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7 The Web Layer - Reference Documentation

Authors: Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith

Version: 2.1.1

Table of Contents

7.1.1Understanding Controllers and Actions
7.1.2Controllers and Scopes
7.1.3Models and Views
7.1.4Redirects and Chaining
7.1.5Controller Interceptors
7.1.6Data Binding
7.1.7XML and JSON Responses
7.1.8More on JSONBuilder
7.1.9Uploading Files
7.1.10Command Objects
7.1.11Handling Duplicate Form Submissions
7.1.12Simple Type Converters
7.1.13Asynchronous Request Processing
7.2Groovy Server Pages
7.2.1GSP Basics and Scopes and Iteration Directives
7.2.2GSP Tags and Scopes and Iteration and Filtering and Resources and Fields as Method Calls
7.2.3Views and Templates
7.2.4Layouts with Sitemesh
7.2.5Static Resources resources using the resource tags resource tags resources plugin resources your resources processing of resources Resources-aware plugins
7.2.6Sitemesh Content Blocks
7.2.7Making Changes to a Deployed Application
7.2.8GSP Debugging
7.3Tag Libraries
7.3.1Variables and Scopes
7.3.2Simple Tags
7.3.3Logical Tags
7.3.4Iterative Tags
7.3.5Tag Namespaces
7.3.6Using JSP Tag Libraries
7.3.7Tag return value
7.4URL Mappings
7.4.1Mapping to Controllers and Actions
7.4.2Embedded Variables
7.4.3Mapping to Views
7.4.4Mapping to Response Codes
7.4.5Mapping to HTTP methods
7.4.6Mapping Wildcards
7.4.7Automatic Link Re-Writing
7.4.8Applying Constraints
7.4.9Named URL Mappings
7.4.10Customizing URL Formats
7.5Web Flow
7.5.1Start and End States
7.5.2Action States and View States
7.5.3Flow Execution Events
7.5.4Flow Scopes
7.5.5Data Binding and Validation
7.5.6Subflows and Conversations
7.6.1Applying Filters
7.6.2Filter Types
7.6.3Variables and Scopes
7.6.4Filter Dependencies
7.7.1Ajax Support Linking Content Form Submission Events
7.7.2Ajax with Prototype
7.7.3Ajax with Dojo
7.7.4Ajax with GWT
7.7.5Ajax on the Server
7.8Content Negotiation

7 The Web Layer

7.1 Controllers

A controller handles requests and creates or prepares the response. A controller can generate the response directly or delegate to a view. To create a controller, simply create a class whose name ends with Controller in the grails-app/controllers directory (in a subdirectory if it's in a package).

The default URL Mapping configuration ensures that the first part of your controller name is mapped to a URI and each action defined within your controller maps to URIs within the controller name URI.

7.1.1 Understanding Controllers and Actions

Creating a controller

Controllers can be created with the create-controller or generate-controller command. For example try running the following command from the root of a Grails project:

grails create-controller book

The command will create a controller at the location grails-app/controllers/myapp/BookController.groovy:

package myapp

class BookController {

def index() { } }

where "myapp" will be the name of your application, the default package name if one isn't specified.

BookController by default maps to the /book URI (relative to your application root).

The create-controller and generate-controller commands are just for convenience and you can just as easily create controllers using your favorite text editor or IDE

Creating Actions

A controller can have multiple public action methods; each one maps to a URI:

class BookController {

def list() {

// do controller logic // create model

return model } }

This example maps to the /book/list URI by default thanks to the property being named list.

Public Methods as Actions

In earlier versions of Grails actions were implemented with Closures. This is still supported, but the preferred approach is to use methods.

Leveraging methods instead of Closure properties has some advantages:

  • Memory efficient
  • Allow use of stateless controllers (singleton scope)
  • You can override actions from subclasses and call the overridden superclass method with super.actionName()
  • Methods can be intercepted with standard proxying mechanisms, something that is complicated to do with Closures since they're fields.

If you prefer the Closure syntax or have older controller classes created in earlier versions of Grails and still want the advantages of using methods, you can set the grails.compile.artefacts.closures.convert property to true in BuildConfig.groovy:

grails.compile.artefacts.closures.convert = true

and a compile-time AST transformation will convert your Closures to methods in the generated bytecode.

If a controller class extends some other class which is not defined under the grails-app/controllers/ directory, methods inherited from that class are not converted to controller actions. If the intent is to expose those inherited methods as controller actions the methods may be overridden in the subclass and the subclass method may invoke the method in the super class.

