A Noted Celebrity Assesses My Plumbing Problems [Repost from Nov. 17, 2009]

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

One month into the new little home and there’s a major back up somewhere, toilet bubbling, shower gargling with extreme prejudice, and the washing machine backing up all over the laundry room.

After waiting all.damn.day for the plumber to arrive, he shows up at 4:45 and well, let’s just say that I knew within 20 seconds I wasn’t working with your everyday plumber. Nonstop patter, a bit pushy, okay–assholey– and a rapid succession of downright nosy questions from this delightful bit of a prick. After we traded initial insults I think we fell into an immediate sense of mutual, “you’re not from around here” curiosity.

He was bringing the questions, wanting to know where I was born and raised. He said he was from New York. Further comments made me call bullshit on his NY roots. “Tell the truth, you’re from New Jersey aren’t you?” Yeah, I had him dead to rights. “And plumbing’s not your original profession, is it?” Ha! Engineer. Dweeb. New Jersey Irish Geek. I knew it.

Under the house he is discovering the new shower has no p-trap, which can be kinda really serious, but all the while he is chattering away to himself in snappy phrases. I call to him, “Do you talk to yourself because it’s an argument you can win, or is it something else?”

He assured me it was simply psychosis.

“I talk to myself because I enjoy stimulating conversation,” I offered. “What should we do about the backup that no longer exists?”

“Use a community washcloth to keep it from happening again,” he shot back.

“No Luddites here! I worked too hard to evolve into a Charmin cult member.”

He crawls out and sits on the deck. Pepper immediately sits on his feet. We continue talking and he says he’d go back North if he got a job offer. I offered an open prayer of such a beautiful idea: one more New Jerseyite outta the South. We cast about the serious nature of p-trap situation when all of a sudden, Plumber cries, “Squirrel!!!” And indeed, Pepper was on Def-Com 3, watching squirrels cavort.

“That was such a great, great movie,” I said.

“I cried during the first 15 minutes,” he replied. (btw, Have you seen, “Up” yet?)

“Yep. It was completely awesome.”

“It should arrive tomorrow in the mail,” he continued.

“Already got it two days ago,” I countered.

“In Hi-Def Blu-Ray? Ha! Got you there.” And by now the vocal timbre, the inflections, the very mannerisms of the guy are reminding me of someone. . .

Back to his truck, I follow him only to see an outlandish contraption in the front passenger seat as he opens the door. “What the hell?” I exclaim.

“Oh, it’s a Bosch Box! I LOVE this thing!” And he proceeds to drag it out, turn it six ways and give a complete product demo.

“Dear gawd, but you’re a geek. Wait, where’s the plugin for the microphone for Karaoke?”

As he’s leaving, he recaps, “I’ll be sure to tell them about the shower situation.”

I replied, “And I’ll be sure to tell the Hub that Richard Dreyfus works for PlumbrRooter. “

“Oh! Ha! Wait! Hold, please! Ha! Funny you should say that! Just wait!” he shouts with boyish glee as he rummages in the truck for his iPhone and thumbs through to pics from last week in NJ. I guess what’s coming. “I’m p-sychic, ” I tell him.

“You certainly are! Hold please! Who is that?” he asks.

“Richard Dreyfus,” I reply.

“And who is that with him?”

“Looks like his younger brother”

“The first thing Dreyfus said to me when he saw me was, ‘Did my father know your mother?’”

So I said, “Damn, you’re his doppleganger!” He looked at me all shocked, “That’s exactly what Dreyfus said to me!”

I reminded him that I was psychic.

It really was an uncanny, surreal moment in the history and mystery of all things that go blurp, bloop, and foosh in a house, to have a plumber who, being the spit-and-image of Richard Dreyfus should come by and crawl under the house and wax poetic about a worksite radio and quote great movies and lie about being from NJ (don’t blame him), and just generally be Richard Dreyfus. . . but without all the warmth and charm.

How was your day?

Posted in Bilge, everyone is normal until you get to know them | 5 Replies

Not Since “Team America” [Updated]

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

. . . have we seen so much puppet fellatio.

Heckuva job, White House Press Corpse.


I bet I could update this post for four more years.

Posted in Barackalypse, Fuck The MSM | Leave a reply

In Soviet Amerika

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

… We handicap the hired.

… citizens spy on Media.

… Government insists on transparency. Yours. #FBI #TSA

… Oxes go willingly to the slaughter. Prov. 7:22

… Google reads YOU.

