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What is is an e-mail notification system that scans the entire Microsoft Knowledge Base every night, and e-mails you when updates or additions are made to the technologies you subscribe to. Since we scan the entire knowledge base, we also have a pretty good search system for you to use on the left menu.

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Step 2     Select the Microsoft technologies you want to watch, then click:
  Here are the TOP 27 Technologies as selected by other subscribers
ASP.NET 2.0 .NET Framework 1.1 Visual C# .NET 2003
ASP.NET 1.0 Visual Studio 2005 Device Drivers
Windows XP ADO.NET 1.1 Internet Explorer
ASP.NET 1.1 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Visual Basic .NET 2002
SQL Server 2005 Visual Studio 2005 Team System Outlook Express 6.0
Internet Explorer 6.0 Visual Basic 2005 Visual Studio .NET 2002
SQL Server 2000 Office XP Outlook 2002
.NET Framework 2.0 Visual C# 2005 Office 2000
Windows 2000 Visual Basic .NET 2003 Outlook 2000

Don't see what you like in the TOP 27 above?
Here is the complete list of all Microsoft technologies watched by KbAlertz! is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.