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  1. 1 spacer The Obama campaign is monitoring tonight’s debate and setting the record straight.
  2. 2 spacer This is what Mitt Romney isn’t telling you.
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  4. 4 spacer We’re counting down 30 ways Mitt Romney’s wrong for America
What You Need to Know

In His Own Words

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Let's let Mitt Romney speak for himself about who it's his job to worry about. (Hint: it's only about half the country!)

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  • Ohio stands with the candidate who saved the auto industry

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This election is personal for so many families in Ohio. RoseMarie, who lives in Middleburg Heights, tells a story that resonates across the state: ''This year, it's very, very meaningful to me emotionally—because he saved my daughter's job.''

This election is personal for so many families in Ohio.

RoseMarie, who lives in Middleburg Heights, tells a story that resonates across the state: "This year, it's very, very meaningful to me emotionally—because he saved my daughter's job." RoseMarie's daughter, a single mother supporting three children, has worked for General Motors for 15 years here in Ohio. Three years ago, when the American auto industry was on the very brink of collapse and Mitt Romney was telling anyone who would listen that we should "let Detroit go bankrupt," President Obama made the tough call to lend Detroit a hand. That decision—politically unpopular at the time—saved nearly 850,000 jobs in Ohio alone.

"He saved so many jobs here," says RoseMarie. "People don't realize that the auto industry carries so many people. It just domino-effects—to people making gloves or the wax on the factory floor, to people working in the cafeterias and restaurants. So many people in the industry are grateful to be working today, my daughter especially."

Today, RoseMarie's entire family is campaigning for President Obama—even her seven-year-old grandson, who wears Obama buttons on his UAW T-shirt. If you ask, he will tell you he likes President Obama "because he saved my mom's job."

So, on behalf of three generations of her family, RoseMarie is committed to doing whatever it takes here in Cuyahoga County to deliver a "strong, strong, strong Ohio" for the President.

"I think we're going to win this election," she says, "and there's going to be nobody happier than my little family."

  • Get the facts before tonight’s debate

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  • Watch Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter discuss what you need to know before tonight’s presidential debate in Denver—then share this video with your friends and family to help get the facts out.

    Watch Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter discuss what you need to know before tonight’s presidential debate in Denver—then share this video with your friends and family to help get the facts out.

  • For all

    Jackie from Lorain, Ohio, voted early—in fact, she was so excited to cast her ballot for President Obama, she arrived before the polls even opened. Pointing to the "for all" button she wore to today's Gotta Vote event, Jackie says she supports the President because he doesn't divide people into 47 percent and the 53 percent.

    Jackie from Lorain, Ohio, voted early—in fact, she was so excited to cast her ballot for President Obama, she arrived before the polls even opened. Pointing to the "for all" button she wore to today's Gotta Vote event, Jackie says she supports the President because he doesn't divide people into 47 percent and the 53 percent.

    "Mitt Romney is just so far away from the people like me. President Obama represents everybody. I was fortunate to be able to see him at Kent State, and I don't think he was politicking when he said, for those people who don't support him, who are against him, 'I'll be your president too.' Not 'their' president, like he's separating people. We're all in this together. He's for everybody, and I just appreciate how hard he works for all of us."

    Gotta Vote

  • Messages to Paul Ryan from Davenport, Iowa

    As Paul Ryan campaigns in Iowa today, bringing his distortions and failed policies to the Hawkeye State, the people of Davenport have a few things they'd like to say to him.

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  • He’d cut funding for homeless veterans

    The Romney-Ryan budget would cut funding that helps keep homeless veterans off the streets. Share this if you stand with President Obama, a commander-in-chief who is committed to keeping our sacred promise to our veterans.

    Share this if you stand with President Obama, a commander-in-chief who is committed to keeping our sacred promise to our veterans.

  • Today’s decision is a victory for Pennsylvania voters

    Posted by
    Will Crossley, DNC Counsel & Director of Voter Protection

    Today, we achieved another significant victory in our historic efforts to protect the right to vote when a Pennsylvania judge blocked implementation of the state’s restrictive voter ID law for this year’s presidential election.

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  • He would eliminate the college tax credit

    Only one presidential candidate in this election is fighting for students.

    Only one presidential candidate in this election is fighting for students.

  • Phone banking in Iowa City

    Women's activist Sandra Fluke and actor Tate Donovan popped into an OFA Iowa phone bank in Iowa City tonight and made calls to University of Iowa students, asking them to cast their ballots early. Early voting in Iowa—the first in the country—began last Thursday.

    Women's activist Sandra Fluke and actor Tate Donovan popped into an OFA Iowa phone bank in Iowa City tonight and made calls to University of Iowa students, asking them to cast their ballots early. Early voting in Iowa—the first in the country—began last Thursday.


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