Plan B

Posted on by greg

In case you were wondering why I was so skeptical about the President’s willingness to listen to his advisors that don’t tow the party line, here’s a good example :

A high-ranking Food and Drug Administration official resigned Wednesday in protest over the agency’s refusal to allow over-the-counter sales of emergency contraception.

Susan Wood, director of FDA’s Office of Women’s Health, announced her resignation in an e-mail to colleagues at the agency. The e-mail was released by contraception advocates.

The FDA last Friday postponed indefinitely its decision on whether to allow the morning-after pill, called Plan B, to be sold without a prescription. The agency said it was safe for adults to use without a doctor’s guidance but was unable to decide how to keep it out of the hands of young teenagers without a prescription — a decision contrary to the advice of its own scientific advisers.

Kudos to Susan Wood for doing the right thing. I just hope she isn’t naive enough to think her actions will have any action beyond proving once again that there’s no place for dignity, intelligence, or independent thought in the Bush White House.

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5 thoughts on “Plan B

  1. spacer Becky, RN on said:

    Plan B is 4 fucking high dose birth control pills. The worst side effect would be nausea from the high dose of estrogen. The arguments against it are totally bogus. It’s about time someone started talking about the adverse effects of pregnancies on teenagers. They are far worse than contraception and abortions.

  2. spacer mdhatter on said:

    Global war on not-me-ism

  3. spacer Marianna Tanner on said:

    Lines are toed, as in keeping your feet just inside the line, they are not towed , as in pulled in any direction.

  4. spacer mrf on said:

    Fuck man, this sort of shit is horrible. It’s like concentrating the bureacracy with neocons, if all the left thinking people up and quite their fucking jobs there. This isn’t admirable, it’s fucking stupid.

  5. spacer k on said:

    I know this is nitpicking, but I hate how ill-informed people are about this subject. Plan-B emergency contraception doesn’t contain estrogen, it just contains progesterone. That’s why it has fewer negative side effects than older progesterone/estrogen forms of EC.