Server Time:
November 1, 2009, 7:12 am');">TIME: 07:12 AM
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JazzJit Godfather BioMechanical KittenInMyCerealz Kenneth
FutureRP is a Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). It is entirely browser-based. Our population is increasing each day.

Set in the future, you create your own character, fight, explore, wage wars! There are many weapons, shields, and rare artefacts to find! You can trade your supplies with other players, and collect complete item sets for bonus power!

Create guilds of like-minded players, for extra power/security.
In addition, there are quests and adventures to complete, hundreds of creatures to talk to, and monsters to kill for their treasures!

Halloween Maps Tomorrow 30/10/09
Tomorrow, a number of special Halloween maps will be installed! In Halloween land, the demon merchant sells deadly poisons and dangerous items which haven't been allowed in FutureRP officially...

The houses are haunted and strange creatures escape through the glowing chasms in the planet's crust! Beings whom were supposed to be deleted; renegades, ghosts and monsters!
More Updates 23/09/09
I'm currently in the process of updating the Trading Block; after which, Skills will be next. If you have suggestions for making the trading of items easier, please let me know in the forums or chat room.

It is a complete rewrite, with a more powerful auctioning feature. It will also have a more reasonably presented "offer browsing & search" function, plus garbage collection to prune inactive/old offers.

More updates on the way. As you may have noticed, the "questing" feature is getting some attention too!
Double Points Week! 4/08/09
To celebrate the release of a new game and the continuation of an existing one, I have enabled double points on all point purchases in FutureRP, starting right now! This means, for the rest of the week, every time you buy 50 points, you get 100 instead!
Dream - i say after a week or 2 that map goes and a new perm 1 comes in for peeps around lvl 70
KeyLo - ck is the map perm ? it seems like a nice addition to our existing maps already
Cyberkilla - Incase you are confused: Enter the mineshaft to travel to the new map!spacer I teleported you to the mineshaft entance alreadyspacer
Cyberkilla - Update: Halloween map online. Special items hidden in NPC drops. Haunted house and Dark Merchant coming soon!
Medievil - You* oops. Attack me an lose and you win 4 points!
Medievil - Apology accepted, i see the changed your guild that was directed towards me too. Thank you.
Mind Crime - I am sorry for my behavior the way I interact with people in this game.
Chad Vader - I find your lack of respect for my pumpkin pic disturbing
Future Hero! - thanks for reminding us of your uselessness sunset.....
Man of DOOM - I have the scariest picture on FRP!

Subscribe to the newsletter
The monthly newsletter features articles and news about FutureRP, monthly statistics, comics and competitions.
It also details the new stuff planned for the coming month and previews new Speciality Store items before they are released.
To subscribe, click here
View Newsletter Archives
Active Today - 55
21,389');">Godfather, 322');">scorchio, -6');">psv1, 1,999');">deadfrogeater, 17,232');">Future Hero!, 1,188');">Superdark ]I-W[, 1,032');">Storm Trooper, 10,919');">Spendy, 11,344');">lobezno16, 5,565');">theavenger, 997');">Chad Vader, 790');">Maktok, 1,501');">Smokingjack, 519');">Man of DOOM, 744');">darknshy, 1,582');">syberwurx, 175');">dead2212, 773');">UltimateChaos, 616');">andy_2k8, 2,173');">Dream, 22,056');">Mike Niceness, 1,365');">king, 5,169');">Kenneth, 224');">Kalith, 1,679');">lauranakor, -2');">Living Dead, 654');">rikiki, 480');">Jake The Ripper, 657');">remere22, 461');">rawphenomenon, 28,989');">Darth Malak, 869');">DeadMau5, 2,989');">Lirila, -55');">Kayoss, 2,092');">focuszx3, 48,054');">KittenInMyCerealz, 2,809');">SOD Money Gang, 1,586');">Young Mula Baby, 3,818');">Skeletonwitch, 144');">butler99, 1,721');">Rusty Shackleford, 12');">Krelanna, 912');">Kalkanor, 1,552');">BioMechanical, 501');">crosbie, 11,631');">Death Keeper, 7,408');">akasha15, 4,140');">choderry, 6,225');">DemonSlayer, 1,032');">carlos, 47,859');">Vespah, 264');">H3cTixxz, 1,120');">Cynic, 32');">Grimble, 290');">Foolio
Server Statistics
spacer Registered: 24,143, Active in the last month: 360, Currenly Online: 12
Welcome to our newest player, Foolio.
Update schedule: daily; Content is currently added cumulatively, on a daily basis.
1 Jackkdanialz 167
2 Future Hero! 128
3 judgeDredd 127
4 Mobius 126
5 Cyberkilla 126
1 Raiders of Apocalypse 89,177
2 The Dominion 86,999
3 Permanent head Damage 60,282
4 Eminence 32,330
5 Total Devastation 31,654
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