either written to disk or to a network socket if a client has connected. The second part of Argus is a collection of clients which read flow data either from Argus log files for direct from an Argus server via a network socket.

Who uses Argus

Many universities, corporations, and government entities use Argus to record both internal traffic flows and flows entering and leaving their network(s). These records are used in both immediate network utilization analysis, and historical analysis or trending. With a sensor network using Argus, organizations may validate the connectivity of end-hosts through multiple routers. If routers A, B, and C are passing traffic for hosts Y and Z, Argus may be used to determine latency and other problems between routers B and C (which may not be apparent in packet captures).

Historical netflow data can be used in forensic investigations several months, or years, after an incident has taken place. Argus' netflow records offer up to a 10,000:1 ratio from the packet size to the record written to disk, which allows installations to save records for much longer than full packet captures. When network security is very important, non-repudiation becomes a very important requirement that must be provided throughout the network. Argus provides the basic data needed to establish a centralized network activity audit system. If done properly, this system can account for all network activity in and out of an enclave, which can provide the basic system needed to assure that someone can't deny having done something in the network.

Network research labs have used Argus to provide network performance measurements of unique protocols, such as Infiniband over IPv6. Argus can be quickly adapted to new protocols, and in some cases, provides the basic metrics without extension. Individuals use Argus in their home networks to give them a heads up on DSL and Cable Modem based networks. Argus provides a higher order view into packet data, that allows a network user the ability to see problems quickly.

Argus server

man page


What sorts of things can argus do

Argus is primarily a network activity monitoring system. Historically, Argus has been used to support network security management and network forensics. through its ability to establish an audit trail of network activity.

Stéphane Peters's Cheat sheet

List originally contributed by Stéphane Peters (v3).


ragrep example: Finding Palevo / Sality virus activity

As of V3.0.2 ragrep() is obsolete. You should use the newer argus-clients-3.0.2 programs, all of which allow you to grep, using the "-e" option. bash code :

   # File :
   ra -s "+suser:50 -bytes" -e "$s" $* - udp port 53

It is really a one-liner like this, split on several lines for editing.

   ra -s "+suser:50 -bytes" -e "||www.kjwre.*" -nr $file - udp port 53   

You need to use "ragrep" in previous versions of argus-clients(3.0.0 for example).

Knowing that Palevo and Sality viruses try to connect to one of these sites, this script permits to identify the computers that have done such DNS requests, and that are infected (with a high degree of probability).

The resulting RE is an ORing of several strings and another RE (www.kjwre.* to cach a probably random number. The script is launched like this: -nr $file -nr $file -w /tmp/sality-traces.ra

Here is an output:

     StartTime    Flgs  Proto            SrcAddr  Sport   Dir            DstAddr  Dport  SrcPkts  DstPkts State                          srcUdata
   01/03 08:21  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 08:21  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[44]
   01/03 08:21  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 08:22  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[44]
   01/03 08:29  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 08:30  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[44]
   01/03 08:30  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 08:31  e         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[44]
   01/03 10:27  *         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[44]
   01/03 10:42  e         udp      ->            2        0   INT s[50]= O................V...........sandra.prichaonica.c
   01/03 10:42  e         udp     <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 10:42  *         udp      <->            1        1   CON s[40]
   01/03 10:42  e         udp      ->            3        0   INT s[50]= O................V...........sandra.prichaonica.c
   01/03 10:42  e         udp      ->            3        0   INT s[50]= O................V...........sandra.prichaonica.c
   01/03 10:42  e         udp      ->            3        0   INT s[50]= O................V...........sandra.prichaonica.c


Flow filtering on certain port range :

  ra -r $file - dst port gt 1024 and dst port lt 2048

Use racluster() to generate the counts you are looking for:

   racluster -m proto -r $file -s proto spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes
   Proto  SrcPkts  DstPkts     SrcBytes     DstBytes 
     udp    15567    12390      2912004      3240927
     tcp   900187   866302    410506598    722771403
    icmp      645      522       123240        61250

Packet Loss (with IP address):

   ragraph loss saddr daddr -M 10s -r $file -title 'Packet Loss / IPs' -w ploss.png

Packet Loss (number of packets)

   ragraph loss spkts dpkts -M 10s -r $file -title 'Packet Loss / Packets' -w ploss2.png

Jitter (number of packets)

   ragraph jitter saddr daddr -M 10s -r $file -title 'Jitter' -w jitter.png

Concurrent transactions:

   ragraph trans -M 10s -r $file -title 'Concurrent Transactions' -w transac.png2
Note (2010-0617): It does look, from the code, that it is trans/sec.  We have explicit
code for controlling that, and it looks like "Trans" doesn't correct for
the the GAUGE/AVERAGE artifacts rrd and rrd_graph generates.  

