Footsteps Through Life

“True love can blind you but at the same time if you let it, it can also open your eyes.” Author Unknown

We walk through this life, often in search of some end, some known goal, some specific purpose. And often we travel in the shortest possible path to ease the burden the journey causes us. And in the process of making it to the end, we can often count the footsteps that we’ve left behind, the specific steps that have caused us to get to the final destination.

But there is one journey through life that leaves a countless number of footsteps, crosses many obstacles, and in turn has no final destination. Some would say that a journey with no final destination leaves one constantly lost and without purpose, and why would anyone set out with no goal or purpose in mind? It’s something we sometimes ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?”, “Why do I continue on?”.

This journey has no end, but only a beginning, and it’s the journey itself that is the reward, not the destination. The only thing you have to look at when you get there is the next part of the path and the footsteps you’ve left behind you. Love and hope for the future, love and memories for the past.

On this day 12 years ago I took my first step in this journey, left my first mark on life. I married the most wonderful woman in the world, promised to love and protect her for all of time, and vowed to cherish her until the day I die. This journey we’ve set out on has left many footsteps that mark our journey through our lives together. Every step just a bit different from the one prior, but no less important. Each one holds a memory, a moment, a sense of happiness, joy, pain, and sorrow, but each special in it’s own way and guiding the footsteps that follow.

I owe my life and all it’s footsteps to my wonderful wife. I love her more today than all of the days we’ve shared put together, but only a fraction as much as I know I will tomorrow. She’s stood by me, helped me, encouraged me, loved me, without desire of anything in return. She is my one true friend, one I promise to protect and love for all of my days.

Today marks just one footstep in our journey through life. One that at this time we think holds all of the meaning of all of the ones prior, but I hope to find that the next footstep is all that and more.

But with all of the footsteps I’ve left on life, there’s been something special about each one, there has always been one just like it right next to mine. Side by side we walk through life, together, holding hands, walking in step, always together. For that I can not thank her enough.

Happy Anniversary My Love. Enjoy this step and take the next one with me.

Love always,


Post Category: Thoughts, Experiences

1 comment May 31st, 2009 at 07:00amphilpeck

One Year After




Spring… Again…

So has come time for rebirth and freshness. One year ago we mourned the unfortunate passing of our dear friend Sue Lockie. We’ve traveled on through many roads and many seasons since then, only to find ourselves sitting here today thinking still about a great loss. They say time heals all wounds, and in some respects I’d say that’s true. We’ve picked ourselves up and tried to move on, but never loosing the memories we have.

This last year has cemented the bonds of friendship between our family and Scott and Sheldon. We’ve talked, we’ve celebrated, we’ve carried on. I think we’ve all done well in grieving and being able to move on after Sue’s passing. Not without trouble, but we’ve all done it.

So, now that Spring is upon us again, we move on through the cycle once more, but this time stronger than before. Scott is trying to find love again and we have no idea if he will, but he’s willing to try. Sheldon has become a stronger young man and I’m sure he’ll continue to become stronger. Our family has learned many things about friendship and being supportive, making us that much stronger as well.

In memory of Sue we celebrate the coming of Spring and joy it brings. We still miss you every day and will continue to do so.

Forever your friends,

Phil, Bobbie Jo, Andrew, & Rachel

Post Category: Thoughts, Experiences

Add comment May 6th, 2009 at 09:03amphilpeck

On The First Of April

Does this thing still work? Guess so. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? No, this is not a joke either. Anyway, that’s not why I’m here.

I’ve spent nearly half of my life now walking through this life, not alone and in the dark, but in bright sunlight in the company of an amazing person. She guides me when I drift astray, encourages me when I feel I can’t do something, and comforts me on those days where things just don’t go the way you want them to.

Fifteen years ago today I set out on a new journey. One that was scary at first, down right terrifying if I remember correctly, but along the way has become quite easy and extremely satisfying. April Fools Day 1994 my wonderful wife and I set out on our first date. We did the typical first date thing, going to a movie and then out for a quick dessert, if memory serves me correctly. (Hey, I’m a man, forgive me if I forget the details) The movie at the time was not the greatest, and we still think so today, but every year we sit down and watch it again, always in the comfort of each other and always with happy memories.

Who would have thought that two young people, having their first date on April Fools Day, would still be together 15 years later, but we are. So, today, as I do every day, I think about you, all of the joy you’ve given me, all the memories we’ve shared, and the life we still have left to live together. Happy Anniversary Baby and thank you for all you are to me.



Post Category: Thoughts, Experiences, Random

Add comment April 1st, 2009 at 03:29pmphilpeck

What to do…

…when your daughter steals your wife’s nail polish and decides to paint the carpet.

Thank goodness for the internet.

Now, only if I could find an article on how to keep your kids from doing this kind of thing in the first place. More Googling required.

Post Category: Random

Add comment June 8th, 2008 at 11:41amphilpeck

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