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Please note: The information on this site is derived from hospitals’ voluntary submissions of The Leapfrog Hospital Survey. This data is derived from third parties, and accordingly Leapfrog disclaims any and all warranties with respect to this data and the Survey. Hospitals that implement these quality, safety, and/or efficiency practices have reported that their internal processes of care include safeguards that may decrease a patient’s probability of receiving poor quality and/or inefficient care. However, no specific representation is made, nor should be implied, nor shall Leapfrog be liable for any and all damages or costs with respect to the use of the data, including but not limited to for any individual patient’s potential or actual outcome by having a procedure performed at these hospitals. A hospital’s placement score does not convey whether its risk-adjusted mortality rate is statistically significantly different from (a) the statewide average or (b) the risk-adjusted mortality rate of any hospital with its score or any other score. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.