November 7, 2012

Obligatory oddities

So now we’re all ensconced in the CBD, and as snug as two bugs can be. Apart from losing my job within the first week of moving in, I’m as happy as a clam. For someone who claims to ‘travel light’ and be ‘like not a possession-head, man’, I’ve had to deal with a lot of paraphernalia over the last few months.

After storing most of my priceless valuables (books, some knick-knackery) I’ve discovered that I think about a book I can’t access about once every three days, on average. Even if just to prove a point ‘to myself’. That’s approximately 2.3 books every week that I cannot live without. If only someone would invent some sort of hand-held electronic device that finds, stores, and displays written information! That person would be rich. Continue reading

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Filed under Freecycle, winkle-pickers

Tagged as 1980s, moving house, pointy shoes, Womaton

August 17, 2012

Reverse sexism


We love you Pussy Riot! Photo by Igor Mokhin.

Does not exist, people. Neither does reverse racism, ageism nor any other ‘ism’ for that matter (Save Ferris!). Sexism is sexism.

This week, apart from starting a new job, I joined Twitter. I will write soon about how it’s BLOWN MY TINY MIND, but first want to prattle about some total stranger lady I had to ‘unfollow’ almost immediately. Amid the thoroughly fascinating developments at the Ecuadorian embassy, Amanda Palmer’s hilarious latests, and the fact that Margaret Atwood is working on a graphic novel, I got the following tweet:

“How do you save a man from drowning? Take your foot off his head.” Continue reading

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Filed under choices, Facebook, feminism, flaky people, gender stereotyping

Tagged as Pussy Riot, reverse sexism, sexism, Twitter, unfriending

August 10, 2012

Of Wacky Funsters and student journalism


Rad Pads or sea sponges? It’s so hard to decide! From the Melb Uni Student Union website.

This anonymous piece about the newsroom culture of the Herald-Sun brought back many amusing memories of university life. In particular the kind of poorly presented, ill-considered, badly researched piece you can get into print. But that is what Uni is all about! Opinions! Idealism! Hotly debated hot hot hot arguments about Real Life! Continue reading

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Filed under Farrago, Herald-Sun, Student newspaper, Uncategorized

Tagged as Farrago, Herald-Sun, intern, student newspapers

May 21, 2012

Coming off the Pill

spacer I’m going to talk about Women’s Things in this post, so if this makes you queasy…read on!

We have much to be thankful for with the Pill. It gave us reproductive control and greater sexual freedom. It meant a bunch of hippies at Woodstock could get laid without repercussions. It meant that a ton of Betty Draper types could get on with their careers without their uteruses hanging out of their body. It meant that women could spend heaps of money and a whole lot of time going to the doctor while men got on with the Cold War. Continue reading

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Filed under Contraceptive pill, Side effects of the Pill, The Pill