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Custom Query (73 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (53 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Severity
#150 rss2 broken in itunes andycat task blocker Vodcasting --
#367 Translate /publish page to Indonesian task blocker Translation --
#397 Videos should appear in listings based on date of first publication task blocker PlumiVideoProduct --
#409 Users look up for non-logged in users returns no results defect blocker AuthorProfile --
#426 Change flowplayer size to 400x300 task blocker Transcoding --
#26 Managers Make Any Items Private - Content Pulling Made Easy andycat feature critical ATVideo --
#36 Shorten text area for Tags in step 2 of video upload form andycat defect critical DesignCSS --
#84 Design Plumi Wordpress keren task critical DesignCSS --
#113 add "news report" as a genre in the genres taxonomy andycat task critical ATEngageVideo --
#116 Redesign the Callout template task critical Design --
#152 Only published Videos visible in Member's Video Folders pushpa task critical PlumiSkin --
#168 Create namespace for plumi products trollfot task critical plone3 --
#169 Create plone 3 plumi standalone skin product trollfot task critical plone3 --
#398 Create new "Featured" state for workflow task critical AuthorProfile --
#408 Videos triggering retranscode after editing metadata defect critical AuthorProfile --
#15 add FAQ doc file andycat enhancement major Documentation --
#29 Genre, Topic and Country, Activities and Format Interests in Author Page Should Link to a List of Authors with Same Interests andycat feature major SocialSoftware --
#64 Add News and Events Listings on Author Page andycat task major AuthorProfile --
#96 plumi doesn't play flv files using vpip keyword andycat task major ATEngageVideo --
#143 Add ability to feature a call out andycat task major ProductionTools --
#145 Callouts items should be removed from the front page once the due date is up pushpa task major SocialSoftware --
#149 featured event adds text place holder when there is no image andycat task major PlumiSkin --
#188 indytube: No section: 'mencoder' andycat defect major Transcoding --
#244 Release buildout project via collective.releaser andycat task major Buildout --
#247 Ability to add upload image in news report as a single step task major News --
#256 In browse videos template specify the no. of videos in each listing task major ATEngageVideo --
#258 Put related items functionality back into video objects task major PlumiVideoProduct --
#280 html switch in editor only works once defect major SiteTools --
#284 make "date of production" go back to 1960 task major ATEngageVideo --
#312 Add member look ups by country and language baiju task major SocialSoftware --
#318 Published call outs don't appear in the author page listing baiju task major AuthorProfile --
#325 Enable Translation of Video metadata task major Translation --
#326 Use thumbnailimage_large for splash image for flash player task major ATEngageVideo --
#365 Page margins go over edge of borders task major ATEngageVideo --
#380 Place logout link at the far right task is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.