If you make this change to ragraph():

thoth:~ carter$ diff `which ragraph` /tmp/ragraph
<          /Trans/    and do {$power[$x] = 1.0 ; };
>          /Trans/    and do {$power[$x] = $STEP ; };

It will graph the actual 'trans' value in each time bin.

Top talkers & Listeners

   racluster -m matrix -r $file -w - | rasort -m bytes | less

Note: piping through 'ra -n' again was redundant and a waste of CPU cycles (FYI: the -s switch is also available for rasort when one requires a different output)

Rastrip always removes argus management transactions, thus having the same effect as a

   ’not man’ 

filter expression.

To remove the tcp network DSR (data structure record?):

   rastrip "-m -net"

(or something like it)

To see if you get something useful:

   rastrip "-M time flow metric" 

Yes, you can pipe rastrip(). Try something like this:

  rastrip -S $server -w - | rasplit [options] -r - 

   racluster -r $file -M net -m daddr/16 - "host or host"

   % ra -nr $file -s saddr sport daddr dport 
   SrcAddr        Sport      DstAddr        Dport

Split records into 5 minute files

   rasplit -M time 5m -S argus-north... -w /var/log/argus/\$srcid/%Y/%m/%d/file.%Y.%m%d.%H.%M.%S

one for every day

   rasplit -S radium -M 1d -w /path/argus-\$srcid.%Y.%m.%d.log 

It is possible to execute some command after each file, ie compress it or insert data in a database;

   rastream -S argus -B 15s -w /archive/\$srcid/%Y/%m/%d/ntam.%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S \
      -f /usr/local/bin/rastreamshell 

There is an example file in the distribution, SRC/support/Config/ :

#  Argus Client Software.  Tools to read, analyze and manage Argus data.
#  Copyright (C) 2000-2011 QoSient, LLC.
#  All Rights Reserved
# Script called by rastream, to process files.
# Since this is being called from rastream(), it will have only a single
# parameter, filename,
# Carter Bullard <>
PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"; export PATH
while  test $# != 0
    case "$1" in
    -r) shift; FILES="$1"; break;;
racluster -M replace -r $FILES
gzip $FILES
exit 0

Comma separated value

   %cat ra3.conf.t
   RA_TIME_FORMAT="%y-%m-%d %T"
   %ra3 -F ra3.conf.t -r icmp3.argus | more
   06-06-27 11:20:28.911941, v       ,icmp,,,->,,,1,0,102,0,ECO
   06-06-27 11:20:28.911946, v       ,icmp,,,->,,,1,0,102,0,ECO
   06-06-27 11:20:28.911951, v       ,icmp,,,->,,,1,0,102,0,ECO

   racluster -m saddr/23 daddr proto dport -w -r $file - dst net \
       | rasort -m proto daddr dport dbytes - \
       -s ltime saddr sport daddr dport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes \

To do a top talkers for say IP addresses (racluster can do it for any object in the record, top mac addrs, top tos bytes, top mpls label, top vlan, top port, top ttl, etc....):

   racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r $file - ip

A list with 2 columns, IP-address and bytes used:

   racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r $file -w - - ip \
   |    rasort -m bytes -s saddr bytes |head -20

... not to be confused with :

   racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r $file -w - - ip \
   |    rasort  -N 20 -m bytes -s saddr bytes

... equivalent to :

   racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r $file -w - - ip \
   |    ra -N 20 | rasort -m bytes -s saddr bytes 

A list with 2 columns, IP-address and bytes used (carter version):

  racluster -M rmon -m proto sport -r $file -w - - ip | \
  rasort -m bytes proto sport -s stime dur proto sport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes

802.1q packets monitoring already there. If you have vlan input traffic adding

   -s +svlan +dvlan

to your ra command will display the VLAN tag values in hex form and you can filter ra (or other clients) traffic on vlan tags.

