nighthacking: A conversation with Stephen Chin on Java FX, EE and lightfish

I planned to perform some stress testing, but discussed source and design instead. We also chatted about Java FX and a bit HTML 5.

Lightweight Java EE

"...The primary goal of this webcast is to provide developers and architects with an understanding how Java EE 6 inherently creates modern, lightweight architectures for enterprise Java..."

GeeCON 2012 - Adam Bien: Java EE--Or Who Cares About WebContainers?

Enterprise Java 2.0 TechTalk, 29.08.2012, GameDuell HQ, Berlin

Mocking Without Interfaces

Why Not Private (visibility of injected fields)

Great Simplification With EJB

Creating Java EE 6 Projects With Maven 3

Introducing LightFish--The OpenSource Monitoring Tool

5 Minutes With Java EE, Screencast

No Ivory Towers in Java EE 6, Rhein JUG Session [GERMAN], 20.03.2012


Clean Code and Java EE, Jax London

JBoss One Day Talk, Munich

Java EE 6: The Cool Parts, JavaOne 2011, San Francisco

Rethinking Best Practices with Java EE 6, JavaOne 2011, San Francisco

Interview @TheServerSide LasVegas


Creating Lightweight Applications With Nothing But Vanilla Java EE 6

Vernunft Driven Design [German] is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.