… Obama doesn’t have to kill all the Generals in his coup d’etat. They’re doing it for him.

Posted in Barackalypse, FAIL | 8 Replies

ObamaWonka’s Everlasting ATM Machine!

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

Dear Conservatives, enough. Stop it. Let it go. It’s their world and we underwrote it in several ways. Wanna know what I think? Just comb through my Fuck the GOP category. Nothing’s changed since 2007.

Might as well go here, too.

Posted in Talking to myself | 23 Replies

30 minutes to park 2.5 Hours’ wait to vote.

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

That’s the report from Charleston’s early voting area in West Ashley today. Hope to have pics later.

Looks like I’m gonna get up early and get to voting precinct by 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. I’ve already convinced one elderly woman to not be discouraged by long lines, but to bring a folding chair with her. She thought that was a great suggestion. She was very concerned about standing for so long.

See what you can do, who you can encourage, how you can accommodate your neighbors and acquaintances. Don’t let anyone wimp out. For any reason.

If we win, it will be a grace and mercy we don’t deserve, so maybe bow your head and pray while you’re in the precinct area. Not that it will change who God is, or assume some “magical” involvement, but that it will make a place for Him in the hearts and minds of voters there.

Be safe. Vote with several friends if possible.

Posted in Uncategorized | 9 Replies

How we do “Winter” here in the South

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

Not pictured: The Saturday mid-morning Mai Tai in my hand.

It’s all we can do to keep our flip-flops from melting before we finally feel warm enough to take our sweaters off.

Later, the Jolly Roger and I will go sailing. Just to show Winter who’s boss. Bring it.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: DONUTS! A local church from the ‘burbs just dropped off emergency food at our door. That’s how cold it is! It must have gone down to about 42 degrees last night. Brutal conditions here, I know. But I wish they could ship the sugar oysters up to Staten Island.

Posted in Carnival of Slack, The Slack, there that's better | 10 Replies

Another Valerie: Jarrett.

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

Kinda late for Halloween, but:


Obama’s Brain. ( Click for source: the inimitable Stoat Weasel!)

What a master-stroke of genius she is: behind the scenes, unassuming, not speaking out much except in wonkish settings, half-Iranian, and “Obama’s Brain.”

And an un-handsome woman. Nothing more invisible than that.

I wish she were to be discounted, but fear she is not. While all the squirrel-chasing goes on with Obama and Biden, Valerie runs the country. No matter how much you point and stare and scream, “Look!!” nobody will for long. She does not have a visible or verbal hook for the public Velcro.

This pic ain’t helping, is it?

[Update: ZZMike, from the comments, alerts me to the first really toothsome sound bite from The Real President:

The Real POTUS Speaks

“… Jarrett told them, “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.”

Disclaimer: quote is from Ulsterman Report, not Jarrett, so requisite grain of salt applies.


Okay, palate cleanser.

Posted in Comments Left Elsewhere, FUCK OBAMA | 4 Replies

Valerie and Me: A True Tale of Teenaged Debauchery and Stabbiness [Guest Post by Sheik Yerbouti]

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

[The Sheik horned in on a convo over at RSM's blog regarding Dan Riehl's delicate condition, with the idea to casually mention his own respiratory failure story of getting stabbed in the lung by some chick. That's all. One sentence just to pique interest and walk away!  To avenge myself I threw down the gauntlet and demanded The Rest Of The Story. Sheik was kind enough to send it to me. And here, I share with you. Because I'm a giver. Plus, my hand is hurting from some malady that is likely not stabby-related but likely RSI-related and typing hurts. Herewith, a story from The Sheik. ]

I met Valerie when I was 13. She was my friend Gordon’s 18 year old sister, and I had a huge crush on her. Valerie was a hard core punker. It was 1972, and she hung out at The Mudd Club and CBGB in New York City. She was beautiful; light-brown hair chopped and bleached, charcoal circles around her eyes, lids painted white, brightly colored cocktail swords through her ear-piercings, and extremely short skirts. She showed Gordon and me photos of herself partying with Iggy Popp, David Bowie, The Sex Pistols, MC-5, Alice Cooper, and many other famous rockers of the time. I didn’t know what a groupie was. But if I had, it wouldn’t have diminished her a bit in my eyes.