The Default Action

A controller has the concept of a default URI that maps to the root URI of the controller, for example /book for BookController. The action that is called when the default URI is requested is dictated by the following rules:

  • If there is only one action, it's the default
  • If you have an action named index, it's the default
  • Alternatively you can set it explicitly with the defaultAction property:

static defaultAction = "list"

7.1.2 Controllers and Scopes

Available Scopes

Scopes are hash-like objects where you can store variables. The following scopes are available to controllers:

  • servletContext - Also known as application scope, this scope lets you share state across the entire web application. The servletContext is an instance of ServletContext
  • session - The session allows associating state with a given user and typically uses cookies to associate a session with a client. The session object is an instance of HttpSession
  • request - The request object allows the storage of objects for the current request only. The request object is an instance of HttpServletRequest
  • params - Mutable map of incoming request query string or POST parameters
  • flash - See below

Accessing Scopes

Scopes can be accessed using the variable names above in combination with Groovy's array index operator, even on classes provided by the Servlet API such as the HttpServletRequest:

class BookController {
    def find() {
        def findBy = params["findBy"]
        def appContext = request["foo"]
        def loggedUser = session["logged_user"]

You can also access values within scopes using the de-reference operator, making the syntax even more clear:

class BookController {
    def find() {
        def findBy = params.findBy
        def appContext = request.foo
        def loggedUser = session.logged_user

This is one of the ways that Grails unifies access to the different scopes.

Using Flash Scope

Grails supports the concept of flash scope as a temporary store to make attributes available for this request and the next request only. Afterwards the attributes are cleared. This is useful for setting a message directly before redirecting, for example:

def delete() {
    def b = Book.get(params.id)
    if (!b) {
        flash.message = "User not found for id ${params.id}"
    … // remaining code

When the list action is requested, the message value will be in scope and can be used to display an information message. It will be removed from the flash scope after this second request.

Note that the attribute name can be anything you want, and the values are often strings used to display messages, but can be any object type.

Scoped Controllers

By default, a new controller instance is created for each request. In fact, because the controller is prototype scoped, it is thread-safe since each request happens on its own thread.

You can change this behaviour by placing a controller in a particular scope. The supported scopes are:

  • prototype (default) - A new controller will be created for each request (recommended for actions as Closure properties)
  • session - One controller is created for the scope of a user session
  • singleton - Only one instance of the controller ever exists (recommended for actions as methods)

To enable one of the scopes, add a static scope property to your class with one of the valid scope values listed above, for example

static scope = "singleton"

You can define the default strategy under in Config.groovy with the grails.controllers.defaultScope key, for example:

grails.controllers.defaultScope = "singleton"

Use scoped controllers wisely. For instance, we don't recommend having any properties in a singleton-scoped controller since they will be shared for all requests. Setting a default scope other than prototype may also lead to unexpected behaviors if you have controllers provided by installed plugins that expect that the scope is prototype.

7.1.3 Models and Views

Returning the Model

A model is a Map that the view uses when rendering. The keys within that Map correspond to variable names accessible by the view. There are a couple of ways to return a model. First, you can explicitly return a Map instance:

def show() {
    [book: Book.get(params.id)]

The above does not reflect what you should use with the scaffolding views - see the scaffolding section for more details.

If no explicit model is returned the controller's properties will be used as the model, thus allowing you to write code like this:

class BookController {

List books List authors

def list() { books = Book.list() authors = Author.list() } }

This is possible due to the fact that controllers are prototype scoped. In other words a new controller is created for each request. Otherwise code such as the above would not be thread-safe, and all users would share the same data.

In the above example the books and authors properties will be available in the view.

A more advanced approach is to return an instance of the Spring ModelAndView class:

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView

def index() { // get some books just for the index page, perhaps your favorites def favoriteBooks = ...

// forward to the list view to show them return new ModelAndView("/book/list", [ bookList : favoriteBooks ]) }

One thing to bear in mind is that certain variable names can not be used in your model:

  • attributes
  • application

Currently, no error will be reported if you do use them, but this will hopefully change in a future version of Grails.

Selecting the View

In both of the previous two examples there was no code that specified which view to render. So how does Grails know which one to pick? The answer lies in the conventions. Grails will look for a view at the location grails-app/views/book/show.gsp for this list action:

class BookController {
    def show() {
         [book: Book.get(params.id)]

To render a different view, use the render method:

def show() {
    def map = [book: Book.get(params.id)]
    render(view: "display", model: map)

In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/book/display.gsp. Notice that Grails automatically qualifies the view location with the book directory of the grails-app/views directory. This is convenient, but to access shared views you need instead you can use an absolute path instead of a relative one:

def show() {
    def map = [book: Book.get(params.id)]
    render(view: "/shared/display", model: map)

In this case Grails will attempt to render a view at the location grails-app/views/shared/display.gsp.