To see the VLAN in decimal form, use these options:

   -s +svid +dvid

Top src address based on src bytes in a collection of records

   racluster -m saddr  -w - -R 2006/09/28 - ip | rasort -m sbytes

Top address, regardless of direction (The "-M rmon" folds the src and dst addresses together, putting the values into the saddr field.):

   racluster -M rmon -m saddr -w - -R 2006/09/28 - ip | rasort -m sbytes

2007-0305 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 19, Issue 5) What is the current best way to get a report like :

   ramon -nn -L0  -M svc -r $file - | head -25
   racluster -M rmon -m proto sport -r $file -w - - tcp or udp | \
       ra -N  25 -s proto sport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes

2007-0321 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 19, Issue 30) Looking for functionality like: ramon -M TopN or -M Matrix try this:

     racluster -r $file -M rmon -m saddr  - ip  ( this generates  stats based on IP address)
     racluster -r $file -m matrix - ip    (based on IP matrix)

to do whatever TopN you want, pipe the output to rasort(). So to get the Top10 in packets received and transmitted:

     racluster -r $file -M rmon -m saddr -w - | rasort -m pkts -w -  | ra -N 10

To get the Top5 in bytes per second transmitted:

      racluster -r $file -M rmon -m saddr -w - | rasort -m srate -w  - | ra -N 5 -s +srate

2007-1102 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 27, Issue 2) I(Terry) run the following collectors:

   /opt/argus/sbin/argus -X -d -A -i eth2 -P 561
   /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -C -S 1006 -P 564
   /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -C -S 1007 -P 565

I(Terry) have another process that aggregates these:

   /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -S localhost:561 -S localhost:564 -S \
   localhost:565 -P 569

2008-0215 Some examples of ragraph: ( )

   ragraph bytes proto -M 60s -r strange-broadcast-10000.argus -fill -stack  \
       -w ./strange-broadcast-10000.png
   ragraph -r inputfiles* -t 12-13
   ragraph spkts dport -M 1h -n -n -r argus.dat.04 - src net X/20
   ragraph pkts dport -M 10s -T 60 -S -p0
   ragraph bytes saddr -M 1m -m saddr/24
   rabins -M soft zero -p6 -GL0 -s ltime bytes -nn -M 1m \
       -r $files - srcid eligate1 and icmp |  head
   ragraph sbytes dbytes -M rmon time 1m -m smac -t 2007/10/04 \
       -r $file -w ragraph.png -- ether host 00:15:F2:64:92:13
   ragraph pkts proto -M 1m -title 'eligate2: protocol distribution' \
       -height 200 -t 2007/10/04 -r /var/log/argus/argus.log \
       -w /var/www/argus/eligate2/proto/current.png - srcid eligate2
   rahisto -r datafile -H drate 140:100-170K 
   bash> for i in 1s 2s 5s 10s 15s 20s 30s 45s 1m 2m 5m 10m 15m 20m 30m 1h 2h; do echo $i ;\
         ragraph rate dport -M $i -r output.file -t 18-20 -m proto dport -upper 5000 -lower 7000 \
         -title "Aggregation Metric Distribution Analysis - Resolution $i" ;\
         mv ragraph.png aggregation.$i.png; done
   rasort -R ${stats_dir}/.../day -m bytes smac saddr -w - \
     | ra -N 20 -w top20.talkers.list
     ; ra -s addr -r top20.talkers.list > addrs.list
     ; rafilteraddr -f addrs.list -R ${stats_dir}/..../daily  > /tmp/data
     ; ragraph  spkts dpkts saddr -M 1m -w /tmp/ragraph.png

2008-0228 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 30, Issue 41) to insert data every 5 minutes, it can be as easy as:

  rastream -S -f -M time 5m -B 15s \
     -w /opt/ARGUS/OUTBOUND/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S

This would generate an argus archive broken out by year/month/day containing files every 5 minutes, and 15 seconds after then end of each 5 minute clock boundary, your script would be run against the file, indexing the data and then compressing the file. It could remove the file if you're not interested in keeping the archive etc......

2008-0305 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 31, Issue 6) When the records are not well formed, you need the "-M rmon" option to make the records direction-less. Because of the direction-less nature you can use "dport" or "sport" as the merge key, but you have to be consistent, as you will need to pipe the output to ra() to select the ports you're interested in:

  racluster -M rmon -r $file -m proto dport -w - | \
    ra -L 0 -s stime dur proto dport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes - dst port 80 or 443

equivalent to (in argus clients v2.0.6)

  ramon -M Svc -nn -r argus-$DATE.arg - port 80 or 443".

