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Custom Query (29 matches)


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Status: closed (29 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Severity
#508 Error attempting to select CC license task blocker ContentLicensing --
#512 Author page throws error when logged in defect blocker AuthorProfile --
#514 /callouts page throw an error task critical AuthorProfile --
#399 Migrate Plumi to Plone 4.0 task major AuthorProfile --
#454 Merge and plumi.buildout, deprecate plumi.migration task major Buildout --
#468 Remove ability for ordinary users to change video view task major PlumiVideoProduct --
#474 Ensure Plone Indonesian translation goes into Plone repo task major Translation --
#481 Check video view pages for non-essential elements task major PlumiSkin --
#483 Investigate using Themeeditor to create Plone 4 Plumi Skin based on Sunburst task major PlumiSkin --
#484 Replace ATCountryWidget with a selection widget + ATVocabularyManager for Plone 4 compatibility task major AuthorProfile --
#486 Replace vaporisation with qi.portlet.TagClouds task major Taxonomy --
#487 Investigate Replacement for Taxonomy System task major Taxonomy --
#488 Add supervisor to the buildout task major Buildout --
#489 Replace CacheFu with & Squid with Varnish in the production buildout task major Buildout --
#491 Code cleanup task major PlumiVideoProduct --
#493 Take PlumiFTP out as separate egg in buildout task major Buildout --
#498 No flash player in 4.0 alpha task major AuthorProfile --
#499 Indonesian translation lacking many translations task major Translation --
#500 Video view shows all members folders task major AuthorProfile --
#502 Comments box v.small again task major AuthorProfile --
#503 Publish page elements too close to left nav task major AuthorProfile --
#504 Login page elements not in alignment task major AuthorProfile --
#505 Double up of icons in left nav task major AuthorProfile --
#506 Remove "a video content" text in video publish form task major AuthorProfile --
#507 Remove full description text explanation in step 1 of publish form task major AuthorProfile --
#509 Next, previous, cancel buttons jutting up against bottom border task major DesignCSS --
#510 Step 3 fields not inline task major AuthorProfile --
#456 Social Media icons over-written by long video title in Firefox defect minor SocialSoftware --
#482 First look at Plone 4 adaptation -- task minor AuthorProfile --
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.