Black Duck Code Sight Free Edition Documentation


Access the most up-to-date product documentation guides for Code Sight as well as resources for installation, users and administrators.

Installation Guide: This guide is intended for the developer or IT member responsible for installing Code Sight. No special IT knowledge is required, and the installer might be the same person as the Code Sight administrator.

User Guide: This guide is intended for developers who use Code Sight to search projects. Tasks for getting started with Code Sight are divided into two paths: administrative tasks and search user tasks. The administrative user sets up the Code Sight environment to crawl and index projects. Search users (likely, software developers) access the HTML page or IDE Plug-ins search to examine their code.

Administration Guide: This manual is intended for developers who are responsible for using and configuring Code Sight.

SDK Examples: This document serves as a supplement to the Code Sight documentation. This document is for software engineers, tool developers, system administrators or anyone responsible for using or administering Code Sight.

Getting Started with Indexing: This document provides a quick introduction so that an Administrator gets your company's files into Code Sight, where they are analyzed and indexed. 

Getting Started with Searching: This document provides a quick introduction so that a searcher can then use Code Sight to find code from various repositories.

Release Notes: This document serves as a supplement to the Code Sight documentation. This document is for software engineers, tool developers, system administrators or anyone responsible for using or administering Code Sight.

Online Help: The online help system provides information about how to use the Code Sight product. Use the Table of Contents, Search or Index to locate the topic you want.