Bandwidth usage flow by flow on 26th Feb from 19h to 20h, unnecessary columns have been cut to keep every record on a single line ( from : :-)

   cd /archive/2008/02/26
   racluster -w - -M rmon -m saddr daddr -r argus.19.00.00.gz -w - - ip and dur gt 1 \
   |  rasort -m sload -w - \
   |  ra -N 15  -p 0 -s "-flgs -proto -dir -state +avgdur +sload +dload +trans"

List all possible state fields of a file

 % ra -r $file -nn | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
 91104 CON
 77066 FIN
 65763 TIM
 55618 ECO
 41232 INT
 28724 RST
   798 ECR
   467 URP
     2 CLO
     1 STA

2008-0312 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 31, Issue 15) Print headers in ra* version 3.*

  "-L 0" will print the headers once, "-L 40" will print the headers every 40 lines, etc ...

2008-0312 (Argus 3: Statistics for Major Protocols) (C.S. Lee) Here you go, you can cluster or merge the records based on the flow key and it is suitable for data mining, data management and report generation, let's generate the statistical report using protocol as flow key. Notice I specify -m proto in command line below and using -s to print the field I want

  racluster -L0 -m proto -r $file -s proto trans pkts bytes appbytes -\
   tcp or udp or icmp

2008-0317 When (on which date) did start this long-running argus file (by default, ra* clients use the "%T" format ie HH:MM:SS) ?

  cat /tmp/rarc
     RA_TIME_FORMAT="%D  %T"'
  ra -s "stime"  -F  /tmp/rarc.$$  -N 1 -L 0 -nr $file
     02/29/08  18:42:55

2008-02-28 simple gnuplot plot file to generate a graph of "Total Bytes By Protocol" using argus data; assuming gnuplot is installed in /opt/local/bin/gnuplot (Carter Bullard).

   % chmod 755 barchart.bytesxproto.plt
   % racluster -m proto -r argus.out -s proto spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes > racluster.dat
   % ./barchart.bytesxproto.plt
  ------ begin barchart.bytesxproto.plt ------
#!/opt/local/bin/gnuplot -persist
#       G N U P L O T
#       Version 4.2 patchlevel 2
#       last modified 31 Aug 2007
#       System: Darwin 9.2.0
#       Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004, 2007
#       Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
#       Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual.
#       The gnuplot FAQ is available from
#       Send bug reports and suggestions to <>
# Create simple barchart of Total Bytes by Protocol
# The racluster.dat file was generated using:
#     racluster -m proto -r argus.out -s proto spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes
# And is of the format:
# Proto  SrcPkts  DstPkts     SrcBytes     DstBytes
#   pim    53267    18086     48793554      1085160
#  ospf     1764        0       213220            0
#  [more]
set termoption font "Verdana, 12"
set size square 0.90,0.90
set bmargin 4
set title "Total Bytes By Protocol" font "Verdana,22"
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid border -1
set tics font "Verdana,14"
set boxwidth 0.80
set grid
set ylabel "Log Total Bytes" font "Verdana,18"
set logscale y 10
set auto y
set label 1 "Generated by Argus using Gnuplot"
set label 1 at graph 1.02, 0.62 rotate by 90 font "Verdana,9"
set key autotitle columnhead
plot 'racluster.dat' using 4:xticlabels(1) ti col, \
                    using 5 ti col
 ------ end barchart.bytesxproto.plt ------

2008-0326 Count flows by groups of 10 minutes : show only the flow start times, cut after the 10ths of minutes, strip first line (headers), add a trailing zero and delete heading spaces to show a nice HH:MM line, count them, invert columns, insert a delimitor. Ready to be feed in your favorite spreadsheet.

 echo 'RA_TIME_FORMAT="%H:%M"' > raTime.conf
 ra -F raTime.conf -s stime -nr $file | \
   cut -c -4 | \
   uniq -c | \
   sed -e '1d' \
       -e 's/$/0/' \
       -e 's/^ *//' \
       -e 's/\(.*\)  *\(.*\)/\2,\1/' > flowcounts.csv

2008-0409 Carter's version, thanks to Nick Diel - This example assumes you have already merged status flow records, so records = flows, if not add another pipe of racluster. If you have multiple collectors, you can have rabins merge on something else such as proto if you are filtering on tcp.

  echo 'RA_TIME_FORMAT="%H:%M"' > raTime.conf  # (you could also add this to your rarc file)
  rastrip -r $file -M -agr -w - | \
     rabins -M nomodify time 10m -m srcid -s stime trans -c , -F raTime.conf > flowcounts.csv