Grails also supports JSPs as views, so if a GSP isn't found in the expected location but a JSP is, it will be used instead.

Rendering a Response

Sometimes it's easier (for example with Ajax applications) to render snippets of text or code to the response directly from the controller. For this, the highly flexible render method can be used:

render "Hello World!"

The above code writes the text "Hello World!" to the response. Other examples include:

// write some markup
render {
   for (b in books) {
      div(id: b.id, b.title)

// render a specific view
render(view: 'show')

// render a template for each item in a collection
render(template: 'book_template', collection: Book.list())

// render some text with encoding and content type
render(text: "<xml>some xml</xml>", contentType: "text/xml", encoding: "UTF-8")

If you plan on using Groovy's MarkupBuilder to generate HTML for use with the render method be careful of naming clashes between HTML elements and Grails tags, for example:

import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def login() {
    def writer = new StringWriter()
    def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
    builder.html {
        head {
            title 'Log in'
        body {
            h1 'Hello'
            form {

def html = writer.toString() render html }

This will actually call the form tag (which will return some text that will be ignored by the MarkupBuilder). To correctly output a <form> element, use the following:

def login() {
    // …
    body {
        h1 'Hello'
        builder.form {
    // …

7.1.4 Redirects and Chaining


Actions can be redirected using the redirect controller method:

class OverviewController {

def login() {}

def find() { if (!session.user) redirect(action: 'login') return } … } }

Internally the redirect method uses the HttpServletResponse object's sendRedirect method.

The redirect method expects one of:

  • Another closure within the same controller class:

// Call the login action within the same class
redirect(action: login)
  • The name of an action (and controller name if the redirect isn't to an action in the current controller):

// Also redirects to the index action in the home controller
redirect(controller: 'home', action: 'index')
  • A URI for a resource relative the application context path:

// Redirect to an explicit URI
redirect(uri: "/login.html")
  • Or a full URL:

// Redirect to a URL
redirect(url: "grails.org")

Parameters can optionally be passed from one action to the next using the params argument of the method:

redirect(action: 'myaction', params: [myparam: "myvalue"])

These parameters are made available through the params dynamic property that accesses request parameters. If a parameter is specified with the same name as a request parameter, the request parameter is overridden and the controller parameter is used.

Since the params object is a Map, you can use it to pass the current request parameters from one action to the next:

redirect(action: "next", params: params)

Finally, you can also include a fragment in the target URI:

redirect(controller: "test", action: "show", fragment: "profile")

which will (depending on the URL mappings) redirect to something like "/myapp/test/show#profile".


Actions can also be chained. Chaining allows the model to be retained from one action to the next. For example calling the first action in this action:

class ExampleChainController {

def first() { chain(action: second, model: [one: 1]) }

def second () { chain(action: third, model: [two: 2]) }

def third() { [three: 3]) } }

results in the model:

[one: 1, two: 2, three: 3]

The model can be accessed in subsequent controller actions in the chain using the chainModel map. This dynamic property only exists in actions following the call to the chain method:

class ChainController {

def nextInChain() { def model = chainModel.myModel … } }

Like the redirect method you can also pass parameters to the chain method:

chain(action: "action1", model: [one: 1], params: [myparam: "param1"])

7.1.5 Controller Interceptors

Often it is useful to intercept processing based on either request, session or application state. This can be achieved with action interceptors. There are currently two types of interceptors: before and after.

If your interceptor is likely to apply to more than one controller, you are almost certainly better off writing a Filter. Filters can be applied to multiple controllers or URIs without the need to change the logic of each controller

Before Interception

The beforeInterceptor intercepts processing before the action is executed. If it returns false then the intercepted action will not be executed. The interceptor can be defined for all actions in a controller as follows:

def beforeInterceptor = {
    println "Tracing action ${actionUri}"

The above is declared inside the body of the controller definition. It will be executed before all actions and does not interfere with processing. A common use case is very simplistic authentication:

def beforeInterceptor = [action: this.&auth, except: 'login']

// defined with private scope, so it's not considered an action private auth() { if (!session.user) { redirect(action: 'login') return false } }

def login() { // display login page }

The above code defines a method called auth. A private method is used so that it is not exposed as an action to the outside world. The beforeInterceptor then defines an interceptor that is used on all actions except the login action and it executes the auth method. The auth method is referenced using Groovy's method pointer syntax. Within the method it detects whether there is a user in the session, and if not it redirects to the login action and returns false, causing the intercepted action to not be processed.

After Interception

Use the afterInterceptor property to define an interceptor that is executed after an action:

def after

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