Aaron April 1, 2011

WordPress Bible: 2E Released (and a contest)

spacer A few months ago, I let you know that WordPress Bible: Second Edition was available for pre-order. That has changed. It is now out and available to be ordered. Amazon, as usual, is the best way to order it.

This edition of my book has 60 new pages in it and covers up to WordPress 3.1. So all that stuff about post formats, custom post types, custom taxonomies, the merge of WordPress MU into WordPress as Multisite, the terminology changes… all of it…. covered in this book.

I didn’t get everything right in the first edition. There were glaring omissions, politically incorrect moves (such as coverage of non-GPL products), and blatant mistakes. These have all been corrected in the second edition.

I’d love it if you supported the book and me. Please leave a review on Amazon as that helps drive more sales as well as proves the market for the book.

But here’s the question… how can the WordPress Bible, and the whole Bible series, be better? If you own more than one, what do you feel the strengths and weaknesses of the books are. Where can I (and Wiley) improve. This feedback is super-important. Feel free to email me on that if you don’t wish to publish publicly in comments.

Finally… if you take a picture of you with your first edition book, post it to Twitter to my attention, you have the chance to win a free signed copy of the second edition. I have my criteria for selecting a winner, but that will remain unshared for the time. So get to snapping and tweeting. :)

Filed Under: Aaron Brazell, Featured Tagged With: book, resources, WordPress, wordpress bible
spacer About Aaron

Aaron Brazell is an Austin, TX-based entrepreneur, a co-founder at WP Engine, WordPress core contributor and author. He wrote the book WordPress Bible and has been publishing on the web since 2000. You can follow him on Twitter, on his personal blog and view his photography at The Aperture Filter.


  1. spacer RemoteCoder says:
    April 3, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    So Aaron? Does my WP Bible V 1.0 Deadtree edition automatically update to 2.0?

    Enquiring minds wanna know :)

  2. spacer James Joyner says:
    April 6, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Does the selection criteria involve cleavage, by chance?

  3. spacer Courtney Engle says:
    April 11, 2011 at 11:16 am

    I’d love a way to get the updates – such as either an incremental fee for owners of the previous edition or a lifetime purchase with all upgrades included. I’m not sure how my Kindle work with that.

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