2008-0409 Carter's note : When you only want a single flow counted once, in the time bin when it started. To do this you don't want to modify/split the flow records, so use this option:

  rabins -M nomodify

2008-0409 Stéphane Peters : Small all-purpose script to count and totalize all columns : /bin/tot

#!/bin/awk -f
{if ( NF > max ) max = NF;
       for ( i=1 ; i <= NF ; i++ ) {
END { for ( i=1 ; i <= max ; i++ ) {
       if ( tot[i] > 1000000 )
               printf "%sm\t", tot[i]/1000000;
       else if ( tot[i] > 1000 )
               printf "%sk\t", tot[i]/1000;
       else if ( tot[i] == 0 )
               printf "-\t";
               printf "%s\t",tot[i];
       printf "\n";

2007-10-04 Wolfgang Barth : "I'm using the following code for graphing interface load:" (

/usr/local/bin/rabins -M rmon 1m -m smac -t 2007/10/04 \
  -r /var/log/argus/argus.log -w - - srcid eligate2 | \
  /usr/local/bin/ragraph sbytes dbytes -M 1m -title 'eligate2: Load' \
  -height 200 -upper 1000000 -rigid -lower 1000000 -rigid -t 2007/10/04 \
  -w /var/www/argus/eligate2/load/current.png -r - - ether dst 00:15:F2:64:92:13

2008-06-25 From Peter Van Epp: How to put commas in large numbers (

The following perl fragment will add commas if you run the ra output through an appropriate perl script:

sub commas {
       local($_) = @_;
       1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/;

and called like this:

$pcount = &commas($count);

2008-12-29 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 40, Issue 5) ragraph with large files

Carter : When you are graphing objects like ports, you can use the aggregation features of ragraph() to minimize the memory use. For example, you can use "-m proto dport" in :

ragraph dbytes sbytes dport -M 5m -t $time -fill -stack -invert -title \"$title\" \
   $log -w $filename $filter

That should constrain your graph so that it doesn't use much memory at all (max should be, what, 64K ports for udp and tcp in memory for each 5m period). Thing to note : the destination port field doesn't decode without the protocol field having a valid value.

2009-02-13 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 42, Issue 15) Radium repository example

 rasplit -M time 5m -S radium -w experiment/\$srcid/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S
 ra -S remoteRadium/path/to/specific/argus/file/argus.2009.

2009-04-24 (Argus-info Digest, Vol 44, Issue 35) argus reads tcpdump files

First, creation of the tcpdumpfile (CAP / PCAP format), followed by the conversion with argus

 tcpdump -i eth0 -n -w testdump ;
 argus -mAJZR -r testdump -w testdump.arg3

ralabel example

(Argus-info Digest, Vol 59, Issue 33)

First, create a "ralabel.conf" file:


Second, create an "argus-flow-file" :

 # Argus-flow-file
 # Our application
 filter="host and port 80" label="Appserver - web traffic"
 filter="host"             label="Appserver - other traffic"
 # Proxy
 filter="host and port 8080" label="Proxy server - normal traffic"
 filter="host and port 80"   label="Proxy server - web traffic"
 filter="host"               label="Proxy server - other traffic"
 filter="udp and port 53"             label="DNS traffic"

Use it (some fields have been removed to fit the wiki page) :

 ralabel -f ralabel.conf -nr $f -s "-status -sbytes -dbytes +label:40"


26/07 11:59     tcp      ->         503846   RST          flow=Proxy server - web traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     <?>          163   CON       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp      ->           9895   FIN             flow=Appserver - web traffic
26/07 11:59    icmp        <->         204   ECO        flow=Proxy server - other traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp      ->         5381   FIN       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp      ->           1475   FIN             flow=Appserver - web traffic
26/07 11:59    icmp        <->         204   ECO        flow=Proxy server - other traffic
26/07 11:59    icmp        <->         204   ECO        flow=Proxy server - other traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     ->         1208   CON       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     <?>          242   CON       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     ->         9252   FIN       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     ->         9200   FIN       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic
26/07 11:59     tcp     ->       155672   FIN       flow=Proxy server - normal traffic

rasplit example, working with pipes

(Argus-info Digest, Vol 76, Issue 21, Jesse Bowling)