One day, while Gordon and I were in his bedroom playing Battleship, Valerie came barging in, announced that she had gotten a tattoo, and asked if we wanted to see it. This was big news in 1972 – girls did NOT get tattoos. OF COURSE we wanted to see it! I was not prepared for what happened next; Valerie grabbed the hem of her tee-shirt and pulled it all the way up to her neck, exposing the first pair of boobs I had seen in person in 12 years! And there on her beautifully-formed, bare left breast was a cartoon skunk. You know Peppe Le Pieu? His girlfriend. (Her boyfriend’s nickname was Stinky. He was a member of the Pagans M.C.). I was dumbfounded, and so possessive of the memory of that magic moment that I would never reveal to anyone what happened that day. I don’t imagine Gordon would, either…though hopefully for different reasons. I was crushed when, a couple of weeks later, Gordon’s family moved to a different school district. I was bummed that I would probably never see Gordon again. And I was heart-sick at the prospect of never seeing Valerie again.

Six years later I was a typical Long Island punk. Nineteen, living at home, working at a chemical plant, and spending too much time in bars. One bar in particular, a biker dive within walking distance of my job, was my second home. I’d had a running tab at this place since I was sixteen, and usually stopped in for an hour or two after my shift ended at 11pm. One night I was there shooting pool when a small group of people popped in, all obviously quite hammered. One was a quite attractive young lady who looked vaguely familiar. And when she saw me she screamed, “OH MOY GAAAHHHD! JOEEEEYYY!”, then ran up to me, threw her arms around my neck, and jammed her tongue down my throat. By then I had figured out who she was, and it truly was like a dream come true. The boobs I had been fantasizing about for six years were now mashed against my chest! I was in heaven, and it was soon to get much, much better. As it often does before the stabbing begins.

My beautiful Valerie, now 25, was a nurse at the mental hospital down the street. And she was telling me that she always thought I was the “cutest” guy she’d ever known, and always fantasized about running into me once I’d grown up. Cute or not, I wasn’t stupid; I knew I was no prize. I figured she had on some big ol’ beer goggles, and I’d better strike while the iron was hot. There was a crappy motel a couple of blocks away, and I suggested maybe we could get a six-pack and go talk about the old times.”No, let’s go to my apartment”, she said, squeezing my butt. No argument from me. But her apartment was a couple of miles away – how would we get there, when neither of us had driven and her friends had all left? “I’ll ask Artie for a ride”, she said. Artie was a big, fat biker. But this being November, he was driving his car. And as it happened, Artie was already giving this old barfly Gracie a ride home, which was on the way to Valerie’s place. Cool.

We all piled into Artie’s old Chrysler, and off we went. On the way, Artie and Valerie, who had many mutual friends, were talking shit back and forth – just typical drunken banter. At one point, Valerie said, “Aw, Artie – you fat fuck…”, when BOOM! – Gracie turned around from the front seat and punched Valerie square in the face. And it was on…hair pulling, face smacking, nail gouging, punching, biting, while I tried to pull them apart and Artie tried to keep the car on the road and get to Gracie’s house. As we pulled into Gracie’s driveway, I finally managed to wedge myself between the two ladies. Just as I got them apart, Valerie – now half-lying across the back seat with her shoulders pinned under my weight, managed to get her leg cocked back and, with her wooden-heeled, six inch platform boot, kicked the old bitch in the face, stunning her and causing her to rethink things.

As she opened the door of the car, she looked at me and said, inexplicably, “Motherfucker, no man hits me and gets away with it. I’m getting my son!” Before Artie could back the car out, Valerie jumped out and took off after Gracie. It was now officially a clusterfuck. Artie managed to corral her about the time Gracie came back out of the house with her son, John (“Goog”, as he was better known). He took one look at me, turned around and went back in the house. I like to tell myself it was out of fear. But more likely, it was embarrassment, as we had gone through junior high and highschool together. Realizing she had no help from Goog, Gracie rushed up to me, fists flailing. Blocking my face, I never even saw the steak knife she was holding, and I barely felt it as she plunged it into my chest and quickly pulled it back out, then tossed it into the adjoining yard. There was hardly any blood, and very little pain. I opened my shirt to see what appeared to be a fairly minor wound. I figured hey, Valerie’s a nurse – she can patch me up. Valerie concurred, so off we went.