To have argus generate both a flow file as well as a pcap file of the data as it's captured... a hackish way to go about it...YMMV:

mkfifo tcpdump.fifo
mkfifo argus.fifo
tcpdump -r tcpdump.fifo -w /pcaps/%Y_%m_%d_%H%M_test.pcap -G 300 &
argus -r argus.fifo -w - | rasplit -r - -M time 5m -w
/argus/%Y_%m_%d_%H%M_test.argus &
tcpdump -i eth0 -s 2048 -w - | tee argus.fifo > tcpdump.fifo &

ratop filters

(2007-02-14 04:46:06, Carter Bullard)

There are three types of filters in ratop(), the first is a remote filter, which will be transmitted to a remote argus source, thus limiting the amount of traffic on the wire. The second is a local input filter. You would use this type of filter if the remote does not support the type of filter you want to use. This is a compatibility feature. The third is a display filter, which will control what records are displayed, without affecting the internal buffers of ratop().

You differentiate the filter types using the keywords "remote", "local" and "display".

Without a keyword, you get "remote", and the remote filter is sent, if there is an argus server to send it to, and it is used as an input filter for ratop().

So ... try this:

   ratop -r file

This causes ratop() to process the file without any type of input filtering. Once the data is done, then in ratop(), call up the "Specify filter: " prompt by typing:


and then at the prompt type:

   display tcp and dst port 80

ratop various commands

(2012-01-23, Carter Bullard)

Command '/','?', 'n', 'N' - search

ratop.1 is like 'vi', in that you will have at the bottom of the screen a status line. If you type '/', you go into forward search mode, and you can type any string, then carriage return, and like 'vi', the cursor will bounce to that string in the developing flow cache display that ratop.1 is printing. That is a regex, so you can put really bizarre things in there. It will search across multiple pages, and then 'N', and 'n' allow you to go to the next or previous. These search on the actual strings on the screen, so you have to have fields displayed in order to search on them. If you type '?' you go into backwards search mode.

Control-r: Reverse flow direction

One that is important is the control-r command, as that reverses the direction of a specific flow record on the screen. Get the cursor to a line you want to reverse, then hit 'control-r'.

Command ':' - options

if you type ':' you will be in command mode and you can type options and commands. Command 'h', will print out the help screen. Using the ':' command method, you can for example, change the sorting algorithm on the fly (command 's'), you can change the fields (command 'F').

Command ':H' - Human bytes

At anytime type command 'H' while ratop is reading data, and most of the numeric metrics, such as bytes, appbytes, packet counts, rates, loads, etc…. will be converted to the appropriate abbreviations. 'H' is a toggle, so you can hit it as many time as you like to flip the abbreviations, and when you're done, carriage return will put ratop.1 back into navigation mode.

Command ':s' - Save cache

Because you can do a command 's' at anytime to save the cache that ratop.1 is working with, you can use ratop.1 to do corrections on flow records.

Command ':a' - add

One that is not mentioned in the help screen is the 'A' option, to add new lines to the display. The only one supported right now is 'totals', which puts the aggregate of the entire cache that ratop.1 is working with as the first line on the display. Remove it with "-totals", so type:


gives you an "Add: " prompt, then type "totals", then carriage return.


As in 'vi', the 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l' navigation works, so you can move the cursor around if your arrow keys don't work.

various parameters

"-M hex" : ra hex dump

(2012-01-22 20:28:50, Carter Bullard, "Re: argus client obfuscation")

ra* programs currently support the "-M ascii", "-M hex", "-M encode32", and "-M encode64" command-line options, which are undocumented. I will change this support to " -M printer=ascii", "-M printer=hex" ...

Useful Links

Argus - Downloads (official download page, actual v3.0.0 stable since Apr 2008 !)

Argus - Home

Argus - FAQ

Argus - Development File Listing dev (download page for the next release in development)

Argus - Previous versions

News Argus sur Gmane (thread look) (blog look)

Argus - NSMWiki (but ... it's here !)

Argus - WTFWiki (another one, updated 2012-07)

Argus - Documentation / How To File (last copy of old version)

[ARGUS] rahisto dialog

Argus Tips and Tricks: more than 17 extensive posts from C.S. Lee about Argus (When {Puffy} Meets ^RedDevil^: of C.S. Lee)

  A good starting point to understand how the argus records work
  Packets -> Flows -> CSV -> Graph
  Argus 3: Statistics for Major Protocols
  Argus 3: German Article
  ... for the remaining ones, look at C.S. Lee's blog posts talking about Argus3 :  is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.