But just as we turned the corner of her block, I coughed. And blood came squirting out of that slice like a fountain. Splashed the windshield. And weird noises were emanating from my chest – like air being let out of a balloon. “HOLY SHIT!”, screamed everyone.
Artie turned the car around and started speeding toward the hospital. By now, I was starting to have some trouble breathing. About halfway there, we saw a cop car hiding out in a funeral parlor parking lot. Artie pulled in, ran to the cop and told him, “This fuckin’ kid is DYING!” So off I went with the cop, 100mph the remaining five miles.

The Indian doctor who greeted me in the E.R., a fine and funny gentleman, asked whether I’d been drinking, and I told him I had. “Well, I hope you drank enough”, he said while cutting an X into my lower chest and inserting a drain tube. I hadn’t drunk enough. It was the most painful thing I’d ever experienced. The knife had missed my heart by a few centimeters, going about halfway into my lung, which for some reason remained inflated until that cough.

After two days in ICU, I got a regular room, and could finally have visitors. Which was fantastic, as I was dying for a smoke, and none of the nurses would share. And wouldn’t you know, the first visitor I had (besides my parents, who could come whenever they wanted) was my high school sweetie, Mary, who had dumped me two months earlier. I was still pining, and after a few minutes it was looking like we would patch things up. But then in walked Dorothy, a 29 year old widow who I had just started dating the previous week. Followed immediately by Valerie. Very awkward. Both Mary and Dorothy were deeply offended, and left, leaving Valerie and me in an uncomfortable silence. Which Valerie broke by exclaiming, “Fuck them anyway.”

So, fate, it seemed, had brought Valerie and me together – or, rather, dragged us through hell to be together. When I got released four days later, I moved in with her. It was not the healthiest relationship.

I testified before a grand jury, and Grace was charged and convicted of 1st degree attempted murder. She was sentenced to twenty years in prison and served every day of it.

Eleven months later, I was run over by a car.


Captain Capitalism links with high praise!

Posted in Unsolicited Medical Advice, Writing | 25 Replies

In Case You Missed It

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

Feckin’ bloody Hell. The MSM can’t be bothered. To do so would mean they’d lose their sweet, sweet access to the President and other DC criminals. Never forget: CNN sold out their humanity in exchange for access to Saddam Hussein.

Bloody Hell. Fuck Obama for treasonous incompetence. And fuck every one who voted for this horrible, stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure.

Posted in FUCK OBAMA | 5 Replies

Righteous Wrath Has Its Place. Will The GOP and MSM Discover The Coordinates?

Posted on by Joan of Argghh!

I’ve been spewing on Twitter and it hasn’t been pretty, either. But first, I give you John Bolton’s latest comments:

And don’t call it, “-gate.” That’s the Left’s gambit and it’s a disservice to Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, BIG DAMN HEROES, one of whom was found slumped over his gun after 7 hours of gunbattle. Obama’s cold-blooded decision to not act is a politically gutless and self-serving sin of outrageous neglect. Someone suggested Benghaziquiddick.

I suggest we call it treason.

[Update: forgot this link to BlackFive's astute observation about "target painting."]

So what was it, really? A lack of will to engage and bear the political consequences of being proved wrong about al Qaida? Perhaps it was a scheme. A murder-by-proxy with unfortunate collateral; Obama never figured that some heroes would show up. And when they did, they found themselves to be “not optimal” bumps in the road under Obama’s ever-widening bus. Even if it was a cock-up of unimaginable proportions, Obama was at the helm of our Ship of State and under the stress of authority chose instead to go to Vegas, baby! for some much-needed sucking up to by high-rollers to affirm his manhood. Obama’s self-medicating on adulation now, instead of choom.

And Hillary!? She’s got lawyers and folks who are trying to spin her way out of it, but nothing, NOTHING will change the fact that she stood next to the caskets of our honored and heroic dead and butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth as she LIED her ass off. I need the inimitable Gut Rumbler to weigh in with his signature epithet for such a woman: bloodless c*nt. Somewhere, Vince Foster is mustering a grim smirk.

Meanwhile, call for protests at local media outlets are being tepidly put forth amongst the dextrosphere. It’s about time, dammit.

Politics is local. The attacks happened in Benghazi. The lies happened in Washington DC. The cover-up is happening on your TV right now.

— Lee Stranahan (@Stranahan) October 27, 2012

Posted in Big Damn Heroes, Buck Farack, Don't Shut Up, Fuck Mike Wallace, Fuck the GOP, Fuck The MSM, Fuck the NYT, fuck walter cronkite | 5 Replies